Spending money

[Nomal Pov]

Another day passes in Astolfo's life, he continued his training in controlling his magic, going to school and spending the day studying.

He wasn't paying attention to anything, he had a lot to think about, his mind going back and forth to the events of the night before, he knew he'd have to kill to live, but he thought it would be harder than that, maybe it's because they're from another species? or maybe it's all the real Astolfo's war experiences, it was a little unnerving for him to kill without feeling remorse, but he decided to let it sink in, from the moment he allied with the demons he would eventually have to kill, he decided to leave it in his mind simply because he doesn't want to turn into a heartless killer, his school bell rings taking Astolfo out of his reverie, he soon smiles radiantly and with his left hand grabs his pink backpack throwing it on his back he he runs off with a beaming smile, his pink hair swinging from side to side, and his little white spot falling into his eyes, the girls look at this scene with hearts in their eyes, as he's one of the only cute boys who doesn't. is a total pervert in this school, he arrives in front of Rias' club door and opens it, he walks to the main room and hits a little rhythm, not long after a boy with blond hair and blue eyes opens the door. a, and looks with interest at Astolfo, he is Kiba Yuuto Cavalerio de Rias Gremory.

Astolfo - Hey hey, I have a delivery for Rias-chan, could you let her know please?

Kiba turns around immediately, hearing some muffled murmurs, when Kiba comes back he speaks

Kiba - Tube Well Astolfo-san, Kaichou is waiting for you.

Astolfo enters the room, not seeing Koneko or Akeno, they probably went to make their contracts, he sits in the chair in front of Rias' desk and starts talking.

Astolfo - Rias I already killed the lost demon called Vazir, I just came here to ask if you have any more lost devils to hunt? - He says taking the pawn piece from his pocket and putting it on the table in front of Rias

Rias - Great job Astolfo, and yes I have a few more jobs for you, things are complicated in the underworld so we keep having more and more paperwork to sign or stuff about the territory, seriously it's giving me an incredible headache - She says opening one of her desk drawers, taking out a jar, she opens it and puts the piece inside, quickly closing it and sends it through a little magical transporter on her desk, it had the Gremory crest on it, Rias then takes a piece of paper from her drawer. , she takes a look at him making a little hum... and hands him over

Rias - Well this one is our priority at the moment, please take a look and let me know if you accept

Astolfo takes the paper and reads it

Name: Kaira

Class - Middle B.

magic - fire

Value: 120 thousand yen

This kaira girl, if you can call her that, she looked like a spider, her paws were bluish arms with hands at the end, her face was a strange mix of horse and spider, her torso was human, which left uglier still, remembering that she was one of his kind who turned it.

Astolfo - That's fine with me Rias, I should bring her within 2 days.

Rias - Great, here take this credit card, all the money you earn will be given to it. Now we demons are having many cases of lost demons in Japan and Asia in general, the church no longer had as much power for Asia, but recently an incident occurred between them and the chinese pantheon we don't know what exactly happened but there will be lots of them and they can start forming groups so be careful.

Astolfo gets up taking the card and says - AAawwww you don't need to worry Sempai I'll take care of myself.

Astolfo leaves the room glowing with happiness, he has a thousand dollars just for killing a simple low-level lost devil, he keeps the card in his pocket and leaves school, at the gate he meets a boy with spiky blond hair, he could feel a little draconic aura around him, does he remember him from the anime Saji ? he doesn't remember very well

Saji - Hey you are that Astolfo guy right? Do you want to hang out?

I look at him thinking what he wants, it's the first time we've talked and he's asking me out for whatever reason, probably trying to pick up some girl or whatever, I just earned my money, and shopping alone is kind of hard as I don't want to be a loner....I'll play along at least for now.

Astoflo - Hum? I believe you are Saji right? nice to meet and of course we have nothing to do ..

Saji - Cool I'm going to the mall to find 2 friends of mine want to come?

Astolfo - alright let's go

[ Time Skip ]

Upon arriving at the mall we walked particularly aimlessly, I discovered that Saji is a very nice guy, he likes music (rock) and likes some horror movies that I also like, we're talking about this new movie, Fast and Furious 1, which was only new to him in a sense since in my old world I had already seen it, when we heard someone calling for it.

(???) Saji we are here.

Looking back we see 2 girls, one with reddish brown hair, and one with blue hair who was very similar to Xenovia

Tomoe - Saji glad you arrived, that game store you were talking about has a nice discount and.... hey Astolfo-Chan didn't know you were coming, nice to meet you I'm Tomoe Meguri, but you can call me Tomoe

Yura - I'm Tsubasa Yura but you can call me Yura, and it's a pleasure to finally meet you Astolfo-san

Astolfo - Yeah it's nice to meet you too, Tomoe Yura,

Tomoe - Saji Sajiiii let's go to the store soon, it's discounted and I don't want the games to end, ok...

Saji - Alright Tomoe-chan just calm down a little bit

[ Time Skiped ]

We've been in the store for a while and I've been looking at a video game to buy for a while. I chose to take a Playstation 2 and two games being them Gta III and GTA San Andreas, the total price was 25,400 yen, which I thought was cheap, Tomoe and Saji took some too, poor Yura didn't know not even half of what we were talking about, we left the store with bags in hand and walked to McCronalds, which I found strange since for some reason the name is different in this world, we ate and had fun, i was kind of skeptical about hanging out with them but it was cool, we go back to walking around the mall just talking and stopping at anything that catches our attention, like Yura and a small Petshop, in which I discovered her little fondness for birds,and the clothing store that Tomoe dragged me into, I bought some both men's clothes and women's clothes, me and Tomoe took off our uniforms and put on the clothes we bought, I was dressed in a purple jacket with black details and a hood, a white shirt with pink stripes,a black skirt with black pants underneath, with a purple boot with white details and black laces, for some reason I couldn't not buy women's clothes, it looked so good on me so meh why not, when Saji saw me there was awith a purple boot with white details and black laces, for some reason I couldn't not buy women's clothes, it looked so good on me so meh why not, when Saji saw me there was a look confused and then disappointed that I was a guy, Tomoe and Yura and I laughed a lot at him, me and Tomoe teased him mostly. In total I spent about 43,103 Yen, almost half of my starting money, it was already dark and we decided to leave, we headed our way and headed home

So far it was the best day I've ever had in this world