Trap Of Argalia Vs Excalibur

The next morning Astolfo woke up with a headache from today, for some reason he had this strange feeling that his day would be more difficult than necessary. He quickly got up and got ready, putting on the same clothes as yesterday since it was really clean, he compliments Ivan and they ate together, Ivan led Astolfo to his office, it was small and cramped but very tidy, they talk about some useless things, mainly about Astolfo and his family, he doesn't remember a lot of them, but he knew his mother had light pink hair and his father a dark brown hair. Ivan also showed on a small map where each group of lost demons was, they don't know how many more there are as they are in a populated area using sheds or bad terrains home. By the illusion level being used they know there is at least 1 High Class demon that knows intermediate level magic. This is worrying as mass attacks can be launched in the city killing civilians.

Ivan - As you can see they are separated into 5 different groups, the 2 of us plus the other exorcists will take this one - He says pointing to the map, the location is a baudio land on the outskirts of rome, it doesn't seem to have many houses around it, just a small factory more than 300 meters away.

Astolfo - Well it's good that we're away from the city... my attacks can be a little destructive hahahahaha - Astolfo had already noticed his personality change with each passing day he starts to look more and more like Astolfo from Fate, his taste in clothes, his kindness and joy. He didn't care to be honest, if not for this change he would probably be once again a loner only in this life he would be a beautiful loner .....

Ivan was about to talk but a small knock on the door disturbed him, he gave permission to enter and along with an altar boy, 4 different people came, the altar boy leaves the room and goes back to doing his duties. The four Exorcists who entered were unique though

Carlos - A tanned man with black hair and eyes, his build was strong and wore his hair in a sloppy ponytail, he was tall very very tall, he wore a Hawaiian shirt and jeans, he also wore a little black shoe that I had never seen.

Gianna - A white woman with flashy golden hair, she wore a plain white blouse and a black skirt that came close to her ankles, she gave a feeling of innocence, her green eyes flashy didn't help either she is extremely beautiful. She had a sword wrapped in cloth slung across her back.

Now the last two caught Astolfo's attention the most, a girl with sky blue hair and green streak, wearing a blue blouse the color of her hair and black pants and sneakers, her stoic face looking at the upholstery intently. While the other is a blonde girl with a crown cut, sky blue eyes and a strange outfit.

Asfolfo - ( these two are Xenovia and Jeanne ? Xenovia I understand but what is the French doing here? )

Gianna - Ms. Ivan, sorry for the delay but we had to pick up Miss Jeanne at the airport - she says in a respectful way and with a slight smile on her face

Ivan - It's okay Gianna, everyone this is Asfolfo, he's our guest and our help in this difficult situation we find ourselves in.

Astolfo - Hey Hey I'm Asfolf nice to meet you all - I say with a smile and stretching my mom for a squeeze

Carlos gives a gentle smile and shakes my hand - I'm Carlos, nice to meet you -

We all talked a little and introduced ourselves I kept an eye on Jeanne and Xenovia , one was very quiet and the other was staring at me. They asked if I was a demon, I could have sworn that a small intention to kill came out of Xenovia, but I ignored it and replied saying no and yes that I was a Paladin, which surprised everyone there .

Jeanne - Wait are you a Paladin? So why are you with the demons? - I went on to explain that I wasn't with them and just a mutual business, and that I just wasn't at church because I don't like be ordered by anyone.

Xenovia - I would like a fight with you.

And it came out of nowhere, the conversation we were having stopped like a car hitting a wall. We all looked at her with a face asking why.

Xenovia - I would just like to check your power level, we are all Middle class, Miss Jeanne is almost High Class so it must be good to see what each one can do. - We looked at her for a while, then we looked in between

Asfolfo - That's fine by me, but then we better figure out how we're going to kill the demons.

The group then leaves the room, heading towards the garden, the garden was big with some trees at the end and a small plain in the middle. Gianna soon prepares a barrier while Xenovia and Asfolfo go to opposite sides of the plain and face each other

Xenovia - In the name of God, I challenge you in a duel. - She speaks taking a thing around bandages from her back, removing the bandages is a sword that releases a holy Aura

{The Excalibur Destruction - appears as a two-handed sword with a grip long enough that can be held with 2 hands (judging from Xenovia's hand position) with a cross in the pommel. It contains an axe-like guard and a second grip with a chain-like form connecting the guard with the blade, with the blade itself being huge and long that ends with 3 points}

Asfolf then gives a small smile, with his left hand raised small particles of light begin to join together, forming your spear. - Ohoo ? So it's like that, alright then. In honor of Charlemagne, I Asfolfo one of the Twelve Paladins, known as Rider Of Black, accepts your challenge. -

Carlos Ivan Gianna Jeanne - ( .....) They look at this scene raped and ask.

Carlos Ivan Gianna Jeanne - Why do I get so serious... out of nowhere?

Asfolfo does not respond to them and runs forward, Xenovia also did not respond and ran towards him. Astolfo taking advantage of being faster and shorter than Xenovia, still with the spear in his left hand he waves his spear horizontally

Xenovia with your sword being held by your two hands, stop the movement of the spear with your sword making little sparks fly through the air, sliding the sword through Astolfus' spear to get closer to him.

Astolfo seeing Xenovia's attack he makes his spear use his Special ability, causing his spear to change trajectory, a little lower than before and leaning closer to Xenovia's body,and with a quick move he hits Xenovia's rib with the middle of his spear.

Xenovia regains her stance and lunges for Astolfo, but he jumps back and waves his spear at Xenovia, making a cut in the air fly towards Xenovia { this cut is made of energy sacred, just like Zoro or Mihawk... only with the spear and much weaker}. Xenovia Uses some holy energy on her sword and easily defends the cut, dispelling it into the air.

As she dissipates the cut Astolfo runs towards Xenovia, making his first move again but this time his spear has a faint golden glow. Xenovia notices this little glow and instead of defending it crouches and passes the spear, cutting towards Astolfo.

Astolfo uses his spear to stop Xenovia's attack, unleashing more sparks on the Air

Ivan - The two brats are good... damn in my day there weren't these pumped brats

Jeanne - Astolfo knows how to handle a spear of that size, and the sacred energy coming out of it is incredi....

clenk... clenk clenk.... clenk...

They continued to fight, both showing a proficiency in handling their weapons. Astolfo stabs the tip of his spear into the ground, and using magic on his legs he jumps using his spear as a pole and gives a two-foot flying knot in the middle of Xenovia's chest, making her fall backwards a knot in the middle of Xenovia's chest, making her fall backwards, she lets go of her sword on impact, Astolfo still in the air takes the tip of his spear from the ground, he spins it with his left hand 360 degrees and delivers a blow to the side of Xenovia's head causing some land to be destroyed and fly to the sides......

Astolfo - Eyyyyy beauty always come here? - he says with a crooked smile and raising his eyebrows repeatedly, he ignores Xenovia's red and embarrassed face, taking his spear from the ground he get up and walk away towards the spectators

{ it was little, yes but I only described part of the fight, in total they fought a 2 minute exchange, but what I wrote is only a few seconds of the fight as their speed would be many times more faster than normal humans. and I won't describe every sword stroke (´-﹏-`;)}

Gianna - He managed to embarrass Xenovia... Unbelievable...

Carlos - I need to get some tips fro AAACK - He started talking until he was pinched by Gianna who was beside him

Astolfo - All riiiiiiggggghhhhhttt , let 's go let 's go we 've got to discuss a lot.

Xenovia he was red in the face without knowing why.