you guys are not humans but animals..

they started questioning her but nanzhou is sitting still ..he is not comfortable to see her in that position ..what are you doing here ???are you trying to take photos and then leak them? pardon.... what are you saying I don't understand???what pictures... with her shivering lips .. another guy again starts to beat the man who was lying on the ground to see that lisa burst into tears and starts crying very loudly ....

.. no don't li Cheng thought its been a while but lisa hasn't come back yet ... she go to find her then she heard someone crying ...

...its lisa voice what happened . she breaks into the next door room and saw lisa is sitting on the ground crying like a pitiful baby she just go and hug her tightly lisa ...lisa ...lisa but she is continually crying and saying stop stop please stop li Cheng shake her lisa .lisa iam here .look at me.


...lisa fainted in her arms... .. to see her in this state she said what you have done to her?xiao nai reply her we haven't done anything to her ...we thought that she is a paparazzi so they take her in he is beating this man to see that she start crying.... you you guys are not humans even worse than animals don't know how bad it will be for her mental health..she is really sensitive..

after listening to her nanzhou start worrying about her .. it's not his fault he don't know that she is that girl and also couldn't understand what is going on with her... but now he is feeling guilty....



nanzhou wants take her to his house .he is going to carry her but li Cheng don't agree ..hey. stay away what are you doing .. don't touch her . he stare at guards .they took her along to .. I'm warning you don't touch her .if you sit quietly I'm not gonna hurt you so be a good girl... if lisa wakes up a saw you it's not good so don't scare her.she don't like this all. ..that's not your problem

....sir we have arrived .ok his home is big as a villa .Mr.Wang Yi is waiting at the door for him . he is working for him for 20 year.. His parents were living abroad with his little sister...

nanzhou why you come this late .. and who is she .. uncle Wang stop questioning me please make the guest room clean. and take her to the room .li Cheng replied I don't go I will stay with lisa .. you don't have to care about her just take her ...


.mam this is your room please come. nanzhou carry lisa in his arms and take her to his room..he put her on his bed she is sleeping peacefully looking so lovely. but suddenly her looks change and she look so tense now. squeezing her hands and mumbling stop stop please don't do that.and crying nanzhou sits beside her it's ok..its ok now said in her ears in a caring voice then she looks fine now and again sleeping peacefully....

li Cheng is really worried about lisa . she is not being able to sleep whole night. she fall asleep now ... lisa wakes up thinking where I'm ???what place is are awake how are you feeling now ?nanzhou said ... to see him in the room she is scared to death... you .you don't come near me ..she is afraid of him. ok listen calm down I won't hurt you ..

where is li Cheng?? li Cheng she called her name. li Cheng hears her voice and come to her room . lisa I am here . don't be afraid ...