Ilrathia is a world split into multiple shards, or shadow worlds. This split happened during an ancient cataclysmic war between the gods of the world and an ancient entity that exists only to destroy and devour everything, returning it to the void. This war caused the world to become unstable, causing many gods to have to sacrifice themselves to save the world by way of splitting it into multiple parts.
After the splitting of the world, each part became its own shadow world. Known shadows that exist at the start of the game.
After the splitting of the world, the world that was left is nothing but a pale shadow of the beautiful jewel of a world that was originally created by the gods. Populated by many tribes and nations that have grown from the remaining peoples of the world. Five continents, each equal to double the size Eurasia, exist on the world with a myriad number of island chains and archipelagos. In the middle of the largest ocean exists a perpetual storm of energy, magic, and the elements known as the Maelstrom.
Goldarin - The Shifting Burrows
After the Cataclysm, when Goldarin was created, the surface of the world became unsafe, literally becoming a living hell. The surface became a place of eternally burning flames with demons, devils, and other creatures of fire roaming the land. Survivors of the Cataclysm moved underground, with some banding together to create liveable, sustainable cities for their homes. Dwarves, Elves, and other elemental masters banded together to create Elemental Colossi, one for each element, that stand guard protecting each city.
Tuldafin - The Lost Land
Once said to be the greatest empire in Ilrathia, when the cataclysm struck, Tuldafin took the greatest hit. Completely cut off from everything, the people who died became caught between life and death. Unlike undead, the bodies of these people required constant replacement of body parts to replace parts that are rotting away or falling off.
Aether Lands - The Sky Lands
Islands floating in the sky of Ilrathia, the only known way to reach them is to enter the Maelstrom. Not much is known about the Aether Lands due to few either making it through or returning.