Chapter 12

Still in the past.

"That won't happen. Clean what? You must be horny. Oh I see you are all porn addicts. Not me find someone else."

"I don't like your attitude." John said.

"Neither do I like yours, then you got to deal with it." I said to him.

"Lower your gaze when you talk to me bitch." John commanded me. 

"Am I talking to the president? I don't think the president will treat this way." I replied him.

"Watch your mouth bitch!" John shouted.

"Or what?!" I challenged him.

"Im neither Keith nor Dean so show some respect!" He got up and grabbed my hair and pulled me towards. Before I could even think of it, a tight slap landed in my face and I fell crushing my head on the floor. I tried to scream bit I was too shocked for that. 

I was still laying on the floor when John sat on my laps and fists started raining on my face. Out of all the places but my face, my pretty face. It all happened, why would body was sore as John was stomping it.

"Don't a look at me like that I won't save you, you brought this upon yourself, you should have listened to me. Stop that's enough John," said Keith.

"That's not how you treat a lady." I thought he had saved me but I was wrong. What happened now was worse!

"Since you are behaving like a girl, today we are going to treat you like one." He looked at Dean and John. "Let's give this lady some dick, maybe he is going to be a man after he walks in the ladies' heels. Being a woman is tough boy." He spat into my face.

"I'm not sure about that." Said John.

"Don't worry I will lead." Keith assured him. Then he unzipped his pants a giant dick sprang out, I was terrified. He pulled me by my hair, I groaned in pain as I knelt infront of him. 

"Suck it!" He ordered me. "Don't bite me, if you do, I will beat your into pulp." I was already in pain and I didn't want more, so I opened my mouth while he squeezed it in, it barely fitted, that think was huge. I could taste precum. "My life is over!" I cried on silent.

"That's enough." Said Keith after withdrawing his dick and then he carried me and me on his bed. Then spread my legs and without a warning he was inside me. 

I couldn't bare that pain, so I let out a loud scream. To shut me up, Dean inserted his dick into my mouth. That pain was unbearable. I thought I was going to die. But with time my body was adjusting, and finally Keith was done. I knew it this guy had a crush on me, why couldn't he just tell me than making me suffer like this.

It was Dean's turn. He was so carrying and loving I guess. Instead of focusing on satisfying himself he made sure I was enjoying and comfortable. A gentle man, he tried all he can to make sure I was comfortable although Keith had made all the damage. 

He slowly starting moving his hips with his eyes on my face to notice any expression changes due to pain. He couldn't find all that because I was well taken care off. Oh God, I embarrassed to say I was enjoying it. I wanted to tell him go faster but I couldn't. As if he head me, he slowly started to increase the pace. Oh shit! I wanted to moan in pleasure, after Dean's turn, that is when I had found myself, this who I was but it didn't change what he had done, rape was rape.

I was annoyed when John who seemed like he was not interested, unzipped his pants and shouted my turn!

His cock was the biggest. I felt like was he was going to tear me apart. Just like Keuth he also didn't care about me but himself. He was like a horse, Oh good please keep me alive, it's just a matter of time he is going to be done soon. 

And Alas it was all over. I felt numb, due to the mixture of pain and pleasure!!!-