Chapter Nineteen

Chapter 19

Oh shit! That fool didn't look the door, and Gina where was she coming from now. She almost ruined a good time, however she ruined her relationship!

We turned back and Gina was standing in the wall way, carrying her suitcase, I think she had decided to move in with her boyfriend, little did she know.

Andreas quickly got off me, remaining exposed, I pulled the body towel and covered my body. Gina stormed out!

"Gina!" I called her but Andreas told me to let her go. "But she left her suitcase here." I said.

"Baby don't worry about that, she will be back to break up with me. Then I will be finally free and marry you." He said happily.

"You are crazy!" I shouted at him. "You and Gina had been together for a long time and I don't think you should just break up because of me." I said.

"Well, it is because I love you. I mean it. I can do anything for you, Nicholas please here me out." He cried.

"No, Andreas no. You cant marry me because your bi, that means you will have to cheat again in order to have viginal sex! You know what I'm talking about. Besides Gina loves you and you love her! I know it."

"Honestly, that's true but I can't lose you. You know I care for you." He cried. I got up from the couch and walked to the bedroom where I went into the closet and found myself something to wear before I left.

"You know I love you too. Andy. I can't talk right now I have to go." I said.

"No... Don't go anywhere. Why don't you move in with me. I promise to take care of you. I want to share my whole life with you. Nicholas, I want to be in your life, please let me be." Andreas berged me untill he cried. This boy must really be in love with me I thought as I kissed him, then I left.

I went to my appartmen and cleaned up, then called Jolene and told her everything that had happened including the Gina drama.

"Life is funny like that!" Jolene laughed on the phone. " You know Gina has an appointment today, if you are truly sorry why don't you come at the saloon and apologize to her. She will surely foegige you.

"Yeah that's right. I will think about it." I said and hung up. Just before Iput my phone down. It ran once again.

"Nicholas, I wanted to tell you that you have been suspended until further noticed, actually you what that means you are fired. Due to your recent behavior we can not work with you in our Cafè." The manager hung up.

"Wha!?! I had just lost my job. What is wrong with them, Oh I know why. It's Gina, she is related with the owner of the Cafè, well if it's her then she has the right to." I said as I left the appartment, making my way to the saloon.

Gina was already in the saloon. I walked in and I felt the atmosphere change. I wonder what Gina had said to Jolene or what Jolene had said Gina, I hope it was not bad!

I took a seat next to Gina and greeted Jolene who was busy styling Gina's hair. Jolene asked me to pass her the hair dryer, before she answered me. That was very cold. I wonder what Jolene had said to her.