Chapter twenty-five

Chapter 25

"Nicholas." Andreas said after opening the door, his was amazed. "Coming in." He said. As he helped me with my laggage. He pulled my suitcases as put it in the guest bed room. I carried my bag and followed him.

I knew what that woman had done was wrong, I didn't want to spend most of my time arguing with her but instead I silently packed my stuff and left. I knew Karma was going to get back at her some time.

We didn't agree on that, that contract she had shown me to prove that she was telling the truth was fake. My copy didn't have all that but she had edited her copy. Anyways I was saving money to buy own apartment but I hadn't saved much.

I was so late at night and I didn't know where to go, the only person that had crossed my mind was Andreas, I knew he was going to let me in. I could have called Dean but I didn't want to start our relationship like that. I knew we had something big and even more.

"My landlord kicked my out of her appartment, she didn't even give me a notice, so that I could make a plan." I tried to explain to Andreas what had happened.

"What an evil woman, so where did she think you would go so late at night?" He said.

"Anyways thank you for letting me in. I know we have been through a lot." I showed my gratitude.

"You don't have to thank me, I will always take care of you. Did you really mean what you said last time?" He asked.

"Oh my!!! Look at the time it's past twelve midnight. I'm starving. I was going to order something, I had ran out food at my place but..." I said avoiding the subject walking to the kitchen and openein the fridge.

"Okay I will let you eat, I don't think want you to choke. We will talk once you are done." He said and took a seat next to me.

I loved this guy and I didn't want to be tempted and go in bed with him again after the promise I made to Gina. I had that nknof a plan to avoid that conversation. I began to eat slower. Speaking of Gina, I didn't know how she was going to react when she found out I moved in with her boyfriend.

"I see what you are doing..." Andreas walked and stood behind me. "You are eating slow thinking you can avoid me." His hands were on his shoulders slowly massaging me.

"I think I should get some rest today was a busy day." I yawned. "Oh, it's twelve, it's tomorrow already. I'm going to bed, before the sun comes again." I freed my self from his hands and walked to the guest room, made my bed and fell into a deep sleep.

The next morning I heard Gina's voice just as I woke up. She was here already, very early in the morning, what did she want?

I thought it was a good idea if I show myself before she found me. I didn't know she was going to react to this. I got up still feeling sleepy I walked to the kitchen.

Gina was in the kitchen making breakfast. She saw me and she didn't look surprised. Now I was the one confused, What the hell was going in here?'