Chapter-10 unbeatable?

I went to a world that would hold someone stronger than me and well I found a world above evensation. There is a inaccessible gap from evensation to quinbation. And a completely trancendende This world/realm has a uncountable infinite amouth of inaccessible cardinals inaccessible amounts of infinite hierarchies all holding uncountable inaccessible amouth of alephs ad infitium spiraling infinitely upwards ad infitium with inaccessible uncountable infinite amouth of transfinite cardinals in 1 realm/world alone to world/realm 2 inaccessible gap and complete trancendence all having the same amouth of alephs cardinals as the last world/realm even more with all having a inaccessible amouth of infinite transfinite multiverse ad infinitum with inaccessible uncountable infinite amounts of mini multiverses inaccessible uncountable infinite amouth of universes and mini universes all infinite hierarchies that completely trancends each other viewing the lower as 2D all these multiverses universes mini multiverses mini universes hold the same stuff as the world/realms in quinbation again 1 realm/world inaccessible gap complete trancendence realm 2 etc etc. Made by llyod the allmighy. I challenged him and it was time for our fight. Quin said: W-what I csnt use my omni abilities and I have immunities to everything how the-. I said: doesn't matter if the ability I'd allmighy, absolute, omni it will be passively negated when you are in my presence and your omni immunities mean nothing to me. I put him under my new ability. OMNI-JUDGEMENT. there was no stopping this and I beat him put him old cold. I went to aries and talked with him I said. Arie should I try to become the overlord now? The overlord is a beingfree from all restrictions and absolutely perfect and omnipotent over himself. If I become a overload I'd be just like that. Aries said: you should go for it. I replied with fine then I will tomorrow. But all my abilities they have all become omni and the passive ones are all omni level as well they are all above normal, all mighty, absolute. Aries:I know I know good job I'm proud. I replied with thank you aries well I'm going out now seeee ya. I went out thinking about how to beat the overlord. There was only 1 way. And that way is-.

End of chapter 10.