Part 119

Ketra loved to see them joking.

Canary rushed to Ketra when Lucy pushed him away.

" Granny is even smarter than you." He joked.

Ketra laughed and said. " we might be late. Let's hurry and go." She said so they all went to the car.

Ketra sat in front with Wilson while Canary sat with Lucy behind.

The other cars were brought by the drivers after them.


The ceremony hall was already organized and different guests from rich families and companies were already there plus the Andersons group community. There were reporters moving up and down.

Slow music played, Food and drinks too were being served as some people conversed in groups while others moved to and fro. People had really dressed for the function as of it were a big ceremony taking place.

Different people were still arriving when Lisa came in a taxi.

She came out dressed in jeans, a green t shirt and sneakers which was just her normal dressing with her hair in a long porn tail.

When she reached the door there were two security guards.

" Hi, Where do you think you are going ?" One of them asked after noticing her casual dressing style.

" Oh, Greetings. I am Lisa, An employee at Andersons. I was also invited to come here." She said.

The men both laughed in disbelief.

" An employee at Andersons, And you come drsssee like this ? Look at you ?" They asked.

Lisa looked at herself and then looked around. Indeed everyone was in a party dress and suits.

' My God, How couldn't I think about this ?'

She asked herself and pulled out her card.

" Here is the employee card, If you don't believe me." She said.

After seeing it they allowe her to get inside.