Part 160

Canary got out on seeing her.

Micheal came out after him but Canary asked him for a break.

Camilla put on a fake smile as she reached him.

" Good Morning, Mr Canary.." She said.

" I actually didn't expect to see you here this soon." He said.

" Really ? Did I look like I was so miserable?" She asked which dried his mouth.

" Anyway, I am back at your service. Mr CEO.." She said again maintaining the smile.

Canary nodded pleased with that.

" I am glad you are back." He said.

" I will go and do my work then." She said with a low bow and then walked away.

Canary shook his head and the also went after her.


Canary completed the work Canary had given her at around 11am and then she had to take it to his office.

When she reached she knocked at the door.

" Come in !" She heard his response and went inside.

He was busy reading through some files and he looked focused.

" Good morning Mr Canary.." She spoke in a low respectful tone.

" Are you done with the work ?" He asked not looking at her.

" Yes Sir." She said.

" Okay.. Put it there." He said.

Lisa put the file on the desk with a doubtful look on her face.