Part 217

She begun remembering what she has been through with him.

She remembered the first time she met him. He was a very arrogant and cruel man but of recent his manner towards her has been changing.

Of the part of foregoing somethings she remembered the day he carried back home from the party, She knew he would have used that time to be with other women as she knew his hobby very well.

Then the part of care and protection she remembered how he saved her that day from the Poster.

She was lost in thoughts but Stella was still talking.

" If you can find someone's who can do all that for you, that is the right person to love." Stella concluded.

" No…" Lisa argued immediately when Stella said that but to her it's like Stella was saying that Canary is the right person to love.

" Why, Don't you believe me ?" Stella asked.

" It's not like. But… what if someone still does those things for you and they still can't love you, and you can't love them ?" Lisa asked.

" Love always finds its way," Stella said.

" Now what if that person is a womanizer and sleeps around with everyone ?" Lisa asked.

" I told you already. Love changes. He can change." Stella assured Lisa.