Part 286

" I know I won't regret this." Canary said.

" But how will the project go without Mr Johnson's help ? You should consider his request maybe."

Canary looked at Lisa. " Do you even know what his request is ?" Canary asked.

" I am sure it's not something that you can fail to give." Lisa mumbled.

Canary couldn't help shaking his head,

" Are you still virgin ?" Canary asked out of blue.

His question almost chocked Lisa and she looked away immediately in embarrassment.

" .,,H..H..How…. dare…. you ask me such a… question?" She was more ashamed than Canary himself.

" Never mind,…" He changed the topic and looked at his watch.

" Let's go have something to eat, We have another meeting to attend in the evening." He went back inside the car.

They had a drive around the town which Lisa enjoyed and Canary noticed how happy and cheerful she looked.

Later in the Evening he went for the meeting with another business partner which went all. Lisa noted and listened carefully and she fully played her role.

Finally the schedule for the day was done and they went bank to the hotel.

The last thing on the schedule was a launch party that was to be held the following day in the evening.

After revising through it Lisa left her room to go and grab a drink from the Hotel restaurant but as she was coming out she saw Canary entering his room with a mother woman holding his hand.

Lisa felt weak again on seeing them like this.