I will live with you as your dead daughter.

"You should be grateful that madam and Lord save you,if not you would already be in the netherworld." A'lan said in a harsh tone.

"A'lan!" Madam Jiang shouted and gave her a Stern look.

The injured lady slowly sits on the bed and looks at their faces.

"I am madam Jiang,this is my husband,Lord Jiang and my maid,A'lan.No one will harm you." Madam Jiang said and smiled.

"Are you mute?Can't you say thank you? A'lan said in a harsh tone again.

"A'lan! You will speak to her with respect.Do you understand? Do not let me warn you again." Madam Jiang said angrily.

" Yes, Madam." A'lan said and slowly bowed in disappointment.

"A'lan and I will leave now,you should talk to her." Lord Jiang said to Madam Jiang and left.

"What is your name my dear?" Madam Jiang asked, holding her hand.

The lady stared into space for sometime and burst into tears.

"Please stop crying.Its okay if you don't want to tell me your name." Madam Jiang said and wiped her tears.

"The thing is....I have a big favour to ask you my dear.Can you please come with me to my house and be my daughter?" Madam Jiang said and paused for a while.

" My daughter was diagnosed with a strange illness ever since she was a teenager.We were forced to send her away to the village because of pressure from the community.My husband and I would often go and visit her."

"It was a few weeks ago that we got a message that she…...that she died." Madam Jiang started crying.

"I never spent a lot of time with my daughter before she died.Sometimes I wonder of our family was cursed by someone we offended.Please do not think that I want to replace you with my dead daughter,I just want to have a child to love and care for.I promise to protect you.I won't force you.I will come back for your reply." Madam Jiang said and wiped her tears.She slowly got up and left.

The lady stared at her as she left the room.

"Your Royal Highness,this is the restaurant the man asked to meet us." Huan said.

"Alright, let's go." The Second Prince said, covering his face with his straw hat.

The Second Prince had sneaked out of the palace to meet someone and dressed like a normal Nobleman with his bodyguard.

"Welcome young master,How may I help you? The owner of the restaurant asked cheerfully.

"We are going to the room on the second floor.Number ten." Huan said.

"Okay,okay.Please follow me." The owner led them to the room.

"Please tell me if you need anything else." The owner said and left.

"Your Royal Highness,he is not here yet.I think he has been ambushed."

"Shh.Do not call me Your Royal Highness when we are out in disguise.There are eyes and ears everywhere." The Second Prince said as he frantically looked around the room.

"Master!" Huan said and went to the table in the room.

"What is that?" The Second Prince frowned and looked at the table.

"It looks like a letter." 

Huan gives it to the Second Prince to read.

"There are eyes and ears everywhere.I will meet you in this same restaurant and room in the next five days." Second Prince burns the letter using the candle in the room after reading it.

"Five days from now is the day of the First Prince's coronation.How will you be able to leave the palace and meet him without anyone noticing? Huan asked.

The Second Prince frowned and looked deep in thought.

"It will be difficult indeed but not impossible.It is very important that I meet this man.I will have to think of a way before then." 

"Seeing as there are eyes and ears everywhere,we might be followed.Let's leave through the window." The Second Prince said.

"I have made up my mind.I will….I will be your daughter." The lady said standing by the window.

"Thank you so much….Thank you so much my dear." Madam Jiang happily said and kissed her hand.

"But there are conditions."

"What is that?" Madam Jiang asked.

"You won't try to find out who I really am or where I come from.And I promise that I won't do anything to ruin your reputation or get you into trouble."

"I promise I won't ask or try to find out who you really are." Madam Jiang said and smiled.

"There is one more thing…."

"What is it my dear?" Madam Jiang asked and looked into her eyes.

"When we get to your house,I will live there as your dead daughter.No one must know that your real daughter is dead." The lady said with a blank expression.She didn't look happy or sad.She was just staring.

"I see that you are trying to hide your identity.Dont worry.You will live as my dead daughter and I won't let anyone find out that you are not really my daughter." Madam Jiang caressed her cheeks and smiled.

"You see,my daughter Meihui left our house and came to the village at a very young age so no one really knows what she looks like now.Everyone will believe that you are my daughter who left our house a long time ago."

"Thank you…...Mother." The lady muttered and gave a faint smile.

"You are welcome Meihui.Jiang Meihui." Madam Jiang happily said and left the room feeling on top of the world.

"Did she agree?" Lord Jiang asked his wife as she entered the room.

"Yes,she did." Madam Jiang said and sat beside her husband.

"She agreed to be my daughter but she will live with us as Meihui.She does not want anyone or even us to know her identity." Madam Jiang said.

"I do not know why she has decided to conceal her identity but I hope she doesn't get us into trouble in the future." Lord Jiang said and gave a deep sigh.

"No,she promised not to ruin our family's name or get us into trouble with the law." Madam Jiang said happily.