Carefully Crafted By The gods.

"What happened?" Princess Xiao Ai gathered the remaining courage left in her and asked.

The Second Prince walked closer to her. Covering every inch that formed a distance between them. Unknown to him, his little act had a great impact on Princess Xiao Ai. She had become all restless and her heartbeat was going faster by each passing moment.

"you….. you…. what are you….."

"shhh…." She is interrupted by The Second Prince's finger on her lips. To her,the whole world had stopped. It was as if all her systems had shut down altogether.

"Why didn't I notice this before? It must be because we met during night time so I couldn't see your face properly." The Second Prince said, carefully analyzing Princess Xiao Ai's face.

The Second Prince finally leaves Princess Xiao Ai's face and starts walking around her. Princess Xiao Ai took a deep breath as she was finally free from his toture.

"Now I know your secret master Qi Lang." The Second Prince said looking intently into her eyes.

"What secret?" Princess Xiao Ai asked in fear and swallowed her spit while Zhan looked on in shock.

"Now I know why you are such a special master, Qi Lang. Now I am certain that I am one of the luckiest person alive to be your disciple."

"What?" Princess Xiao Ai asked with knitted eyebrows as her expression slowly turned from fear to confusion. The Second Prince is really messing with her head.

Zhan and Huan gave The Second Prince a weird look.

"Master Qi Lang, you are not only extremely skilled in martial arts but your visuals are also beyond this world. You are so handsome that I think any girl would fall in love with you at first sight." The Second Prince explained making Princess Xiao Ai relieved of her worries.

Zhan burst into laughter but her laughter quickly faded when Princess Xiao Ai gave her a stern look.

"I am really serious master Qi Lang. You look as though you have been carefully crafted by the gods. If master was a woman, I would have taken you as my wife already. The Second Prince complimented and smiled. Showing all his teeth.

Huan looked at The Second Prince in surprise while Zhan was trying really hard to hold her laughter.

"That is enough! Enough of the complement. Tell me why you are here." Princess Xiao Ai asked with her hands folded in front of her.

"Tell me why you are at the palace with your friend?" Princess Xiao Ai asked and stared at The Second Prince seeking for answers.

"Actually….. I …. I am an investigating officer. There is a case I am handling so I came to report." The Second Prince quickly said. Huan stared at him in shock as he wasn't aware that The Second Prince could cook up such a story in a short time.

"I have something to tell you actually."

" What is that?" Princess Xiao Ai replied and paid close attention to The Second Prince.

"I need your help with something master Qi Lang. Can we go to Qingfeng restaurant to talk further?"


"But…. Master, what are you doing at the palace" The Second Prince suddenly thought and asked curiously.

"Me?" Princess Xiao Ai asked in surprise by the sudden question.

"I…. I came for the coronation ceremony." Princess Xiao Ai quickly replied.

"Alright then, let's go." The Second Prince said and led the way to Qingfeng restaurant.

On their way to the restaurant, The Second Prince was constantly looking around as though he was trying to run away from someone. Noticing this, Princess Xiao Ai stopped.

"Why are you looking around like that?" Princess Xiao Ai questioned and narrowed her eyes.

"I was just checking if we weren't followed by spies." The Second Prince replied and gave a warm and assuring smile.

"Alright then." They continued walking to the restaurant.

The celebration of The Crown Prince and Crown Princess continues at the banquet hall.The ministers are seated with a variety of food and wine placed in front of each of them.

The dancers danced to the tune and rhythm of the music with a smile on their faces while the ministers watched them dance.

"Congratulations to The Crown Prince and Crown Princess.May you live long." Councilor Deng raised a cup of wine and drank it.

"Thank you Councilor Deng." The Crown Prince and Crown Princess chorused and also drank a cup of wine.

"Everyone should eat and drink to their heart's content!" Emperor Taizu said and laughed.

"Thank you, Your Royal Majesty." The ministers chorused and bowed.

The Second Prince, Huan, Zhan and Princess Xiao Ai arrive at Qingfeng restaurant. They walk up to the owner of the restaurant for enquiry.

"Hello young masters and young mistresses. How may I be of help to you?" The owner asked and smiled.

"I want a room but…. Do you recognize me and my friend?" The Second Prince asked bringing Huan closer to the owner.

"I am sorry but I do not recognize you. Many people come here everyday, it's not possible for me to recognize so many faces but….. A man came here a few days ago and told me to give a young master a letter. He gave me a painting of the person. Let me check if it matches with you." The owner goes to the counter and brings out a portrait painting. He looks at the painting and The Second Prince's face and realizes it's a match.

"Did the man have any wounds on his body when he came here?" The Second Prince asked in an attempt to figure out the kind of situation the man was in when he brought the letter.z

"No, he just looked very anxious and was in a hurry." The owner Shaked his head in disapproval and replied.

Huan and The Second Prince looked at each other in confirmation while Princess Xiao Ai and Zhan stood there and watched them in confusion.