Mana, the first beings, and the universe

Initially, nothing was in the universe but a void of boundless energy. This energy would eventually become known as Mana, the building blocks of creation. Mana, while being the lifeblood of all things and the purest form of energy, was a tool in the hands of the true god and creator of this universe, Creat, as Creat looks in on his empty creation with love in his eyes, dreaming of the endless possibilities he could make.

The first creations were forces such as Energy, Gravity, Force, and Motion, to name a few. Using these forces, Creat laid the framework of the universe. Afterward, the laws of the universe were created to govern the forces of the universe. Using these laws and forces, Creat laid the framework of the universe. The next creation was the elements that burst into existence as celestial bodies. In the void, suns, planets, and moons appeared and began arranging themselves according to the guide of the laws. As the final pieces came into place, Creat looked over the universe again before sliding the last piece into place as time enveloped all creation and set the universe into motion.

After time befell on the universe, the God Creat created the overseers. They would be in control of beings that would become mortals. There would be 12 overseers who were tasked with monitoring those of their kind and nature. These overseers would, in turn, become gods among the mortals that they watched over. Each overseer would pick a conduit that best fit their core tenants among the mortals to carry out their wills.

The 1st was the god of law and order, Helios. He was the overseer of angels, beings who would bring blessings to those who embodied the nature of law and order. They assisted him in influencing law and order on the planets by blessing those who curried his favor and upheld his nature. These Angels were not mortal beings but demi-gods made of 50% pure mana under the governance of Helios.

The second minor God created was Barbados, the antithesis of Helios, the God of chaos and lawlessness. Barbados, like Helios, created beings that contained 50% pure mana, Demons. Similar to the angels, Demons influenced the chaos and lawlessness on the planet. Though they were opposites, both were created with the same limitations placed on them and their respective creations.

Those three limitations were:

1. They couldn't force their wills onto the mortals.

2. They couldn't physically interfere with mortals not blessed by their respective gods.

3. Failure to Comply with the meant complete erasure of both body and soul.

The third God created was the goddess of balance and harmony, Ma'at. She policed the balance between order and chaos by balancing and harmonizing their influences. She reigned over the sirens, who used their calm and serene voices to pacify any being or punish angels and demons who did not follow the guidelines.

The overseers of the four humanoid races, Fae, Drake, Riddick, and Amadeus, were created in this order.

The fourth was Fae. She was the Goddess of the Elves, beings who would come to be known for their beauty, grace, and love for nature. The Elves had a great affinity for wind and earth magic, large mana pools, and the most extended lifespan of mortals.

The 5th was Drake, the God of the Dwarfs. The Dwarfs would come to be known as the great blacksmiths. They were born with a high affinity for metal magic, had a short and stocky build, and had slightly shorter lifespans than elves.

The sixth God was Riddick, the God of the Furyans, a race born for battle and war. They were known for their bloodlust, strategic prowess, and great physical ability. However, they had a shorter lifespan than both Elves and Dwarfs and no affinity for magic.

Finally, there was Amadeus, the God of Humans, the Race with the most tremendous potential. Humans were created with an affinity for all magics because they needed a catalyst to awaken their magical talent, short lifespans, and weak physical attributes. Despite those flaws, they had the highest reproductive capacity compared to the other races, which is why they could compete with their stronger humanoid counterparts.

After those four Gods came the Goddess of nature, Titania. Titania created the fairies as the guardians of nature; they were beings similar to angels and demons. One of the major differences between the three was that fairies didn't have the three limitations and could interact with humanoid races as they saw fit. Their primary concern was the planet's overall health and the maintenance of the ecosystems.

The ninth of the minor gods was Tyrannis, the God of animals and Beasts. He created the primordial beasts that went forth and populated the planets with unique creatures. These animals helped create and maintain the ecosystems of planets in the universe.

His twin sister, Gaia, the goddess of plants and trees, was created alongside him. She completed the trio of nature as her dryads worked with primordial beasts and fairies to develop the foundation of the ecosystem through the release of plant life.

Lastly came Omicron, the God of Life, and Tetanus, the God of Death. They changed everything since all mortal beings were seemingly immortal and sterile before their creation. However, after their creation, the concepts of life and death existed. Creat made an overlapping dimension that would be solely under their rule. This overlapping dimension would hold and refine souls for reincarnation.

The 11 gods and goddesses spent years under the guidance of the True God Creat, guiding their charges as the True God Creat guided them. After a million years, Creat leaves the universe in the hands of the 11 overseers to maintain balance. The peace that reigned after True God Creat left lasted another million years before the mortal gods began to resent their father for abandoning them. This would become the spark leading to the war of the gods.