Hoax Reveal!(Warning Mature Context R-18)

Edited: 2021-10-13


As I was walking with Genesis leaning on my shoulder with her hands wrapped around my arm which was pressed between her E-sized breasts I couldn't help but notice that the sun seemed to be more irritating to me than it should be.

'But it's still better when having no sun peeking through the dust-covered sky.'

'As for my increased senses and body stats, it didn't take any effort for my mind to adjust.'

'Frankly, I found it much harder for my mind to adjust to my above-average joe body.'

After a few minutes of walking, I finally reached my apartment complex.

'Mom should be home as for my sis she most likely is out with her friends or something.'

As I opened my door and stepped inside I was immediately greeted by my dog who upon seeing me instead of starting to bark as he would normally immediately lowered his head and laid down on the floor looking at me with his fear-filled eyes.


I patted his head only for him to tremble the whole time I was doing it.

Next, I saw my cat in the corridor which upon seeing me ran off as if her life depended on it.

...you too ha?

I closed my door and while still supporting Genesis I walked into the kitchen to see my 52 years old mum holding a cross and praying.


I softly called out while tears started gathering at my eyes corners.

Oh, you're back...

As my mom who was dead for decades in my memory looked up at me she immediately backed up while her body started shivering nonstop and I could see in her face and eyes a look of utter horror and fear.

...you're not my son! Get away monster! Get away from me!

My own mother screamed at me at the top of her lungs.

I froze on the spot although deep down I expected this after getting the confirmation that magic existed but still.

Suddenly Genesis dematerialized and flew straight at my mother and pushed one of her corporeal hands into my mother's head and as she did my mother immediately blacked out.


I wiped my tears only to see that my hands were covered with black blood.

'So even my tears are made of blood now?'

I thought while walking to my mother and as I did suddenly the portraits of Jesus, the virgin marry and other saints started weeping with tears of blood while the cross hanging on the wall turned upside down.


I took the cross from my mother's hand and as I did my hand's skin started burning while a migraine on top of my hangover headache assaulted me.

I let go of the cross and placed it on the kitchen table while Genesis materialized again and flopped onto the kitchens chair while grabbing her head in pain.

While looking at a first-degree burn cross mark on my palm countless thoughts popped up and got processed in my head.

The answer is yes apparently your mother is someone that the system classifies as a spiritually awakened person or in other words a person with a sixth sense and yes before you ask that's all the system disclosed to me as for your mother I modified her memories she will only remember you coming home and saying hi before going into your room but you better not let her see you or this will happen again.

Thanks, Gen...

I murmured under my breath while looking at my blacked-out mother.

'So after all it's not a mental illness but supernatural ha?'

I thought in my mind while picking up my mother in a princess carry and carrying her to her room.

As I neared the room the stench of sulfur, ash and death assaulted my nose emanating from my mother's room.

Gen, do you smell it?


Genesis shook her head.


As I opened my mother's room's door on the room's ceiling I saw a child-sized naked imp with red skin, demons tail, horns, and wings who kept crawling back and forth on the room's ceiling with its sharp claws.

Gen, are you seeing what I am seeing?



...Gen can you hold my mother for a bit I said while giving her my mother and as I did the imp seemed to finally notice that I can see it.

So you're the vermin who's been tormenting my mother all these years?

I said while wrath deep inside my soul started overflowing my mind and as it did the death mana in my soul started overflowing my body while the excess amount spilled out from my body into my surroundings making the rooms temperature decrease rapidly while black veins and arteries like an infection from the cross over my heart spread out through my body reaching my eyes.

All stats except luck increased +0,3 temporarily. (System)

Temporary use of magisionic powers granted. (System)

Once again my voice's sounded in my head.




This time I wasn't going to restrain myself.

Upon seeing and smelling the black particles in the air emanating from me the imp got freaked out.

Suddenly the pentagram mark on its chest lit up with hell's flames and as it did the flames started consuming the imp.

'The imp didn't seem to be in any pain so there could be only one explanation the vermin is trying to escape to whatever shithole it came from.'

I raised my hand like Darth Vader and clenched it into a fist and violently pulled back as I did the imp got enveloped in black particles and as the particles enveloped it the imp immediately flew straight at my other extended hand in a grabbing motion.

As my hand grabbed the imp's neck and my fingers dug into its neck drawing purple filthy and foul blood the hells fire started burning my arm it was painful compared to the cross but I didn't care.

As I stared at its demonic yellow eyes the imp started screaming with its ugly face with its disgusting stench from its shark-like razor-sharp yellowish teeth assaulting my nose that only his mother could love while spitting its disgusting saliva at my face.


Translating. (System)

Unhand me, you filthy mortal!

With my other hand, I snapped my fingers making the vermin's head rotate 360 degrees in an instant and his body go limp.


HaHaHa!You can't kill me Lucifer himself protects me!

I frowned at the still talking imp even though its neck got completely twisted and fractured.

Devour its soul...!

Devour its soul..!!

Devour its soul...!!!

With one of my hands, I held the vermin's head while with the other I held its shoulder I squeezed them so hard that my fingers dug into its skull and shoulder muscles.

I opened my mouth wide and bit into its neck with all of my strength.


What are you doing you, filthy mortal!

I tore a chunk of filthy tasting meat from its neck making its foul and filthy purple blood splatter like a fountain from its neck on my face and the surroundings.

HaHaHa! No matter you still can't kill me!

Ignoring the imp I spitted out the chunk of flesh and once again sank my teeth into the imp's neck and started gulping down its blood.



Mortal stop this at once ill do anything just release Me!

The imp shrieked in horror as I felt its soul with its blood entering my body.


The imp gave its last soul-breaking and blood-freezing scream of utter despair and fear as I completely sucked out its blood and soul and as I did the imp's body turned to ash along with its chunk of flesh and blood that splattered on me and the ground.

Due to the Host forcefully increasing the death mana content in his body the Ghoulification progress is increased also due to the user consuming blood and devouring the imps soul the progress is decreased.(System)


I breathed heavily as the parts of the imps memories flooded my mind.

'I looked at my burned hands it didn't seem that bad at worst I suffered a 2-degree burn which is quite surprising but since that hell's flames were magical with all that death mana in my soul coursing through my body made me resistant to it but my face well its gonna take a while to heal hell I'm not even sure if it will heal.'


Suddenly the death mana released by me and the death mana already present in the room got sucked in by my soul through my body and as it did I almost collapsed from the fuzziness and weakness after it luckily I grabbed the door's frame and stabilized myself.

Temporary stats increase revoked. (System)

Temporary use of magisionic powers revoked. (System)

Drac are you okay?

Yeah...Can you put my mother into her bed?


Genesis gave me a sound of acknowledgment.

'I grabbed my face with my trembling hand even though the imp's foul and filthy blood tasted like shit I actually enjoyed it so much in fact that my dick got almost hard from the share ecstasy of drinking blood and devouring its soul.'

'Just what am I becoming?'

Drac... (Gen)

Genesis's gentle voice and shaking of my shoulder brought me back from my trance.

I looked at my sleeping mother covered in a blanket.

Thanks, Gen...

Let's go let her rest...


We walked back to my room while Genesis supported my weak feeling body.


'Truly what an irony my mother is a devout believer yet the promised afterlife is just a hoax concocted by angels to get a pure soul after we die.'

'Long story short after we die we end up as either angels or demons shit and piss after they eat us to get stronger.'

'As for those who refuse to move on after they absorb enough mana and turn it into death mana they end up as ghosts, specters, or wraiths but since earth is mana barren this is super-rare and it takes decades to even become a ghost as for those who don't manage to even become a ghost they slowly disappear into nothingness because even demons can't eat souls tainted with death mana.'

'As for that vermin who tormented my mother for years, it's the weakest of the weakest in the demons pecking order so it could try and corrupt my mother soul to eat it right after she died.'

'And it's also why it didn't use any magic to fight me back while I was tearing its neck out apart from a few magic tricks it can't do anything else only to try and slowly corrupt souls.'

'But it actually tried using them it's just that its demonic magic was so weak that it got blocked by my death mana in the surroundings.

I thought this while Genesis was finishing bandaging my arms and face.



Genesis looked at me with those innocent big purple-cat-like eyes.

...I'm gonna need you to help me out.

As long as it's not directly connecting to the internet.

I smiled with a crooked smile on my bandaged face with spots of black blood in bandages.

It's more or less gonna involve connecting to the internet.
