A Life For A Life(Warning Mature Context And Gore R-18)

So hows the stock farming is doing?

I asked Genesis as we looked at the black BMW driving out from my garage's complex with my mouth full of smoke.

Well, my brain feels as if it's being cooked in an oven but other than that the money in your bank account is growing like a rocket flying into space.

Genesis said as she grabbed the vape from my hands.

I'll make it up to you I promise.

Hmph! You better! You baka!

I pinched her puffed-out cheeks with my hands.

Anyways since I'm rich now we should buy some clothes for you.

I said as I let go of Genesis's cheeks.

About time Drac do you know how uncomfortable it is in these barely fitting clothes?

Genesis complained as she puffed out clouds of smoke.


Drac's mother woke up only to find that she was covered in a cold sweat.

I know I dreamed of a nightmare but I just can't remember it, why can't I remember it?

Drac's mother murmured under her breath as she walked to the kitchen only to find a duffle bag on the table with a note on the duffle bag.

Eh, what's this?

She picked up the note only to tear up after reading it.


Mom, I got called back to the army I can't disclose why since it's confidential so I won't be back home for a while. Also, it's the money that I got in advance there's enough for you and sis to live like queens for the rest of your lives so forget about working and take care of sis.

P.S. don't worry ill be fine.

My, boy I don't need money I only need you by my side...

Drac's mother muttered under her breath as she unzipped the duffle bag only to find it full of cash.



It's for the best.

I thought about my decision of leaving money and telling my mother I'm off to the army while the music was playing as I was sitting in a fancy clothes shop waiting for Genesis to change into her new clothes.

I looked at the other middle-aged men dressed in fancy clothes sitting around with dead fish faces just like mine.

Women right?

I muttered out.

Everyone gave out a collective sigh.

Suddenly Genesis walked out of the clothe changing room.

Scratch that it's worth it.

I thought in my mind as my eyes and everyone else landed on Genesis dressed in a black tank top with a black bra that could be seen poking out through her tank upper part which showed off her athletic stomach and black short jean shorts that exposed a small part of her athletic, curvy and perky ass and athletic legs with her high heel knee length open boots showing off her black short and sharp nails.

I grabbed Genesis's ass while smirking at the green-faced from envy middle-aged men.

Only to get my hand slapped away by Genesis.


The middle-aged men burst out laughing after seeing this.

'This cheeky devil...'

I grounded my teeth as I followed Genesis into another shop after paying for the clothes with cash.


Seriously women...

I muttered out while I carrying bags full of Genesis clothes dressed in a black smart shirt with black Hip-Hop cargo pants and black knee-length military boots and black sunglasses.

Hmph! I'm doing most of the work for you the least you can do is wait for me to pick my clothes.

I gave vaping Genesis the stink eye.

Suddenly I heard a loud crash.

Gen, what happened?

Give me a sec.

Genesis closed her eyes for a second and then opened them again.

A car crash, a child just died.

Genesis said this uneasily while looking at my face.

A child died...

I repeated these words under my breath and as I did my undrugged mind brought me back to my past.


Execute order 67 over!

My superiors command sounded in my ears as I looked at the dirty and malnourished elderly, men, women, and kids with ragged clothes sitting on the ground hugging each other while crying in my fully-enclosed helmets HUD screen.

Copy over.

I said it in an emotionless ice-cold voice as I and other super soldiers in black power armor with white skeleton paint-jobs pulled the trigger of our flamethrowers making jets of flames shoot out and envelop the people.

I coldly watched the screaming and wriggling people with no emotions in my eyes as they burned into coke in seconds and stooped moving.

One life sign detected.

Genesis's artificially simulated voice sounded in my mind.

I held the flamethrower in my left hand while with my right hand I drew out my pistol from my sidearm holster.

As I reached the still-alive child enveloped in flames whose gender was unrecognizable at this point and raised my pistol to its head the child with his burning voice cords asked its final question.


I pulled the trigger without answering.


Why? Indeed why should children die?

I muttered under my breath as I dropped the bags and took off my black sunglasses and stormed off to the accident scene.

Fuck! I shouldn't have said it...

Genesis thought in her mind while she stormed after Drac.

As I ran through the growing crowd of people the smell of blood became thicker and stronger making the monster inside me hungry.


Shut up not now.

I screamed in my mind as I finally reached the scene of a Ferrari that collided with an old BMW.

I saw 30 years old woman dressed in a fancy red dress with blood flowing from her forehead trying to get out of her Ferrari but it wasn't working out that well since she suffered a strong concussion from the collision.

I shoved the calling, talking, and filming people aside with my hands and ran to the dead 10 years old girl dressed in a simple white dress that was drenched with red blood already.

As I looked at the bloody girl and her pure and innocent soul that was being enveloped in golden particles a new side mission appeared in my HUD view.

Side mission: you can bring the girl back to life but, user be warned there will be consequences.

With the mission's notification, the method of how I can bring the girl back to life appeared in my mind.

Fuck consequences children shouldn't die before experiencing life first.

I cursed under my breath as I started pushing the Ferrari sideways with my 1.150 strength.


My arteries and veins under my fatless skin threatened to burst out with my weaker caterpillars bursting out and causing internal bleeding but in the end, I pushed the Ferrari enough to be bale to open the deformed door.

Eh, what that man is doing the girl is already dead?

911 yes there was a car accident please send help immediately!

Don't ask me anyways whatever he's doing is giving me likes.

Said a punk teen while filming live with his smartphone.

I grabbed the deformed door and yanked it a couple of times until I tore it off while in the process I cut my hand with the sharp deformed aluminum.

As I did Genesis finally ran over.

Are you sure about this Drac?

Yes, it's the least I can do since I got a second chance.

I murmured under my breath as I unplugged the safety belt and laid the girl's bloody deformed body on the ground.

Get away from my daughter!

The mother after finally getting out of the car with tears in her eyes screamed as she tried to push me away.

Do you want her to live or not?

I asked as I stared at her with my eyes making the mother collapse and back off because of my eyes.

Yes, Yes ill do anything.

The woman screamed on all fours after collecting herself.


I said as I stood up and opened the BMWs car and took out the still alive driver.

I'm on it.

Genesis said and as she did all the smartphones and CCTVs malfunctioned all at once.

Hey, what the fuck?

The punk teen who was filming and enjoying his likes screamed.

A life for a life.

I murmured as I placed my palms on the girl's and man's chests while activating my magisionic power.

As I did the arteries and veins in my skin became more prominent while the black particles emanated from me and enveloped the two while the surrounding temperature started dropping rapidly.

After my ghoulification reached 40 percent I can use my magisionic power at will.

As my black particles enveloped the man's ugly and sinful soul I heard it scream and trash as it got consumed and transferred with his body's life force to the girl.

The man's body started rapidly aging until there was only a mummy left of him while the girl's blood started returning to her body as if it was alive while her disfigured body started reconstructing itself.


The mother watched in disbelief with the crowd.

What the fuck am I seeing things?

The punk teen rubbed his eyes while a homeless man stopped smoking his cigarette and looked at it.

'I'm not smoking weed right?'

Although the girl's body was rapidly regenerating at naked eye visible speed her soul was still disappearing.

Fuck off!

I roared as I drew more death mana from my soul into my magisionic power and as I did I finally managed to overpower the golden particles and stuff the girl's soul back into her body.


The girl started coughing out blood as she greedily breathed in the air.

While the mother rushed in to hug her daughter as tears flowed down like a waterfall from her eyes.


The girl weakly muttered.

My baby...

Just as I was sitting exhausted on the asphalt as the unconsumed mana returned to my body while the notification of my ghoulification increased by another 10 percent.

Part of the now-dead driver's memories flooded my mind.

'Fuck this wasn't an accident this is a planned assassination!'

Just as I understood the situation my Grim Reaper mode turned on its own and without thinking I immediately jumped onto the woman.

As I did a sniper 12.7 mm bullet pierced my back passed through my lung and as it exited my chest I grabbed it in the air with my magisionic power while a gunshot rang out scaring the people and making them run off in a panic.

A gunshot run! run! run!

As the people were running away in a panic in the process of stomping on other people Genesis immediately dematerialized and flew off into the air while I created a black shield out of black particles completely enveloping me and the two under me.

I immediately sealed my lung off and other wounds with my magisionic power.

My ribs from the back and front are fractured.

I need medical attention ASAP I won't be able to heal on my own.

I thought while two more 12.7 mm bullets ricocheted off the shield.

He's dead.

Genesis said as she materialized next to me with bloody clothes.

I nodded while I dematerialized the black shield and leaned against the deformed Ferrari.

It's no good Drac the ambulance and police will be arriving shortly we need to get out of here now!

Genesis said as she lifted me and placed my hand over her shoulder while with the other hand she clutched my waist.

I can help.

The mother said as she took out her phone.

I trust you.

I said as I made my body enter a suspended animation mode making my breathing and heart rate drop to the point that it looked like I was dead while I stopped using my magisionic power.