Tamahaling are red-skinned warriors and guardians.

This individual is the offspring of the two fire gods. The tribe worships one of the gods, who acts as a mentor for their kids and bestows gifts on them. When an earth spirit member of the tribe reaches adulthood, he or she embarks on a spirit walk, during which they may choose to consume the precious materials provided by the gods as a new source of strength and power. It was the molten liquid from any volcano.

It's one of the red-skinned earth spirit bloodline's advantages that they can consume the destructive nature of the volcano.

The Tamahaling are a secluded people, and outsiders have no idea what their purpose is in nature. Many misconceptions and superstitions have arisen as a result of this, with some claiming that the red-skinned are evil and are selfishly taking the mountain for themselves alone.

The Tamahaling are a tribe with only female members allowed.