The loud cry of Jacob echoes at Princess Gia's castle.

Felip cannot get out of the castle because beyond the premises of the castle there are guards roving around.

He held the twin tight as his mind worked hard to think of a way to pass without anyone noticing.

Felip is not the type of person who is good at planning. He actually decides things when the situation is already there. That is also the reason why the king cannot trust the throne to him.

"I need to get you a doctor," he said to himself while looking worriedly at his children.

He is worried that something is wrong with the twins since Jacob is crying nonstop while Janice is too quiet for a new born baby.

"Where can I get a doctor? Ah! right!"

He was thinking of a way to see a doctor without the king knowing, but soon he realized that the king's concubine was pregnant as well.