"Kuya! Kuya! So you're going to be our playmate from now on?" Jacob excitedly asked as he played with the soap-suds.

"Yeah, I'll be." Ndulou curtly responded.

The three are now bathing together, and Ndulou helped the twin bath. They could finally get rid of the dirt and mud on their bodies from their fight.

"But, Prince Jacob, why are you speaking so nicely to me right now?" He asked since he felt strange about the sudden lighter approach of Jacob to him. Of course, Janice is still wary of him but still silently joins them in the bath.

"I was angry awhile ago because you trespassed on my father's castle, but I think Kuya can bring nice things to us!" Jacob perked up with his widest smile. "Mother is treating us nicely since you showed up!"

He jumped into the tub, causing the water to splash all over Ndulou.

He just carried him out of the bath to clean Jacob completely.