"Congratulations, Marquis." Viscount Sauco greeted Jose Oliva.

"For what, Viscount?" he asked Sauco without breaking the line they were standing in.

All of the noble family representatives are standing in line waiting for the king to arrive back from batting with the dragon, and at their back, some other nobles are waiting to witness the historic event. The citizens of the sibol are also watching from the street, with video communication tools installed to broadcast the victorious return of the king and the heroes he is with, including the well-known dragon slayer, Ernesto Oliva.

"Don't be humble, Marquis Oliva. I know you're very proud of your child, who is the youngest hero in the kingdom, the youngest and only dragon slayer alive."

Viscount Sauco's intention of talking loudly to the marquis is to impress him and befriend the marquis, but it's the opposite for the marquis.

Honor and recognition mean nothing to him if his child is in danger.