"Tsk. Where is she?"

Watson kept walking around the campus to look for Klay. He was so distracted by talking about the Miyanos that he missed when Klay left their classroom. He could not even use spells to look for her because Klay would surely detect his magic.

It's simple to fool Klay in other areas, but not in magic. Dryad has advanced knowledge of magic.

"Tsk. Why is she even here?"

"Yeah, right. Can't she just go to Tore?"

Watson finally found Klay thanks to the girls' bitter talk about Klay. He didn't go to her right away, and he eavesdropped on the girls' conversations first to know more about his target.

"Elf and Tore don't have a good relationship, so they still send their students here."

"Well, I understand Tore, but who would need her?"

"Yes, she used more of her body than her magic."

The girls didn't hide their insecurities from the flawless Klay and bitterly grumbled to one another.