Today is my birthday my mom and dad invited my family I hate my family I only like my mom and dad they've always annoyed me ever since I was a little boy now I have to pretend..ugh I can't do this anymore they ruined my birthday mom:time for cake! *Sarah puts the cake on the table* *then they started to sing* "happy birthday to you" I can't Believe I'm already turning 16 won't they just shut up..I hate them they ruined everything why do mom and dad even hangout with them..*bon is going to explode* bon:URG- WHY DO YOU GUYS HAVE TO BE HERE YOU GUYS RUIN EVERYTHING- *family was in shock* and so where Sarah and Anthony:*trembley* go to your room! *Bon went to his room and cried he took off his cat ears* Sarah's mom:Sarah you really to get your son better help
Sarah:Mom Nothing helps..nethier do you.. (that afternoon bon didn't come out of his room nor opened for dinner) *Anthony opened Bons door to see him crying* Anthony:Bon we didn't mean to yell at you I know you- *bon interrupts* Bon:no I'm sorry dad I- you don't understand how it is to be autistic *he got angry and went to bed* (Anthony sighed and left him)Sarah:did he.cooparte.? Anthony:No
Bon cried to sleep in his dream he was in a bathroom Bon:what..where am I.. he then sees a demon shadow but it was an adult with a knife and was approaching him Bon runs and yells for help he noticed a door and ran then opened it the adult was still following but wouldn't stop chasing no one would listen for his yells for help he was in a movie theater then he woke up it was morning Bon:I'm alive..*his alarm was ringing and he cancelled it* Bon:another day.. *he got ready for school* (came down stairs and saw his mom crying) Bon:Mom?..
Sarah:Oh! Hey sweetie *wipes her tears* h-heres your lunch Bon:*he did not want to say why she was crying* thanks mom (Sarah then drove him to school Bon gets out of the car then says bye to his mom) Bon:*sad expression* Another day *he goes inside school then he saw kayla* (he was happy) Bon:Kayla! Kayla: hi bon! Kayla,my only best friend she makes me happy. I don't like anybody else other than her (Bon and Kayla have a conversation while opening there lockers) Kayla:happy late birthday Bon sorry I couldn't give you this on your birthday it was Sunday Bon:thank you so much Kayla I love it (he smiled at her) (someone then accidentally pushed Bon and he almost crushed his gift) Bon:Hey watch where your going asshole! (The person just kept walking and Bon got more angry) Kayla:*stopped bon* hey it's okay It's not broken Bon:but..(the bell then rang) Kayla:see you ( Bon:bye Kayla..*he waved and then headed to class*