Tears of Joy

Bon was feeling warm he felt alive and started crying tears of joy.He hugged Conejo and Vilkas and thanked them for everything however he wanted to repay Conejo they both smiled and Oliver was happy for Bon he went to tap him Bon looked at Oliver and hugged him as well he focusing on being very happy and forgot all his "defects", Bon had finally accepted himself as they had to walk out Bon was talking to Oliver about leaving the church school and going back to his ordinary unique life Oliver didn't like that he was leaving he got sad Bon noticed but told Oliver they're friends and Bon said "I'll see you at school" Oliver was confused with emotions he is glad that Bon is still going to see him he's just sad that Bon won't be learning perishing or religious things, Bon patted his shoulder and ran off to his mom's car she hugged Bon tightly and Bon was repeating mom I'm a alive Sarah drooled in tears and caress Bons face she said "let's go home" they both went in the car Bon waved goodbye to Oliver he put his head on his mom's shoulder while she was talking with her friend Bon was very happy Sarah told him good news that she and her father signed divorce files which means they won't have to worry about him again Bon smiled at his mom and hugged her,he thanked his mom for caring for him,when they arrived to their new place they started packing their things Bon wanted to call his friends so he excused himself he called Kayla and she was happy for him she wondered what spell was used Bon made a joke the cross duh they both laughed on the phone,Bon called August and told him the good news he was happy for him and wished him best,he called Daisy Mary and then Nikolas after everyone's excited reaction Bon was thinking of what Conejo had told him of her family he thought about his owning back and continued packing.Meanwhile Conejo and Vilkas we're standing outside of the school Oliver noticed and walked over to them he apologized on what happened and took the blame Vilkas thought he was lying so he accepted his apology Conejo said it was okay all three of them were standing in front of the school Conejo was holding her nun clothing she looked at Oliver,Oliver nodded and then looked at Vilkas and he was disappointed in her but she threw her clothes down knowing she is leaving to find her next chapter,Bon calls Conejo to tell her about the trade he thought.