Conejo answered the phone and the person on the other line was Earl,they talked she was glad that she had her phone number.The next Day August explained to Conejo of the situation,when he goes to the facility he is met by this nurse who treats him very awful as if August was just a toy,his name was seven: blonde hair.aquamarine colored eyes,small stache and brownish goat ears.August says he would abuse his power over him,he made him dress up as a pink sheep and called him willy",and scared him by playing childish games Seven would even give him a tranquilizer to put him to sleep when August was just fine he only wanted August and everytime other patients are with him he would act causal expect when he was with August.Conejo was shocked she couldn't believe what she was hearing, she wanted to do something about this nurse, she said "don't worry August... I'll do something about this I promise"Conejo saw Angel glancing at her she smiled and Angel smiles back at her but Angel had intention to manipulate her and August she wanted their love but couldn't let her parent know about them.