Chapter 39

Wonho's POV

Me and Hyungwon were just cuddling in the hospital bed and my mom came in. I was shocked that she was here.

Wonho: Eomma, what are you doing here?

Wonho's mom: I came to check up on you. And to bring Chanhyun here for Shownu and Changkyun.

Hyungwon had become really quiet when my mom came in and he tried to burry his head into my chest. I gave him a gentle squeeze so he knew that it was okay. My mom noticed this and she backed up a little bit.

Wonho's mom: Are you okay Hyungwon?

Hyungwon shook his head notifying my mom that he was. She was a little hesitant but she understood. She looked at me.

Wonho's mom: Need anything dear?

Hyungwon grabbed me.

Wonho: No but I think Hyungwon wants a little privacy time with me.

Wonho's mom: Oh. Okay. Sleep tight when you get the chance.

Wonho: I will mom.

My mom left and I looked at Hyungwon. He was still holding onto me after what my mom said.

Wonho: Wonnie, what's wrong?

Hyungwon: I don't like your mom always doing her 'once a week' visits. She always uses that as an excuse and she comes every single day. I just wish she would limit it. If she doesn't then I will. And I don't like the fact that she has names to call you when she can just call you by your name. I'm getting sick and tired of it. I just wish she'd stop. It's getting on my nerves. It's like I never get any time with the twins nor get any time with you. And I'm always exhausted after she leaves at like 8 in the evening and on top of that I'm usually asleep on the couch when you come back from walking her out when she leaves, which means that I leave you to take care of the twins and I still get little sleep because she always comes back like 30 minutes later and makes and excuse like she forgot her wallet when she doesn't and it takes longer to get her out the door the second time because she wants to hold the twins again even though they need to sleep because it's their bed time and it's getting really annoying because it's like she lives with us.

When Hyungwon was done talking he looked at me, not noticing that my mom had come back. My mom had a sad expression on her face.

Hyungwon: I'm sorry if I offended you Wonho but I'm just getting tired of it.

Wonho's mom: I'm sorry that you feel that way. And I'm sorry for bothering you that much.

She grabbed her phone and left. Hyungwon groaned and fell back on the bed.

Hyungwon: Why does everything have to mess up because of me!?

Wonho: Hyungwon it doesn't. Nothing is messed up. My mom is a very understanding person.

Hyungwon: You know what, just take the twins and go home. They need the sleep and so do you. Just go home.

Wonho: But-

Hyungwon: No buts. Just go home.

I hesitated for a minute but then I knew he actually meant it. I sighed and gave in. And I put the twins in their carriers.

Wonho: Make sure you call me before you go to bed. And make sure you eat. I will talk to my mom. And I will ask Shownu to check on you. Just make sure to eat and call me if you need anything.

I kissed Hyungwon and he kissed me back. When I hugged him, he held me tightly like he didn't want to let go. But he did. I saw tears in his eyes.

Wonho: Make sure you don't hurt yourself. But before I leave, are you sure you want me to leave?

Hyungwon: Yes.

His facial expression was saying the opposite. I looked around then I took all the sharp things and went and gave them to nurse who knew about Hyungwon's past with sharp things and I asked them to check on Hyungwon every now and then and they agreed. When I went back, I heard the twins crying and I saw Hyungwon hugging his knees and crying. He was looking at something and I followed his gaze. I saw him looking at a dark figure in the corner of the room. But all of the sudden the figure disappeared. Hyungwon started crying harder. The twins didn't stop crying either. Shownu had come in and he quickly went to the twins and I went straight to Hyungwon. Hyungwon grabbed onto me tightly. He was still crying hard and he wasn't letting go.

Hyungwon: Please don't leave me Wonho.

Wonho: I'm not going to. I'm gonna stay right here. I promise.

I held him tighter. I was still hugging Hyungwon when Shownu had finally calmed the twins down.

Shownu: What happened?

Wonho: I don't know. All I know is that he wanted me to leave but at the same time he didn't want me to. Then I took all the sharp things out of here and gave them to a nurse. When I came back, there was a figure in the corner of the room. I have no idea who it was. That's all I know of after my mom left.

Shownu came over to us and put his hand on Hyungwon's back.

Shownu: His body is shaking badly. I guess it scared him more then any of us. I will take the twins and go home for the night and then come back tomorrow.

Wonho: What about Changkyun?

Changkyun: I'm right here.

I turned and saw Changkyun leaning up against the wall holding Chanhyun. Shownu looked at him.

Shownu: I told you that I would come and get you.

Changkyun: I wanted to see them.

Hyungwon pointed at Changkyun. Shownu had helped Changkyun walk over then took Chanhyun from him. I stood up and let Changkyun sit down. Changkyun had pulled Hyungwon into a hug and let him cry. Hyungwon was being gentle with Changkyun because he didn't want to hurt Changkyun. Changkyun was calming Hyungwon down and soothing him. Me and Shownu looked at each other and then back at them. Changkyun still had Hyungwon in his hold when he looked at us.

Changkyun: Can you go get some food for him? He's drained from crying and he needs food.

Shownu: How do you know this?

Changkyun: Because I would always bring him to my house after school sometimes during high school. He opened up to me then. So if you don't want him to get sick then go get him food! And now!

Shownu quickly went to get food and Changkyun looked at me and I quickly followed.

~Time Skip ~

When we got back, Changkyun was sitting in a chair next to the bed and Hyungwon was laying down. Hyungwon was still awake but barely. Changkyun had noticed us.

Changkyun: Hurry. Before he falls asleep.

Shownu took the food over to him and Changkyun started to feed Hyungwon. After a while, Hyungwon was done eating but he still looked tired. Changkyun had checked his temperature.

Changkyun: Rest Hyungwon.

Hyungwon had fallen asleep after Changkyun said that. Changkyun looked at us and sighed.

Changkyun: He has a fever. He needs time to rest.

Wonho: Okay so next time something is wrong, I'm coming to you for help first.

Changkyun smiled.

Shownu: What happened whenever Hyungwon would go to your house after school though?

Changkyun: I would always pick him up from his house in the mornings with my parents on the way to school and I would always tell his parents that me and Hyungwon had to study after school and asked if he could come over after school. They always agreed. Sometimes they even agreed to let him spend the night at my place.

Shownu: And your parents were fine with this?

Changkyun: Yeah. They knew what was going on at Hyungwon's house. Secretly they put cameras up all around the inside of the house one day when it was just Hyungwon. His parents didn't even know about them.

Shownu: Well that's new. Why didn't you tell us before?

Changkyun: You didn't ask.

Shownu: Good point.

The twins started to cry. I went to calm them down but they wouldn't stop crying. Hyungwon started to stir. Soon Hyungwon was awake.

Hyungwon: Let me see them.

His voice was barely audible but I knew he wanted to see the twins. I took them over to him. I handed him Hyunwoo first then after awhile I handed him Seohyun. When I took Seohyun away from him, Hyungwon fell back asleep. Changkyun checked to see if Hyungwon still had a fever.

Changkyun: Still has a fever.

I sighed and sat down on the ground with my back up against the wall. Soon enough I fell asleep where I was.