Chapter 83

Hyungwon's POV

Shownu looked at me. I looked at him then back at Changkyun. Changkyun has been out for 3 hours now. I was getting worried about him a little bit. Shownu noticed that something was up.

Shownu: What's wrong?

Hyungwon: I'm worried about him. Is that bad?

I looked back at Shownu. He gave me a small smile.

Shownu: No it's not. Because I am to.

Hyungwon: But here's the thing, I haven't worried this much about someone since I left Wonho.

Shownu: You need to stop thinking about him. He's bad news and you know it.

Hyungwon: I know. But I am going back to old habits.

Shownu: Boy, I need to find you someone that will get your mind off of him. And I might know the right person.

Hyungwon: Yeah, and who's that?

Shownu: Not telling you.

Hyungwon: Oh come on! Please?

Shownu: No. You have to wait and see. Plus I might have told him a little bit about you and that you have kids but that's all I told him. Was that you had kids and just a couple details. And don't worry, he likes kids and he told me that he would love to meet you.

Hyungwon: He's okay with me being gay?

Shownu: He's gay too so yes.

Hyungwon: When do I get to meet this boy?

Shownu: Whenever you want. He's open for anything.

Hyungwon: Okay. Can you at least tell me his name?

Shownu: He requested me not to because he wants to tell you.

Hyungwon: Is he at least nice?

Shownu: Yes. And he's tall.

Hyungwon: Is he now?

Shownu: Yep. And I hope he is right for you. And one more thing, he is a top.

Hyungwon: Perfect.

I smiled at Shownu. We heard Changkyun start to wake up. We looked over and saw that he was awake.

Changkyun: How long was I asleep?

Shownu: 3 hours.

Changkyun: You could've woken me.

Shownu: You needed the sleep.

Changkyun: I know. How was Chanhyun?

Shownu: Good. He's asleep right now. Probably will wake up in the next couple seconds to be in your arms though.

When Shownu said that, Chanhyun had woken up and started crying. Shownu stood up and walked over and gave Chanhyun to Changkyun. Changkyun smiled at Chanhyun. Chanhyun had calmed down in Changkyun's arms.

Changkyun: When can we go home?

Dongwook: Right now actually.

Dongwook had walked in whenever he said that.

Changkyun: Really!?

Dongwook: Yes.

Changkyun smiled very wide and started playing with Chanhyun. Shownu laughed. I got up and got dressed and then helped Changkyun. And I said goodbye and told Shownu that I would call him in a little bit. Then I went to go see Taemin.

~Time Skip~

When I got to Taemin's room, Taemin was arguing with Minho.

Hyungwon: Guys, stop it.

Taemin: Hyungwon!

I rushed over to Taemin before he jumped out of bed.

Hyungwon: Don't do that. You scared me.

Taemin: Sorry.

He hugged me tightly. He never does this unless he is about to cry. I sat on the edge of the bed while still hugging him and let him cry.

Hyungwon: It's okay. I'm okay.

I had my arms around Taemin while he was still holding onto me. Jonghyun was holding Silvia while Onew was holding the twins. Minho was quiet. And Key was trying to intertain the twins. Taemin was still holding onto me and crying.

Hyungwon: Taemin look at me.

Taemin looked at me. And he had tears streaming down his face.

Hyungwon: I'm okay. I promise. Don't think I'm not because I'm fine. It was just an accident. Minho didn't mean to do what he did. He was mad. But everything is fine. I'm going to be okay.

Taemin: Okay.

I wiped his tears away and let him hug me for a little longer. Taemin had calmed down a little bit. After a while, Taemin was fine. Minhyuk had walked in.

Minhyuk: Hyungwon.

I turned around and saw him.

Hyungwon: What's wrong?

Minhyuk: Kihyun wants to see you.

Hyungwon: Is everything okay?

Minhyuk: Yeah. It's just that Kihyun wants to tell you something.

Hyungwon: Okay.

I looked at Taemin.

Hyungwon: I will be back okay.

Taemin: Okay.

I got up and followed Minhyuk. Once we were there, Kihyun smiled at me.

Hyungwon: Nice to see you again.

Kihyun: Really! That's what I get?

Hyungwon: Says the one who happens to be awake after needing to go back into the hospital.

Kihyun: Good point. But anyway, I have good news.

Hyungwon: And what's that?

Kihyun: I can finally come home. There is nothing wrong. But I do need to be on bed rest for a week but other then that I'm fine.

Hyungwon: Finally.

Kihyun: I know right. But leading to why I asked Minhyuk to go get you is because I need help.

Hyungwon: I should've seen that coming.

Kihyun: Please? Oh and I wanna see Silvia before me and Minhyuk leave.

Hyungwon: Fine.

~Time Skip~

Once Kihyun was ready we walked to Taemin's room. Minhyuk was carrying Kihyun on his back while walking. When we walked into Taemin's room, Taemin held his arms out to me.

Hyungwon: God your clingy.

Taemin: I'm pregnant what do you expect?

I rolled my eyes and let him hug me. Kihyun was just looking at Silvia.

Hyungwon: Better watch out so Kihyun doesn't have a cuteness overload.

Minhyuk: Too late.

Kihyun: Can me and you try again?

Minhyuk: It took us more then two months to get you pregnant.

Kihyun: So? I wanna try again.

Minhyuk: Fine. We can try again.

Hyungwon: Have fun you to. But don't do it now! Kihyun needs to be on bed rest for a week.

Kihyun: Oh it wouldn't hurt!

Hyungwon: Do you want to end up back in the hospital after you just got discharged?

Kihyun just looked at me.

Kihyun: Fine. I will do bed rest for a week.

Hyungwon: Good. How hard will it be?

Kihyun glared at me then looked back at Silvia. Soon Minhyuk and Kihyun had left and I was left here with Taemin and his friends. Taemin had fallen asleep while cuddling with me. It was getting close to night time. I woke Taemin up and saw that he was still tired.

Hyungwon: I gotta go. But I want you to get some sleep. And I will see you tomorrow. If I don't come see you tomorrow, then I will visit soon. Okay?

Taemin: Okay. Be safe.

Hyungwon: I will.

I turned around and saw that Onew and Key had put the twins in their carriers and Jonghyun was still holding Silvia. I grabbed the twins and Onew had taken Silvia. He had walked with me to Shownu's car after I said goodbye to the others. I put the twins in the car and then grabbed Silvia.

Hyungwon: Thank you Onew. I will come visit soon. I promise.

Onew: Okay. I may or may not hold you to that promise.

Hyungwon: I wouldn't be surprised if you did. You always did it when we were in high school.

Onew: You know me well.

Hyungwon: Even if it's been years. Anyway, I better get going.Thank you again Onew.

Onew: No problem. Have a good night.

Hyungwon: You too Jinki.

I got in and Shownu looked at me. I noticed and got confused.

Hyungwon: What? Is something wrong?

Shownu: No. You and Onew have a really good relationship.

Hyungwon: Shownu, we've been friends for like 8 years.

Shownu: I know. No need to get all defensive.

Hyungwon: I'm not. But anyway, when am I going to meet that guy you told me about?

Shownu: Soon.

Hyungwon: How soon?

Shownu: Tomorrow.

Hyungwon: What time?

Shownu: 12 o'clock.

Hyungwon: This will be fun.