Chapter 97


When me and Jack got home, we went straight up to our room. Jack started to get clothes out for him.

Jack: I'm going to get a shower okay?

T.O.P: Yeah. I'll be here unless you want me to join you.

Jack: I will only be a minute, so you can stay out here.

T.O.P: Okay.

When Jack went into the bathroom, I instantly layed on the bed and fell asleep.

Jack's POV

When I got out of the shower I went into the bedroom and saw that T.O.P was asleep on the bed. I smiled to myself and walked over. I layed down next to him and he instantly snuggled closer. I had put my arms around him and sighed quietly. After a couple seconds, I heard T.O.P whimpering. I looked at him and saw that he was in pain of some sort. I decided to wake him up. So I started to shake his shoulder gently until he woke up. When he woke up, he looked at me.

Jack: You feeling okay?

T.O.P: My stomach hurts.

Jack: Do you want to try and walk around to see if that helps?

T.O.P shook his head in agreement. I stood up and helped him up. We walked around for a little bit and he sighed after a little bit.

Jack: Better?

T.O.P: Yeah. I think it's because I haven't moved around a lot since I was sitting for a long time and then just layed down without moving.

Jack: Tell me the next time it hurts okay?

T.O.P: Okay. What do you want to do now?

Jack: I don't know. Cuddle while we do a Netflix marathon?

T.O.P: That sounds like a good idea. Let's go.

~Time Skip~

After we watched a couple movies, it was 6 in the evening. T.O.P had fallen asleep in my arms while watching the last movie. I smiled to myself and covered him with a blanket. I stood up and walked into the kitchen to make dinner. While I was cooking, I felt T.O.P put his arms around me.

Jack: Hi sleepy head.

T.O.P: Hi.

Jack: Still tired Seunghyun?

T.O.P: Yeah.

Jack: Go lay on the couch while I finish up dinner and I will come wake you to eat.

T.O.P: Okay. I love you.

Jack: I love you too Seunghyun.

I kissed him and he went and layed down on the couch.

T.O.P: Being pregnant sucks! I'm always tired.

Jack: Well that's part of being pregnant baby.

I got done making dinner and took some to T.O.P. He took it and smiled.

T.O.P: Thank you honey.

Jack: Your welcome baby.

After we ate, T.O.P had looked at me.

Jack: What's wrong baby?

T.O.P: Can we go to bed? I am really tired.

Jack: Of course. Come on.

I helped him stand up. Once he stood up, he instantly tightened his grip on me.

Jack: Baby, what's wrong?

T.O.P: It hurts.

Jack: What hurts?

T.O.P: My stomach.

Jack: It's going to be okay. Just breathe. I'm gonna call Hyungwon.

T.O.P: Okay.

I grabbed my phone and called Hyungwon. Once he picked up and asked what was wrong, I explained everything. After I explained, he told me that he was on his way. I got off the phone with Hyungwon and looked at T.O.P.

Jack: He's on his way.

T.O.P: Okay.