Chapter 105


I was laying next to Jack in the hospital room and was cuddled next to him. Jack was soothing me because he knew that I wasn't okay. And of course I panicked whenever Dongwook had said that Jack was paralyzed from the waist down because I didn't know what would happen next with our life. Jack had his arms around me and was staying like that.

Jack: Are you okay?

T.O.P: Yeah. Just a little worried.

Jack: I will be okay. And I will always be by your side even if I'm in a wheelchair.

T.O.P: But that's what scares me.

Jack: What? The fact that I'm going to be in a wheelchair?

T.O.P: Yeah. What would happen if I'm not around and you need something? Or if I go into labor and you can't get to me?

Jack: You do know that we share a house with our friends right?

T.O.P: Yeah but what if they're not there?

Jack: Then I won't leave your side even if I have to be in a wheelchair. Like I promised you that I would be by your side every day.

T.O.P: What about our wedding?

Jack: We will figure it out once we get there and when we are ready to plan for it. Stop worrying. I'm okay.

I looked at him. Jack smiled at me then kissed my forehead.

Jack: And don't worry, I'm not mad about the argument nor the fact that you had a miscarriage. I still love you and I still love you for who you are.

T.O.P: I love you more.

Jack pulled me closer. I sighed and accepted the fact that this was our new reality and that it will take some time to get used to. Soon Dongwook had walked in.

Dongwook: How are guys feeling?

Jack: I'm fine. I just hurt in my chest and stomach.

Dongwook looked at me.

T.O.P: I'm fine. Just tired. There is just a small pain in my stomach.

Dongwook: That pain is from the miscarriage but it will go away. But good news is that you can go home.

T.O.P: Both of us?

Dongwook: Yes. I did ask Daesung to keep an eye on you guys when you are at home so that way nothing happens.

T.O.P: Okay. Thank you.

Dongwook: You're welcome. Do you want me to send in Daesung, Seungri, G-Dragon, and Taeyang so they can help you guys?

Jack: Yes please. I might need all the help I can get.

Dongwook: Okay.

Dongwook left and soon everyone came in. Daesung came over to me and hugged me. I knew that he was worried about me.

T.O.P: Dae, I'm fine. Now can you please help me get dressed so that way we can help Jack?

Daesung: Yeah.

~Time Skip~

After Daesung helped me get dressed, we helped Jack get dressed then we were able to go home. Once we got home, I got out and Taeyang helped Jack out of the car.

Taeyang: We do have a couple surprises for you guys.

T.O.P: What do you mean?

Taeyang: Well, me, G-Dragon, Seungri, and Daesung may have come home and came up with a few surprises. Some of them are still a working process but still count.

T.O.P: Okay?

Seungri: And some of them we did have to improvise on.

Jack: How long did it take you?

Daesung: Well the car crash did happen yesterday evening and you guys were stuck at the hospital last night so we stayed up all night last night.

Jack: And you guys did this for me and Seunghyun in order to help us?

Daesung: Yep.

G-Dragon: How about we show you?

Jack looked at me and smiled.

T.O.P: Why not? Let's go.

Once we got inside, me and Jack were surprised. There was a little more room so Jack could get around the living room and kitchen. There was what looked like a ramp going up stairs. And there was something going on with the couch.

Jack: Okay so the couch is questionable.

Daesung: We were trying to figure out if we wanted to put a space in between two parts of the couch for the wheelchair to be in between them or if we should have kept it together and help you in and out of your wheelchair. But then we just stopped and decided to ask you about it.

Jack: Yeah, we will get to that.

T.O.P: I want to know what is going on with that ramp leading upstairs. To me it looks questionable.

Daesung: That's one of those working progress things other then the couch.

T.O.P: Should I dare ask what you guys did upstairs?

Daesung: Working progress items in your guys' room. And there is a surprise in a different room as well for you.

Jack: Let's start in our room I guess.

Daesung: Would you rather be carried or take the ramp.

Jack: Ummm.

Daesung: Doesn't matter to us. It's one of those working progress things that we told you about.

Jack: Let's try the ramp. And see how it goes. Then we can see if we can find somewhere where we can get a sturdy ramp.

Daesung: Okay.

Jack: I mean don't get me wrong, it is very helpful that you guys did this.

Daesung: We try our best for our friends.

Jack smiled.

T.O.P: Can we go upstairs now?

Daesung: Sure. But you need to be careful Seunghyun.

T.O.P: I know I know.

Jack: But just be careful please.

T.O.P: Okay. But can we please just go up?

Jack: You are so impatient.

Daesung smiled at us.

Taeyang: Let's help you guys up there.

Daesung had walked next to me while Taeyang and G-Dragon helped Jack up the ramp. Seungri had followed us. We went into mine and Jack's room. There was a small table on Jack's side of the bed with things he may need. Then I noticed that the room was cleaned and easier for us to move around.

T.O.P: You did all this in one night?

Daesung: Yeah. But Seungri did need to take a couple breaks due to getting tired but he did help a lot even with the breaks.

Seungri smiled. I hugged him.

T.O.P: Thank you guys.

Jack: Couldn't be any more grateful without you helping.

Daesung: Don't worry about it. We wanted to help. Plus, we have one more surprise. Come on.

We followed them to the room across the room and over to the right a bit and they opened the door and moved to the side. I followed Jack in and saw that they did the room as a nursery for mine and Jack's kids. I put my hand to my mouth in shock. Jack looked at me then everyone else as best as he could then back at me. I grabbed his hand and held it. Daesung came to my side and hugged me.

Daesung: Surprise!

I put my hand on my stomach.

G-Dragon: Do you like it?

T.O.P: I love it!

Jack: Thank you. You guys definitely took the words right out of Seunghyun's mouth.

Daesung: Yeah. This was all G-Dragon's idea. The nursery was. He thought it was a good idea since you were pregnant and the accident just happened and you guys would need a little time to heal and rest up.

T.O.P: Thank you. So much.

Daesung: Any time. But it is getting closer to bedtime so I say we eat something then go to bed and get some sleep.

I shook my head and looked around one more time and followed everyone else.

~Time Skip ~

After we ate, we all went upstairs. Daesung helped me get Jack into bed then said goodnight and went to bed. I changed into my night clothes then got into bed with Jack. Once I got comfortable, I cuddled closer to Jack. He put his arms around me.

Jack: You feeling any better now that we're home?

T.O.P: Yeah. I guess so.

Jack: What's wrong? You haven't been like this since you first found out about your depression and anxiety. So what's wrong?

T.O.P: I don't know why my mood has been seeming absent ever since we ate. I just don't know anymore. And my stomach still hurts from the miscarriage. We were going to four kids Jack. Four babies. But I wasn't able to keep one of them. And it's all my fault that we got into that argument and crashed and my fault for losing one of the babies and the reason why you are paralyzed.

Jack: Seunghyun, nothing is your fault. You didn't cause the wreck, you didn't cause our argument, you didn't know that we were going to crash. And it's not your fault that you miscarried, you were in shock when it happened. Nothing that happened last night, was your fault. And yes, I know that you are upset about everything but all we can do now is move along. It may be hard but it's going to be okay. I still love you.

T.O.P: I love you too. But I was still hoping that we had the chance to raise 4 kids.

Jack: I know. But we still have the aprotunaty to raise 3 kids baby. And I know one thing for sure.

T.O.P: And what's that?

Jack: You are going to be a great mother. And it doesn't matter if you are also thier father.

T.O.P: You think so?

Jack: Of course. And I know that you are going to be a great husband. Even if we don't have our wedding planned yet, I already know that you are going to be a great husband and a loving mother and father.

I smiled at Jack. He held me close.

Jack: And don't worry, we will be fine. I promise.

T.O.P: Okay.

Jack: I love you.

T.O.P: I love you more.