Chapter 114

Hyungwon's POV

Once me, Wonho, and Lay arrived home, Changkyun instantly came running up but Shownu grabbed him before he could ram into me.

Shownu: Easy on Hyungwon. Okay baby?

Changkyun: Okay! Now let me go!

Shownu did and Changkyun put his arms around me gently. I smiled and hugged him back. Once Changkyun let go, Shownu hugged me. Then I went and said hi to everyone else. Baekhyun was worried for me whenever I was talking to him since he was the last one I said hi too. Baekhyun had guided me to the couch and helped me sit down. I smiled at him. He was holding Seohyun. Seohyun started to reach out to me and started to cry. I took her but she kept crying. I started to sooth her. Soon she calmed down and wanted to go to Wonho. Max came over with Silvia. I grabbed her and let her settle in my arms.

Max: I was bottle feeding her because I didn't know what to do. I'm still in that learning stage since I'm new to it.

Hyungwon: Don't worry about it. She actually started to be bottle fed the day before the accident happened. So it's fine.

Max: Oh okay.

Lin: Honey, don't worry about it. You'll be fine.

Max smiled. Hyungwoo started crying in Changkyun's moms arms. Wonho grabbed him but Hyngwoo wasn't calming down. Lin had taken Silvia while Wonho handed me Hyungwoo. I was able to get Hyungwoo situated and calmed down. I looked at Lin.

Hyungwon: How far along are you?

Lin looked at me then smiled.

Lin: 3 months. Just 6 more months until me and Max have a child of our own. But hopefully our child doesn't have my illness.

Hyungwon: Don't stress about it. I'm sure everything will be okay.

Lin smiled. Seohyun started crying again and tried to reach for me. Then she said her first word that sounded like 'mama' while she was still reaching for me. Baekhyun had taken Hyunwoo and Wonho handed me Seohyun. She was still crying while still murmuring mama. I looked at every one else.

Hyungwon: I'm not the only one hearing this right?

Wonho: Her first word.

Wonho smiled at me. Dawn smiled and looked at Yoongi. Yoongi looked at Dawn and smiled back. I looked over at Dawn and Yoongi and watched them while every one was talking to each other. I saw that Dawn was starting to breath heavily. Yoongi was trying to calm him down. Changkyun noticed and quickly went over to Dawn. Gwi went over as well. Dawn had grabbed onto Gwi and hugged him. Gwi was calming Dawn down while Yoongi was trying to help.

Changkyun's POV

Dawn was having a panic attack and it wasn't going well. He was still holding onto mom.

Changkyun: Dawn, breath okay. You're okay.

Dawn: I don't know what's going on. What's going on?

Gwi: You're having a panic attack. But you need to calm down.

Dawn was starting to calm down. I looked at Hyungwon and saw that he was worried. I gave him a smile so he knew that it was okay. Then I looked around and my eyes landed on Lin. I noticed that he was getting dizzy. I quickly ran over and caught him before he fell on the ground. Shownu quickly came over and grabbed Silvia. I was holding onto Lin. He was shaking. Max was right next to me.

Max: Lin?

Max grabbed his hand. I looked at Max.

Changkyun: Do you trust me?

Max looked at me.

Max: You're my cousin, why wouldn't I?

Changkyun: Fair point, but we need to get him to Dongwook. He's shaking and possibly not able to walk right now do to him being dizzy. On top of that he has a high fever.

Max: How do you know this?

Changkyun: I have a brother in law who has been to the hospital more then I have for stuff like this, so it's nothing new.

Max: Okay.

Max picked Lin up bridal style and followed me and Shownu to Shownu's car. Once we got in, we went to the hospital. Once we got to the hospital and walked in, Dongwook noticed us and quickly quided us to a room. Max had put Lin on the bed and held his hand. Lin was trying to breathe but couldn't get that much air. Dongwook came over and put a breathing mask on Lin.

Dongwook: What's going on?

Lin: It hurts. Everything hurts.

Dongwook: Try and take in as much air as you can, okay?

Dongwook looked at me and Max.

Dongwook: He's having a flare up which is possibly causing his lungs not to expand as much as they normally do.

Max: But what is causing the flare up? He was perfectly fine when we got here and he wasn't showing any signs of anything.

Dongwook: That's another thing that you have to look out for when someone has cystic fibrosis. Is the flare ups in their lungs. But it's bad. Wait, how long have you known him?

Dongwook stopped in the middle of what he was doing and looked at Max.

Max: We've known each other since we were kids. But all the doctors that he has seen never told us about the flare ups and he always thought that it was really bad chest pain because of the cystic fibrosis.

Dongwook: I'm going to schedule an MRI for him so we know how bad it is. Did your dad ever talk about me or mentioned that he knew a doctor?

Max: My dad, Rang? Not that I remember.

Dongwook: Why don't my brothers talk about me!? Jesus! But let me go schedule that MRI.

Dongwook left and Max looked at Lin. Lin was holding onto Max's hand but had his other hand on his stomach. Max put his other hand on top of Lin's stomach.

Max: It's going to be okay. Breathe.

Lin: It hurts. It hurts to breathe.

Max: Okay, try and take slow breaths.

Lin: But what about the baby?

Max: Don't worry about the baby right now. I'm sure the baby is okay. We need to focus on you right now.

Lin: But I'm worried about the baby.

Max: Lin, calm down. The baby will be okay. But right now, you need to calm down. Everything is going to be okay.

Dongwook walked back in. Shownu had wrapped his arms around me. Then it hit me.

Changkyun: What about our kids!?

Shownu: Don't worry, Hyungwon texted and said that Yoongi and Dawn were taking care of them.

Changkyun: But I didn't leave anything for them.

Shownu: Baby, calm down. Hyungwon knows what to do.

Dongwook: I can get Lin into an MRI right now.

Max: Okay.

Dongwook had taken Lin to get an MRI while me, Shownu, and Max stayed back. Max looked upset. I went over and hugged him. He accepted my hug.

Max: I'm worried about him.

Changkyun: I know. It's going to be okay.

Max: But what about our child?

Changkyun: I'm sure your child will be fine.

Max: But-

Changkyun: Max! It's fine. Calm down. Anxiety isn't the best thing to have.

Max looked at me. Dongwook had walked in with Lin.

Dongwook: Max, Changkyun. We need to talk.

We stepped out and Dongwook sighed.

Dongwook: His condition is worse then we thought. His medicine is doing little effect so I'm going to give him higher doses of his medicine. And I ran tests for your child Max, and your child doesn't have the sickness.

Max: But is there anything else we can do for Lin?

Dongwook: The only other thing we can do is a lung transplant. But in order to do that, we either need someone to donate one or there needs to be one donated to us from another hospital who doesn't need it.

A nurse came up to us and looked at Dongwook.

Dongwook: Spit it out.

Nurse: A call just came in from a hospital in Busan saying that they had a patient who passed away with healthy lungs. They somehow were able to donate the other organs already except the lungs and they were asking if we needed them. They are still on hold right now waiting for an answer.

Dongwook: How long until they can get here?

Nurse: Maybe 30 minutes but I would say an hour.

Dongwook looked at us. Max shook his no.

Dongwook: Talk to Lin. See what he thinks. If he wants it, then we can do the surgery. If not, then it's fine. Plus, these lungs will give him about 5 years with clear lungs. Not a trace of the cf.

Max: Okay.

Max walked in so he could talk to Lin. Shownu walked out.

Shownu: What's going on?

Changkyun: There is a chance that Lin might be able to get a new set of lungs. But Max is unsure weather or not Lin will accept them or not.

Shownu: I'm sure he will.

Max came out of the room. He sighed.

Max: Took a while to convince him, but he will take them.

Dongwook looked at the nurse.

Dongwook: Call it in. Now.

The nurse walked away to tell the hospital that they can send the lungs. Lin called out but not for Max, but for me. I walked in and saw Lin curled up on the bed and he looked like he was in pain. I rushed over to him.

Changkyun: Lin? What's wrong?

Lin: It hurts.

Changkyun: What hurts?

Lin: My chest and my stomach.

Changkyun: Okay. Take a couple small breaths. Do you want me to get Dongwook?

Lin shook his head and put his arms around his stomach. I quickly went and told Dongwook about what was going on. He quickly came in. He instantly grabbed painkillers and was able to give them to Lin.

Dongwook: Are you having cramps in your stomach or is it discomfort?

Lin: Neither.

Dongwook: What do you mean?

Lin: It feels like someone is stabbing me over and over again.

Dongwook: Hopefully it goes away soon. Give it about 30 minutes for the painkillers to kick in.

Lin: Okay.

Lin reached out and grabbed my wrist. I walked closer and sat on the bed and let Lin snuggle into me. Soon he fell asleep. Max and Shownu walked in. Max smiled.

Max: At least he has a cousin-in-law to comfort him.

Changkyun: And he has a caring husband for when I'm not around.

Shownu: He has both of you guys.

All three of us laughed. Now we just wait.