Chapter 119

Shownu's POV

Me and Changkyun were sitting next to the bed with Max, Rang and Eddie. Lin was curled up in a ball and facing Max. Lin had fallen asleep once Max came back into the room. Magnus was keeping Eddie calm. Nobody was speaking. Changkyun was asleep in my arms. Max looked at me. The door opened. We all looked and saw Wonho walk in. Someone was behind him.

??: How is Lin?

Max: He's fine. Just tired.

Dustin: Steve!

Steve: Calm down. How you holding up Eddie?

Eddie shrugged.

Eddie: Same as when I left.

Magnus: Okay, I'm gonna run home and get your medicine.

Eddie: Don't leave!

Magnus stopped and returned to hugging Eddie. Steve looked at him.

Steve: Where is it? I can grab it.

Magnus: It's on the bathroom counter. It should say ADHD on it along with Eddie's name on it.

Steve: Okay. I will be back.

Magnus: Thank you.

Steve: No problem.

Changkyun woke up and clinged to me. Lin had readjusted on the bed and he looked pale. Changkyun knew I was worried.

Changkyun: He's just home sick. That's all. He's fine.

Shownu: But I am also worried. But not as worried as I am about you.

Changkyun: You're always worried. But I'm going to go check on Hyungwon.

Shownu: Okay. Be careful.

Changkyun: I will.

Changkyun's POV

I got up and left. Once I got to Hyungwon's room, I saw that he wasn't feeling well.

Changkyun: I leave you for a day probably and come back to this?

Hyungwon: You're so protective.

Changkyun: Not as protective as Shownu though.

Hyungwon: Just a little more then Shownu.

I laughed. I saw Wonho sitting in the chair. He seemed worried.

Changkyun: Wonho what's wrong?

Wonho looked at me.

Wonho: Nothing. Don't worry about me.

Wonho went back to looking at Hyungwon.

Hyungwon: He's worried because we found out that I'm not sick because of cancer, but sick with something else.

Changkyun: What?

Dongwook: He has cystic fibrosis. But it's worse then what Lin had. And he's also sick with a fever and is very weak. And his arm isn't healing the way it should be healing.

I looked at Dongwook.

Changkyun: And no one told me this?

Dongwook: Well if you would have waited another minute in Lin's room, I would have told you and Shownu at the same time.

I huffed. Dongwook looked at me.

Dongwook: Don't give me attitude. Plus, it's almost time to take Lin home.

Changkyun: Please come get me before you go. I want to check on Dawn when we get home since him and Yoongi were the first ones back with mom and dad.

Dongwook: Okay.

Changkyun: Thank you.

Dongwook: You're welcome.

Dongwook left and I looked back at Hyungwon. He smiled. We talked for a little while longer until Dongwook came to check on Hyungwon and tell me that they were leaving. I said goodbye to Hyungwon and Wonho and left with Dongwook. Whenever we got to Lin's hospital room, Max had Lin in his arms and Magnus was holding Eddie's hand.

Dongwook: Ready everyone?

Everyone nodded. Magnus used some type of magic to get us into the hospital wing at home. Everyone got settled and Magnus took Eddie to find Steve. Max set Lin down on one of the beds and me and Shownu went to walk around. When we stepped out of the hospital wing, Yoongi ran up to us frantically.

Changkyun: Yoongi what's wrong?

Yoongi: I can't find Dawn anywhere. I checked everywhere and I tried calling him multiple times and he hasn't answered. I don't know where he is. And I'm scared to go to tell your parents because I'm scared of what they will think of me losing their youngest. Help me. Please.

I went into full panic mode along with being protective.

Changkyun: When and where was the last time you saw him?

Yoongi: In our room. He said that he was going to go talk to your parents. So he was taking a little longer then usual so I went and checked with them and they said they talked to him and that he was on his way back to our room. And this was 2 hours ago.

I facepalmed myself.

Changkyun: Let's go find Magnus.

Once we found Magnus, he was surprised to see us.

Magnus: What's wrong?

Changkyun: Can you track Dawn? He disappeared and Yoongi doesn't want to tell my parents right now that he is nowhere to be found right now.

Magnus: Of course. But I need something of his. Something like a shirt that he has worn or a necklace that he has worn before. That type of thing.

Yoongi gave him one of Dawn's previous warn shirts. Magnus grabbed it and was able to find Dawn.

Magnus: We need to go. Dawn isn't in a good place nor in the best shape. He's being abused.

Changkyun: Where!?

Magnus opened a portal and took my hand and went through the portal and Yoongi followed us and we got to a place that wasn't normal.

Magnus: Welcome to the underworld.

Two people walked up.

Alec: Where have you been? We have been here for a while and we can't find anything.

Magnus: Well you guys continue to try and find Johnathan while I help my cousin in law find his brother.

Magnus dragged me by the hand and Yoongi followed. Soon we came upon a room and we heard screaming inside along with other sounds. We peered into the room and saw Dawn chained up by his wrists and was being hung by his wrists. And there was someone beating him. He seemed like he was on the edge of life or death. The person in the room had stopped and went and grabbed something. Magnus looked closer at it. Then he grabbed a rock and threw it. The person looked around and went to find where it came from. They passed us and we instantly went inside. I quickly went over to Dawn. Dawn looked at me weakly.

Dawn: Changkyun?

Changkyun: It's me. We came to get you. We're going home.

Magnus was able to get the chains off and Dawn fell into my arms. He felt weaker then ever. Dawn was about to pass out.

Magnus: We need to get home.

Changkyun: Well open the freaking portal to get us home before that person comes back!

Magnus opened the portal and we walked through and walked into the hospital wing. I took Dawn straight to Dongwook.

Changkyun: Uncle Dongwook! Help!

Dongwook came out of Lin's room and saw us. He cussed and took us to a surgery room. I set Dawn down and stayed next to him. Dongwook tended to his wounds.

Dongwook: He will need to stay in the hospital wing for a couple days. He isn't in the best shape. He has a couple stab wounds and he is in really bad shape. He has been abused a lot. And he is exhausted.

Yoongi: Is he going to be okay?

Dongwook: Yes he is. You know Changkyun, you should probably let your parents know.

Changkyun: And have them think that I let this happen?

Gwi: You really think that we would blame you?

Changkyun: How did you know and get here so quickly?

Gwi: Alec told us. And I walk a little faster then your father.

Gwi looked at Dawn and got a horrified look on his face.

Changkyun: This is why I didn't want to tell you eomma. Because I knew you would get protective.

Someone walked in holding the person who did this to Dawn.

??: Got the one who did this.

Dawn saw and started panicking and trying to grab me and Dongwook. I turned towards Dawn.

Changkyun: Hey, it's okay. Lay down.

Dawn tried to speak but couldn't. I took him into a hug to try and calm him.

Gwi: Jace take him to the prison cells! I will deal with him later. You should know better! My son can't be around him. Keep a close eye on that man! Understand?

Jace: Yes sir.

Jace walked out with the guy. I layed Dawn down but he was still panicking. I grabbed his hand.

Changkyun: It's okay. He's not gonna hurt you anymore. I'm not going to let him hurt you. I can't see you hurt like this again. And I'm sure Yoongi won't let that happen again either.

Dawn calmed down and fell asleep. Dongwook looked at me and I sighed. I felt like crying. Gwi put his arm around my waist.

Gwi: Your brother is going to be okay because of you.

Changkyun: But I wasn't there to protect him from being taken in the first place.

Gwi: But you still saved him. You're a good brother. He needs you at times even if that means he has to call you. Dawn has a strong personality like you do. He finds that cool because he has something in common with you. Me and your father are proud of you for being there for your brother. Now we need to let him rest.

Changkyun: Who says I'm leaving my brother? And I'm sure Yoongi isn't going anywhere either.

Gwi sighed.

Gwi: You were always so protective. I will let Magnus know that he's okay and let Shownu know that you're okay.

Changkyun: Thank you eomma.

Gwi smiled and left.

Dongwook: Let me transfer him to a different room.

Once Dawn was in a different room, Dongwook had put and iv in his arm and hooked him up to the other medical things that he needed. Dongwook hugged me.

Dongwook: You did well. You should be proud of yourself. He would have died without you guys.

Yoongi: All I did was tell Changkyun.

Dongwook: Which also led to helping with rescuing him. You also saved his life by knowing that something was wrong.

Yoongi sighed and walked to the other side of the bed and gently grabbed Dawn's hand. He sat down while doing so. I smiled. Dongwook was still hugging me.

Dongwook: See. You saved Dawn and your parents are proud of that and proud of you. If he would have died, you wouldn't have a brother, your parents would have lost their youngest and Yoongi would have lost the love of his life. You being protective can save someone's life. It saved your brothers life.

I smiled.

Dongwook: Now sit here and wait for your brother to wake up. He needs you.

Changkyun: I love you Uncle Dongwook.

Dongwook: Love you too kiddo.

With that, Dongwook left. I went and sat down on the other side of the bed. Yoongi looked at me.

Yoongi: Thank you.

Changkyun: For what?

Yoongi: For letting me love your brother. I've never been this protective over someone and never been this deeply in love.

Changkyun: Don't worry about it. He deserves you. And he deserves happiness.

Yoongi smiled. His phone started ringing. He answered and his smile faded. He got off the phone and looked at me.

Yoongi: I need to get back to my group but at the same time I don't want to leave him.

Changkyun: Don't worry. He might be out for a while. Go do what you need to do. Be sure to stay safe.

Yoongi: I will.

Yoongi stood up and walked around the bed and left. I turned my attention back to Dawn. He seemed weak. I heard someone walk in. I didn't look. They hugged me from behind.

Shownu: Hey honey.

Changkyun: Hi baby.

Shownu: Is he going to be okay?

Changkyun: Yeah. He's exhausted and he needs to stay in here for a couple days.

Shownu: Well that's good. Do you need anything?

Changkyun: I want my brother to be okay.

Shownu: And he is. He's going to be okay. I promise. You need to calm down baby.

Changkyun: He's on the edge of life and death Shownu. How am I supposed to calm down?

Shownu: How about we go for a walk? It will help you clear your head.

Changkyun: What about Dawn?

Shownu: He'll be okay. Dongwook is here if he wakes up. You need to calm down. Dawn is going to be okay. Let's go for a walk and I promise you can come back after.

Changkyun: Okay.

Me and Shownu left and he grabbed my hand.

~Time Skip~

We walked around the kingdom for an hour and then walked back. On our way back, we stopped at a couple shops to look around. I found a stuffed animal that Dawn had pointed out to me before and got it. Once we got back to the palace, we walked to the hospital wing and into Dawn's room. When I walked in, Dongwook was in there changing the iv bag. He turned and saw us.

Dongwook: Good your back.

Changkyun: What happened?

Dongwook: Nothing. But Dawn is making a safe recovery. But he still needs a lot of sleep.

Changkyun: Okay. Has he woken up at all?

Dongwook: Not yet. Changkyun, he's fine. You have anxiety. And I don't need a test to tell you that because you have the signs of it. But Dawn might need more sleep so let him sleep.

Changkyun: Okay.

Dongwook left and Shownu looked at me.

Shownu: You wanna come to dinner? It's time to eat.

Changkyun: Okay.

Shownu kissed my forehead and grabbed my hand. We walked to the dining hall. King Leo looked at us. He smiled.

King Leo: I heard that you have anxiety.

I looked towards Dongwook. He looked at me and knew that I panicked. I went to walk away but Max walked in with Lin. That's when I started to really panic. Max looked at me.

Max: Calm down. It's okay.

I didn't hear anything that he said. I just pushed passed and ran to Dawn's hospital room. When I got there, I calmed down. Max had followed me. He sighed.

Max: You remind me of Eddie.

Changkyun: But he has ADHD. I don't.

Max: That's not what I meant. What I meant was that you guys are protective.

Changkyun: But Eddie has to worry about his older brothers. I am worried about my baby brother. There's a difference.

Max sighed again.

Max: Your missing the point.

Changkyun: How am I missing the point? I am the eldest. He is the youngest. Where is the similarities?

Max looked at me.

Changkyun: I just want to be left alone. I'm not in the mood. I never wanted to leave his side.

I walked over and sat in the chair and held my knees to my chest and kept my attention on Dawn. Max put his hand on my shoulder.

Max: You and Eddie are both protective of somebody. You are protective of Dawn and Eddie is protective of Steve.

Changkyun: I just want to be left alone Max.

Someone walked in. Max looked at them. Then I felt someone hug me. I knew this hug. I turned a little and saw that Hyungwon was standing there. I stood up and hugged him and started crying. Once I pulled away, I was still crying.

Changkyun: How did you know?

Hyungwon: The bracelet that you gave me 6 months ago and Shownu called me.

I smiled.

Hyungwon: Soooo, do you still want to be left alone or do you want me to stay?

Changkyun: Please stay.

I started crying harder. Gwi walked in and came straight to me. Gwi calmed me down.

Gwi: I will go get some tea. Hyungwon, would you like some?

Hyungwon: No thank you sir.

Gwi: Okay.

Changkyun: Thank you eomma.

Gwi smiled at me and left with Max. Hyungwon looked at me. I had my head hung low.

Changkyun: Is Shownu mad that I ran out?

Hyungwon: No. No one is mad about that. They all understand that you had a panic attack. Even I knew whenever the bracelet vibrated. Dawn really means this much to you doesn't he?

Changkyun: I've only known him for a couple weeks but yeah I guess so.

Hyungwon: You are acting like me whenever I was a nervous wreck whenever Wonho was gone.

Changkyun: Yeah. I guess that's true. But I never been this protective before in my life unless it came to you. But this is different. I have panic attacks every other day because I'm worried about Dawn and I'm worried about him on a daily basis. And Shownu never hears the end of it everyday unless I'm sleeping.

Hyungwon: It dies down after a while. But you also need to have ways to calm yourself down too. It gets out of control if you don't.

Changkyun: Okay. But changing the subject. How did you get out of the hospital?

Hyungwon: I was able to gain enough strength to walk around without getting dizzy so Dongwook let me leave but we did have to decide on a day to get me in for surgery. Wonho was hesitant so Dongwook said to decide on our own time.

Changkyun: Where is Wonho?

Hyungwon: With Shownu. The kids are playing together except Faith and Silvia since they are still too small. But he kinda never let's me out of his sight except when he knows where I am.

Changkyun: Understandable. Shownu is the same way. How are you feeling?

Hyungwon: Fine. It feels like I'm going to be sick but at the same time not.

Changkyun: Ah. Normal sick feeling.

Hyungwon: Yeah. But how are you holding up? Since you are dealing with Dawn. But other then panicking and all that.

Changkyun: Besides all that, I feel fine. It's just tiredness.

I looked at Dawn and noticed that he was starting to wake up. Once he fully woke up, he looked at me instantly. He smiled and tried to sit up but couldn't. He layed back down in pain. I sat on the side of the bed and took him into a hug. He hugged me tightly.

Dawn: Kyun.

Changkyun: You had me scared Dawn. A lot.

Dawn: I'm sorry. I didn't mean too. He came out of nowhere and I didn't know what to do so I panicked.

Dawn started crying while he explained.

Changkyun: Hey, don't cry. It's okay. You're safe again. I won't let him hurt you again. And I won't let anyone else hurt you either. I can't see you hurt again.

Dawn went back to hugging me. I sighed and knew that everything was going to be okay. Hyungwon laughed.

Hyungwon: I will go tell your mom.

Changkyun: Thank you.

Hyungwon: You're welcome.

Hyungwon left and soon we heard our mother running down the hall with our dad. Mom was the first one in. He came over and hugged Dawn.

Gwi: Oh baby. Are you okay? Does it hurt anywhere?

Dawn: I'm okay. It hurts a little bit to breathe and move. But I'm okay.

Dad hugged him next.

Yeon: I'm glad your okay.

Dawn smiled. I held up the stuffie and Dawn smiled even bigger and took it. Then he hugged me tightly.

Dawn: Thank you thank you thank you!!!

Changkyun: You're welcome Dawn.

I laughed. Dawn laughed back.

Gwi: Get some rest Dawn. We will come check in later.

Dawn: Okay. Love you eomma. Love you appa.

Gwi & Yeon: Love you too.

Mom and dad left and it was us again. Dawn looked at me.

Dawn: Can we cuddle?

Changkyun: Of course. Yoongi had to take care of something. I'm sure he will be back soon.

Dawn: Okay.

We cuddled and I knew I was in a protective position with Dawn but I didn't want anything to happen to him again. Soon we both fell asleep.