It's A Long Ass Story

"Yes, the mission is accomplished." Says Shawn. "Can you explain it a bit more?", questions Cameron. In which Shawn takes out cash bags from their car and gives one bag of cash to every member of the squad. Cameron gets surprised and says, "What the bloody hell."

Shawn replies, "Last night, Beluga put the CCTV cams on a loop, me and Thomas had been digging a tunnel there since ages, since this heist was planned, we went through it, it opened exactly at the point in the vault. We took out the cash and placed fake money in there. When we went away, we didn't even sealed the vault, we even put all the tiles together which we plucked and your our Thomas is good at almost everything, smart ass genius, he even put some weapons below the vault incase we would need them while on the heist, he just got that idea."

"Then why creating such a drama today?" questions Franklin. "So that the police would think the heist failed and they won't even notice anything about the money as they saw us carrying no bags into the helicopter by a sniper for sure. They would be in such a relief until public would put a case on it themselves after knowing that the bank is providing fake money and boom! Chaos, and that chaos brought me the commissioner, I just love it."

"As I said, crazy fucking ass leader!" Shouts Cameron.

To celebrate their victory, they travel back to the pub they first gathered in, they've kept a party in a hotel after 2 hours, Shawn goes to the restroom, stares at the mirror and says, "I'll fulfill your dream, ma. Now my next target is, Scott Jeff."

2 hours pass by, there's a party in which there are many girls, hookers and lots of food all organized by Shawn. They stay in their rooms for awhile, the hotel's delivery guy will be providing them their orders, "hey hey hey, I found the one who warned the police about the heist, I have encrypted everything about him yet it's only one information revealed about him, his name is Ghost? Now who the fuck is this guy?", Shawn wonders while taking the order and the delivery guy hands it to him and winks at him, and walks away. Shawn gradually breaths, he couldn't handle his anxiety as for him, that guy can be Ghost. He wasn't completely sure so he didn't made any steps. Thomas asks Shawn, "by the way kid, you didn't took much money for yourself, what is it that you really needed?", Thomas questions Shawn, to which Shawn replies, "the money I took would just help me becoming a astronaut and the rest I wanted was commissioner's head", after that Shawn sees Scott Jeff outside his room walking towards another room with his men to which Shawn chuckles and says to himself, "fate always bring us together."

"Guys let's discuss our motifs for this Heist." Says Cameron. "Then you go first." Replies Thomas. "I'm doing it for my only child, I want to provide him the best life after his mother passed away. What about you Thomas?" Says Cameron to which Thomas replies, "Heists are just my thing, I can even do it without accepting any payment, I just love playing with the cops, when this kid told me his plan, I just loved it."

"And I did it for the money, I'll get a lot of girls and a house for myself and would open a porn studio of my own" says Franklin, "What else can you expect from an immature brat", Beluga responds to what Franklin said.

"I just returned a favour to my friend." Says Beluga. "What about you Shawn?" Cameron asks the question to Shawn , Shawn replies. "It's a long ass story."