Episode 34

There was an aggression to his advancements that had not been present the first time he'd kissed her. Strong fingers curled around the hem of her shirt, pulling it from her and leaving her in only her undergarments.

He left his pants on the floor before pulling her further onto the bed under him, pressing his body between her legs.

It felt as if his hands were trying to map every inch of her while his mouth intently tasted her skin. His lips traveled along the line of her jaw and down her neck to her collarbone.

Scarlet couldn't fully suppress the moans that ached to escape from her, and she pressed a hand to her mouth. Her eyes shot open upon feeling him grip her hand and pull it from her mouth.

"Let me hear you." His voice was like a river current she couldn't swim against, leaving her to watch with trembling eyes as he kissed the palm of her hand and took turns sucking lightly on her fingertips. His other hand then found its way under her, pulling her up from the bed and onto his solid thighs.

Looking down on him from her perch, she was completely mesmerized by him: his dark, messy, still-damp hair clinging to his face here and there, his eyes the color of a frozen sea raging with a desire she'd never seen before, his skin gleaming like alabaster between the scars and inky black tattoos, and his whole body radiating an intense heat that reminded her of the raging fires of his home.

Desire, like nothing she'd ever felt, swirled and rose in her as he continued to caress her body, deftly removing her bra and tossing it aside. The air seemed extra cold as it hit her exposed breasts, making the warmth of Helfeirch's mouth even more shocking as he pulled on the bud of one with his lips.

His strong hands gripped her about the ribs and held her in place as he moved his mouth from one nipple to the other. She found she'd lost all ability to restrain her gasps and yelps of pleasure. Primal instincts took her over as her hips rocked against him.

Unable to take any more teasing on her breasts, she firmly gripped his hair, pulling his head back to kiss his lips fiercely. She could see delight dance in his eyes at her need to claim him.

With one strong arm still wrapped around her, he held her against him as the other hand slid up her thigh. The moment his hot fingers touched her through her wet panties, an uncontrolled moan escaped her.

His fingers continued rubbing her over the thin fabric, causing her to bite his neck. She felt her core throbbing. Her body was on fire with an aching need she didn't know she could feel. Feeling him pull the fabric of her panties to the side, she bit her lip in anticipation. His fingers pushed into her, causing her to moan out in approval.

Her relief was short-lived, though, as she almost instantly found herself aching for more. Her hips rocked against his hand while her hands tightly gripped his shoulders. Her head fell back, exposing her neck and chest fully. Pleading words came falling from her lips for more.

A growling sound seemed to come from Helfeirch as he pulled his fingers from her and laid her down on her back, removing her underwear. His hips pressed against hers as his hardened shaft rubbed against her wet entrance.

She thought she might lose her mind if he waited any longer, and feeling him so close to giving her what she wanted brought her to plead one more time.

In the next moment, she felt him start to push into her, making her gasp. Staring up at him through a haze of desire and passion, she could see he was trying to restrain himself, not wanting to hurt her. With each thrust, she felt him penetrating her further than before, stretching her until he could sink every bit of his shaft inside her.

Finally gasping for air, she tried to look up at Helfeirch, his movements unrelenting. The smile upon face and the look in his eyes told her he was nowhere near ready to stop. She could feel him driving to her core harder than before, but no protests would fall from her lips. For he had submerged her into an ocean of sheer pleasure, and she was all too willing to drown in it.

He showed no mercy as he brought her to the peak of pleasure over and over, causing the sheets beneath them to become soaked from her. Her strength had been thoroughly spent from releasing multiple times, but she still managed to hold Helfeirch as his whole body became rigid. His muscles bulged as he filled her with his hot essence, his groan one of deep satisfaction.

She felt him slip from her before his head came to rest on her bosom. Their arms still held each other as they struggled to catch their breath while their hearts continued to thunder in their chests.

Unable to keep her eyes open, Scarlet laid there, basking in the pleasure that came in the aftermath of such intense intimacy. She knew she should get up and clean herself, but she doubted she had the strength.

Just when she thought she might pass out, she felt the weight of Helfeirch's head lift from her chest. Warm, gentle fingers brushed her crimson bangs from her forehead.

"Let's get you cleaned up." His voice was soft and full of affection.

She didn't know how he still had the strength to carry her, but she soon found herself carried to the bathroom, where he helped her wash. She couldn't remember the last time she felt this vulnerable around someone and was okay with it.

She figured that had to be the definition of trust. The thought of it brought a smile to her lips. Before she knew it, she was back in bed, tucked in the sheets, wrapped in a pair of strong arms that were becoming more and more familiar.


When Scarlet awoke, it was to the sounds of Llygredd at night. Her bare body was still pressed against Helfeirch, his warmth seeping from his skin to hers. She couldn't help her mind from reflecting on what had happened between them.

She'd never experienced anything so intense before, and just thinking about it made her heart beat faster. It wasn't her first time, but she was left feeling like it was.

Her mind drifted back to her first experience with sex and the boy it had been with. She could still remember how his dirty blonde hair fell into his dark blue eyes and his crooked smile.

The two had known each other growing up and became good friends. They were both teenagers and had no idea what they were doing. She remembered how much it hurt the first time and how afraid he was that he'd done something wrong.

She knew they could have lived a good, happy life together had they been given the chance. But they never got that chance. He and her uncle worked on the same crew doing maintenance on the inner workings of Llygredd.

Something deep inside her broke the day she received the news that not one but both had died. In an instant, she lost everything that mattered to her.

She opened her eyes to look up at Helfeirch's face.

'He's the first person I've let this close since that day.'

As if sensing her gaze, his eyes opened and silently met hers' followed by his fingers running through her hair. She doubted she was strong enough to lose another person. That was one reason she'd kept everyone at a certain distance. But as much as she loved her uncle and the boy she once hoped to have a future with, she knew they had been nothing like the man who lay before her.

'He's more than a survivor. He's a fighter.'

At that moment, as their eyes silently met and held, she knew he would follow her into a raging inferno if she asked.