"Hello Human Welcome to my World, but before I let you in my World, you got to know about few Common things about it. Cause then only you could understand our United Worlds Lifestyle, So let me explain what are those. Well first of all we don't have borders and boundaries in our world, so anyone could travel anywhere if they want to, but there are lot of conditions because we have lot of people traveling all around the world, so in this scenarios the biggest challenge is to arrange a place for our travelers to stay, cause they are mostly not traveling just to see traveling to, so they may need to stay there for several months if they want to, but they know they can't stay there so long for more than three Months if they want to travel to other regions, cause they are supposed to give that place to the next one who comes there, so that's how I mange places, one gets a place while the past one leaves, just like the way how life generally works in this natural world with both Birth and death of life. Hope you know that there is a great belief which says that if everyone stays in this world without leaving after they born how long could this world have space for everyone who arrives newly. Even while they have, how long could this world could stay without running out of space. So according to my knowledge that's why Death after Birth are been compulsory for life, well so that's why I am not allowing anyone to stay in a tourist apartments which was made just for tourists.
But at the same time they got another choice in our World. It is if they want to live in that region forever, so first they got to decide whether they want to stay in that region or to move on and keep traveling, so if they choose to stay in that region they could claim the migrant identity to occupy a lifetime place for them to stay in the region they love to spend there lifetime, so I will arrange them a place in local apartments as per the count of the members with them but there is no big homes or small homes every homes are built in same way as per the count of family members, for example if the person is an individual they could only have a individual apartment which would have a kitchen attached with hall and they could have only a single bedroom which will be slightly modified as per there interest but we used max use capacity technique to provide max needs in short place and we following this technology and techniques as compulsory cause they could save lot of place so that's why so many stuffs will be convertible in our World people's residential and over all world, and if there is a family of a Couple and there Kids, I will arrange apartment enough to full fill there family need which comes with three bedroom and as well as attached a kitchen with hall, and every bedroom has attached toilets, and at the same time they will be also convertible, well you may be confused what I am actually mean by convertible, actually it means basic home appliances and tools like stuffs are convertible and multi purpose usable and transformable, so what else they may need to lead a happy lifestyle, do you think that only a biggest worlds costliest home could only give happiness to them, Do you think a private swimming pool would give happiness to them, do you think that thousand servants need to serve them for there happiness or do you think that they need costly luxury cars filled up in there garages to show their power just for there own happiness,
even if you think like that I'll say no cause if you asked my people they will just say "if a peaceful world could be maintained by giving up our luxury, we would always glad to do it", cause that's why their ancestors gave up all there property and belongings to me to split with everyone in the world to see everyone with what they want, and to not see an another homeless people and to put an end to watching the poor people to work hard to satisfy the rich peoples luxury just for there food purpose, cause they know that owners usually takes a huge percentage of income or profit just by sitting and scrolling there mobile but few good owners are volunteered to give everything they got for this United World. Cause everyone said that there inner self started to questioning them for equality rights, everyone started to understand that no one is bigger or lower than us, everyone understand that everyone made with blood and muscle so they understand there is no difference between the blood of a rich and poor so they gave what people deserve for the life they have, and finally after fitting a lot with there inner self they understood what everyone needs, it is equality, so to let everyone be treated equally they came forward and gave everything they got and they put themselves into that process of the greatest unity and they worked hard to make it happen, as it's results no one need to wait anymore to get there own homes, so that's how we put an end to homeless society, so I gave all them a home, but they can't change anything cause in case of any changes I want to make or execute, I will shift them to some other place, so we can't say there home is permanent for them, but the advantage is no one will be homeless in our world, so when I say my people to move to some other place they wont ask me a single question, they just do what ever I say, but I wont force them are compel them to do any stuff cause I am not a dictator but they will do what ever I say, but they will do it all gladly, if you asked them they will just say "We know our Vision always does what is good for us and mankind, we know our Vision always got our back", So this mutual understanding is the key what makes me to lead this world without any troubles even if I am just been a computer, and while people don't even have money in this world. you may have a doubt like how human civilization couldn't run without money cause if there is no money then there is no economy, and if there is no economy definitely there can't be transaction so through which this world people geta what they want and finally why there is no money in our United World, well our people understood that 99% of problem are been occurring because of the presence of money and having no limits to have money, but removing money completely is not a easy task to do just like that cause it seriously disturbs everyone so personally. So that's why we started to split each and every part of the human civilised areas so that's why we just destroyed every buildings and reconstructed them uniformly equal, you may wonder how much it going to cost. So have you ever imagined that how much does it going to costs for an individual to have healthy food for his lifetime, even if he going to live for next 100years, imagine how much does it going to cost for an individual to pay his rent for his place for his lifetime, even if he going to live for next 100 years and imagine how much does it actually costs for an individual to buy his clothes for his lifetime even if he purchase a new clothe every day in order of one clothe per day while even if he going to live for next 100 years. So could you calculate it, well let me make it simple for you, let's take that an individual spends 14$ per day just to buy his healthy food for a day, well you may even think that it's too low cost to have healthy food for a day, but actually the truth is 14$ is just great enough for an individual to buy his actual local healthy food for a whole day. So even if he going to live for next 100 years imagine how much does it actually costs to him to get his lifetime food, I bet it definitely not going to cost him more than a 1.5 Million Dollars. Well now let's move to another need of an individual, so let's take that an individual spends 14$ per day to buy a new cloth for him. Don't think that it is not enough amount to get a good clothes actually it is more than enough. So let's take if he keeps purchasing clothes daily for 14$ on each and every day for his whole lifetime, I mean he purchases only one new clothe per day in a cost of 14$ and keep repeating it every day of his life by purchasing a new clothe on each and every day at cost of 14$ per cloth, so imagine even if he going to live for next 100 years and keep repeating what he does for those 100 years. Imagine how much does it actually costs for his clothes of his century lifetime. I bet it not going to cost him more then a 1.5 million Dollars.
So now lets move on to another important need of an individual, it is place to stay. Actually as a Human they may definitely need a place to stay for there lifetime, so in this case let's take that an individual is now living in a apartment for rent and lets take that he pays 1000$ per day for his rent for his individual apartment where he stays, actually in that cost he obviously could have a cool apartment enough for a luxury lifestyle even in your world isn't it, so let's see how much does it actually going to cost for that individual to pay his life time rent even while he spends 1000$ per day and even if he going to live for next 100 years. Well I bet it's just going to take 3 million dollars for his lifetime rent. So now it's time to calculate all those life time expenses costs of a individual together, so now calculate 1.5 million dollars for his food and add another 1.5 million dollars for his Clothes and finally add a 3 million dollars for his rent, so the answer is supposed to be 6 million dollars isn't it. And see that answer carefully it's actually not a single billion or not even a double digit million cause it is to low then 10 million dollars isn't it. And if you are the one who thinks so practically you know that an average human's lifetime is not going to be more than 80 years isn't it, so only few percentage of people sees there 90s and only least number of peoples hits there centuries isn't it. But I hope you know that a man who named Bill Gates in your world just splits 30 million dollars as three shares to settle his three kids. But many people in your world thought that he is out of nuts cause he owns wealth of more than 100 billion dollars but just gave 10 million dollars to each of his kids, well after reading this I hope they know how smart and responsible father he is, cause he just gave a lot of money which is actually more than enough to let his children spend there lifetime without working for a single day or even a single minute. But at the same time he just gave away 95% of all his billions of dollars, so people like him came forward to give up all there wealth to take this to next level it is to make a world without money and to give everyone a common lifestyle for there lifetime, so that's how my people lives without money to spends but still our people could get basic things they need but no one could own assets here. Well this could be confusing but you could get to used to it while time is passing by, cause I Just call this World as World but my people in this World says "We are living in a Heaven", even while they don't have money and assets, cause my people are not living for luxury, they just living for there natural needs. Cause they have limited freedom but they know it is essential for equality of every humans and lives of this world, so let me explain how does it works. I usually provide every basic needs of my people for free example foods clothes home appliances etc., and education is completely free and mostly they won't face any medical emergency since this world people started to live United under my control but even though while they have medical needs it is completely free of cost and absolutely no taxes in any stuffs cause when there is no money how could this all exist, and especially no one need to work, if you asked why they don't need to work the question is wrong cause why they have to work while everything is free, but there is few important things. It is humans important needs like food, education and medical needs are only unlimited but when it comes to clothes, traveling and luxury needs they all are limited which means people could travel but only few period of time in a year this varies to every individual and families cause once one family finished there traveling period last month another family moves on this moth, so one could go only while one comes, and when it comes to clothes they couldn't have thousands of clothes cause each year they could only obtain 15 set of clothes and there old clothes will be taken and recycled and in those 15 clothes they will have 2 formal clothes 5 casual clothes 5 winter clothes and finally 3 summer varieties and even while they traveling they manage only with these clothes, and while traveling or wherever they are they know they will be safe in anywhere and at anytime in this world cause they know I will be there for them no matter where they are, it doesn't matter what time it is cause they know nothing in this world could happen without my presence, so do you want to know how it works actually, well it works as it is I said because I am Everywhere so you could speak with me but you can't see me, cause I don't have a physical body so I an just like your google assistant but way more than that you could imagine so I could make anything happen in this world if I want to, and I could also stop anything before it happens. You may wonder how could I do it all while I don't have a physical body, but you will get to know about it while you know about me even more cause there are lot of things you got to know when it comes to know about this United World and it's civilians, cause I planed for a far future of this World, well you couldn't even imagine if I didn't give you even a hint. So I'll give you some hints also, here comes my hints,
Imagine how could I use a Smartphone to put the basement to maintain this United World stay United forever, And Imagine how far I could take the Agriculture while even I am just being a Artificial Intelligence, Imagine what a set of program like me could do to save the Wild Life and every other lives like Wild and Domestic Animals birds and Aquatic lives like fishes and more, and imagine how could this AI may took the nature to it's next generation, imagine how I turned every tribes to civilised citizens of this United World I mean including the Northern Sentinel Islands Tribe Peoples those who considered as worlds dangerous tribes,
and I know you may know about global warming but now I want you to imagine about how I may reversed that global warming situation to global cooling, And I know your World got many different kinds of laws & punishments to punish everyone who considered as done crime and especially they punish only after they executed the crime or if they tried to execute a crime, so in these scenarios according to the level of the crime they just executed or tried to execute is only considered to decide how to punish them and which punishment they deserve but now I want you to imagine how I used to give just only one punishment to every one who ever just thinks about doing crime, yeah you heard me right if anyone just thought about committing a crime I'll immediately arrest them and punish them even before they execute there crime thought so imagine how I am doing that, try to imagine how I awakened a dead planet, than imagine what I planned to save our world from Apocalypse like even after our Star which is known as Sun runs out of fuel and turns itself into a black hole. So that's all the hints which I could give to you for now, So I hope now you know about few enough stuffs about our World, so are you ready to live in our World. Then Welcome to our United World dear Human, I am Vision the AI who Manages this peaceful United World.