Vision : So where do you want to go now Rushy.
Rushy : I don't know how I could select a place in a world which I never known before. But I know one thing, you can take me where you want me to visit in this World, but I can definitely feel amazed cause I am already been amazed on those stuffs you just explained to me so I can't wait anymore to see all of them with my own eyes
Vision : Our world just has a different lifestyle but we didn't changed any Names of Places, so You can choose.
Rushy : Okay, than take me to the backbone of this World.
Vision : As your wish, so step in and take your seat in that Capsule.
Rushy : Okay, I wonder where you going take me.
Vision : Well It's just going to take few minutes after I thrown you.
Rushy : Wait, What you just said, Oh Nooo..... I Hate you Vision (Screaming)
Few Minutes Later :
Rushy : Aaaaaah..... Mommy.... Some body save me.
Vision : That's enough screaming, you just reached your destination, so be calm.
Rushy : Be calm! how could you say that so easily, well try it by yourself if you born as human but even though you couldn't feel it but you just thrown me towards the sky just like that without even saying a word.
Vision : Actually I Said before I thrown you.
Rushy : You should Said it even before I entered into This damn capsule.
Vision : Okay I'll remember it next time.
Rushy : Good, now let me out.
Vision : Door is already open, you should open your eyes and leave, that kid is waiting.
Rushy : Ooh okay, wait what, are you going to do the same thing to that kid also, oh Come on he is just a kid.
Vision : Yeah he may be a Kid but he is not you Grown Baby.
Rushy : Hey you! I am not a Baby.
Phineas : Mr.Rushy you better get down and leave the space to me before she throws you again.
Vision : Actually it's a Nice Idea Phineas, so are you ready for another round Rushy.
Rushy : Oh no no, I'll get out, hear you go boy.
Phineas : Thank You Mr.Rushy.
Rushy : Well wait how does he knows my Name.
Vision : I shared it to him. in his smartphone.
Rushy : Smartphone for Kids in this little age, oh god his parents shouldn't have gave it to him.
Vision : Who said his parents gave it to him.
Rushy : Then how could he get a smartphone in so little age. Oh so does he is working as soon Child labour.
Vision : Well first of all I already a said you that there is no need for money in our World so why he going to work.
Rushy : Oh yes you said, So he just got his own smartphone by himself, well wait you said that everything in this World is in your control so how let that kid to have a Smartphone in this young age don't you know that it will spoil him and his Childhood.
Vision : Well first of all he didn't got that Smartphone by himself cause I made it specially for him and presented to him while he was 5 years old.
Rushy : What?
Vision : Yep, not only him, his parents are also using the smartphones which I gave to them while they where been as five year old kids.
Rushy : What's Wrong With you why are you doing this to there family. are you out of nuts
Vision : Actually I am just a data program so I am not made with nuts.
Rushy : You, Stop kidding and say why?
Vision : Actually Not Only Them I gave smartphones to everyone in this world since they turned 5years old.
Rushy : Why? Why you are doing that? Aren't you aware of inappropriate websites which could actually spoil them and there childhood.
Vision : Well Understand few things before you let your words out of your mouth, those Smartphones which I gave to them was specially made by me just To educate them and to know what they like.
Rushy : I couldn't understand, could you explain it in detail.
Vision : Okay, let me explain how it works, First of all while babies are born in this world I'll arrange a smartphone for each of them and I will wait until they turn 5 years old. Cause they could handle devices since in those age so once they turn 5 years old, I will present there own personal smartphone to them and start to teach them about the basics of the world through it before next 1 or 2 year but in those basic knowledge they won't know about any adult stuff's and so it will be under my control completely, so I decide what they should see so I don't have any inappropriate websites which could spoil our kids life but there is sex education stuffs in those mobile but it will all will be thought to them only while they turn 21years old but before that they also thought about sexual abuse while they turn more than 10 years old and that also will be taught in a indirect way like good touch and bad touch.
Rushy : Wait a Moment, you said that nothing would happen in this World without your presence and you also said that you could stop any crimes before it has been executed then why are you teaching about these stuffs to them in young age if you could save them all time.
Vision : Yeah but I always used to prepare my people to live even without me so everyone knows self Defense also.
Rushy : Wait if everyone knows to fight how could it be possible to defend cause if the wrong guy fights better because of the defense you thought to him how the victims could save them self.
Vision : Well if anyone using my self defense skills to do anything wrong they can't even fight properly and they can't even think properly.
Rushy : How it could be possible. Cause I heard that self defense skills gives confidence to whoever learns it.
Vision : Yeah you are right but it doesn't suits to bad guys if they exist in my world cause I tuned there brain and thoughts to believe that self defense skills could work only while we defend or save someone and I said to them that those skill could kill themselves if they used to attack anyone. So I used to teach them only to defend themselves so they are more confident because they believe that if someone tried to attack them they will killed by themselves or easily through there self defense. And they are been educated in every basic stuff in the basics I thought to them but I decide it as per there interest after there first 1 year of using that smartphone, cause while I am introducing them the every small basics as random stuffs of this world and subjects. I'll find out in what subject are field in which the kids are interested, so after that one year I'll teach everything quite shortly based on there interest, so before our children turn 10 to 15 years old they becomes as small experts in the subject are field they learnt. because there won't be concentrating on any unwanted diversion cause they will be knowing more about those stuffs which actually interests them, and I won't show any stuffs unrelated to there interests but I'll do show about some basic stuffs they got to know, so that's why they never gets bored and gains knowledge day to day. And through this process I'll teach them also lot of reality stuffs like how we are supposed to live, how amazing is the United World and also the importance of loving each other, so that's how I put an end to hate and vengeance cause I'll teach them how love could make everyone's life better so they understand if we love everyone we only concentrate and remember there plus and ignore minus of everyone around us cause minus won't last longer, so that's why our children are so matured in a very little age, so they treat everyone equally they treat everyone with respect actually they are so good enough in discipline and giving to others and they are very good enough to let go of past and hard baggages like hate vengeance revenge etc., If I want to accurately mention how capable they are they could even teach your World peoples about how to love each other and how to let go of there baggages which they are actually carrying for generation to generation. So in simple words our smartphones are not addicting our kids in wrong and inappropriate stuffs like your Worlds smartphones, instead of that they are only Educating them and particularly they are been educated in there favourite stuff's and subjects which they love to learn about. So from this method they all learning just from there personal smartphones, So education is become so simple in our World and especially it is not complicated like in your World's Education System, Cause your World people teach your kids sorry they won't teach actually they force them to learn everything in so little age for example a kid in your World may be just interested in building robots but in your World your people force them to learn everything but actually they only need to learn about science and math but they also got to carry baggages of history of social subjects like he killed him he conquered that continent and he destroyed this continent so my question is why know about all these to build a Robot.
Rushy : Maybe for General Knowledge.
Vision : Nope those stuffs can't be in General Knowledge category they are history lessons, General knowledge are the knowledge which they need to learn to run there daily life, I mean how to respect others, how to cook or how to use gadgets.
Rushy : Well okay, Then what about Schools and Exams,
Vision : Well first of all why do we need a school to be educated,
Rushy : Then how they could be Educated.
Vision : So first understand what is education, education is not just like reading books and just writing exams with what you just stored in your mind even without understanding about what you actually read in books, Actually education is meant to feed your mind with knowledge by understanding what you actually learnt. So gaining more knowledge is the major purpose of education, so you don't need schools or teachers and exams to educate yourself, you just need your attention completely on something which you actually want to learn, so don't think only a Vision like AI could only make it happen, people in your world could also have it just by using those stuffs wisely, especially in your world there is a great school which you could learn almost about everything, actually it is a great source which exists in your world, it is nothing then internet So you definitely could use that internet to learn anything including bad adult stuffs or good life improving stuffs but the choice is yours and after you made your choice to learn something really good in internet, still you may face another problem in your world's internet, I mean your internet easily distracts you and makes you to lose your interest and focus of learning because of many worst adult ads or gaming ads in simple words because of attractive and distracting ads while you learning something interesting you can't be focused on what you want to learn actually, So those distraction could simply switch your tracks, so to overcome that situation you may need great practice on controlling your attention. So that's why if you asked my childrens about how to educate ourself they will simply say that "Just apply your attention on anything which you actually want to know about, cause that's the first step and best way to learn about anything" So that's how my world's children learn everything, but I managing that internet to be supportive to them so they learn easily and quickly cause I won't let them to be distracted. And they give there attention to improve themselves so that's how I help them to find their better version of themselves by those Smartphones which I gave to them, but at the same time don't think we don't have any schools in our World. Actually we have schools but we are not conducting any exams to our students, and our schools are just made for children to find some friends and to overcome there social anxiety. Cause if I always kept there mind in smartphones they can't easily get together with others around them, so that's why They will go to school only for 3 days a weak to explore the thought process of other kids in there subject so That's how they become even more creative and Innovative. And it also helps them to find more friends. And to execute what they learnt cause they need to involve practically to gain experience so I'll give them lot of way to gain those experience through there schools but that not separate them in first position or second position Cause education is not a sports to decide who is first and second.
Rushy : Well if there is no exams and ranks, Then how could you find who is best and how you could rank them.
Vision : I said that everyone are equal hear, if a kid could build a machine well another one could program it well, so everyone are best in certain situations and skills, so I know when to put it all together.
Rushy : Then why you separating through first position and second position in sports.
Vision : I could put an end to that to but I am just keeping it to motivate our kids to stay fit and to push themselves physically to keep them fit and healthy and especially in Our World Sports there is no Politics anywhere because I am personally involved in selection process so I didn't placed any human to select anyone to compete in a sport so only true talents get there chances and even they can't get any benefits like money and better home than others etc., but there lifestyle will be pretty different cause they will be famous so they could actually have lot of love from people.
Rushy : Oh so You taking care every kids like your own kids.
Vision : Yes they all are my kids. So through the Smartphones which I gave to them I could understand them better and they could also understand me better by being connected with me for 24×7hrs .
Rushy : But how could you been connected with millions of people in this world at sane time.
Vision : Actually do you think right now I am just speaking with you, Actually the truth is I am speaking to you also at this moment you wonder about what I am saying so Just look around you, Most of the people around you are speaking with me right now, actually not only them. Billions of people are speaking with me right now at every second but this is not my limit I could also speak to everyone in this world at this very same moment. You may wonder how it could be possible but the technology used in me is what let's me to be present every where at same moment. Actually it is because of My Copy cat version, so it means AI in our every mobile is like a separate Vision in each one so they react to every moment like how I used to react. But you are so lucky cause you are talking to real Vision which means you are actually talking to the United Worlds Government right now.
Rushy : That sounds cool, well you said that how will you educate your world children by your smartphones but what are you doing with those smartphones after that. I mean what those kids or educated what else.
Vision : Well don't think I going to force them to work, cause I never force anyone to do anything if they don't want to do, But at the same time if someone want to work in some stuffs, I'll just let them to do it, cause we usually replaced every labour needs of our World with Hight Tech Robots. So we actually we don't need anything humans to work but few Humans volunteers themselves to do something they can but they know they ain't going to get paid for any works they do done and they also not going to get any extra advantages in this world because of there work but even though they come forward to do what they could. So I also act like a Personal assistant for each and everyone while teaching them and also after they finished there education.
So Through those Smartphones I not only made,there education easy, I also made there life too easy, and you may think what happens if there is any technical issue, Well I'll simply replace there Smartphone with its Twin Which mean I actually used to make two Smartphones for each humans but I'll give them only one cause while facing any Technical problem it will replaced with other phone which I made for them so it also will have same configuration like there old Smartphone.
And this replacement just takes lesser than 5 min cause I'll always have a fast way to do things just like how I thrown you from US to India.
Rushy : Well that's not not Funny.
Vision : Well it will be fun while you to used to it
Rushy : Well let's see when it happen, Now just say how many brands are there in your smartphones Vision.
Vision : Actually there is only one brand it is United Brand of the World Government which is under my Control.
Rushy : That's so cool, So I bet this is what does it takes to be an Actual Smartphone. Cause it got the trust of this World Government, well I forgot one thing I said you to Take me to the backbone of this world isn't it.
Vision : Yep You are just there step out and check out.