Vision : Well you got to understand that every life born in this Earth has its right to live in it.
But while human civilisation grows without any limits it mostly used to disturb the wildlife and that seriously affects the ecosystem, so to save the wildlife we manage to limit our space occupied by humans, so we built many huge Sky scrapers which could actually fit minimum 1 million peoples in it, and we also limited our farming lands all around the world so that's why we built our sky scraper Farms and floating farm buildings. So those are really helped us to live as a huge population in a small land area.
Rushy : Okay, but how this could save wild life and ecosystem.
Vision : Well in previous days humans used to occupy forest lands while there population increased but through our process we increased forest areas by evacuating many humans to our mega residential towers, and I said that we built 5 small farm towers isn't it,
Rushy : Yep.
Vision : Well those farm buildings are built to satisfy the wild life herbivores and every animals which are used to take vegetarian foods. So through those small 5 buildings we could feed our entire wild life for minimum 3 years in 6 months production. But we won't use those Buildings food to feed them cause our huge forest areas gives wildlife what the need as you already asked.
Rushy : Well I wonder how huge is your World's forest area.
Vision : Well, actually if we took this worlds percentage, in your world, it nearly 40% was occupied by humans I mean including farm lands, 30% of earth is occupied by the great Ocean & water, 10% is occupied by the deserts and only 20% was occupied by your wild forest. But in this United world our forest occupies 30% of Earth and Humans Occupies only 30% of Earth and finally water and ocean occupies 40% but 10 of it was frozen ice and 7% of it is are artificially plus naturally Evaporated and turned into rainy clouds.
Rushy : So What about Deserts
Vision : Well actually we don't have deserts in our planet.
Rushy : What, are you kidding me, it can't be possible cause You cant have normal temperatures in deserts to easily innovate are modify anything.
Vision : Then how your worlds Dubai people living in deserts. Well don't get confused, it's not a big deal for us to stimulate the temperature artificially so we agree that we used to control the temperature and to maintain it in a stable way by artificial temperature but we didn't done it just for letting humans to colonise the desert we just made it for forest extension cause deserts usually won't have rain that why the temperature couldn't be stable over there so as we already know that the important thing to let the rain arrive or to turn on the rainy clouds we definitely need thick forest with lot of trees so since the forest are being the source of rain and nature to evolve we decided to change deserts into forest but it's not been a one day or one year process it took us many years to turn every deserts in this world into rainy forests because it's not a easy process even with high tech technology, so we tagged with nature, I mean we used to plant trees of high oxygen producing verities in on side of desert close to the city and we stimulated the temperature capable for them then we slightly forced them to naturally face slight temperature changes and while months passing by we keep decreasing the temperature simulation work so slightly as much as we can then finally we stoped our temperature stimulators completely and after few month while we monitoring there behavior, we understood that we created the next generations hyper plants which could produce lot of oxygen even in dessert temperature changes but we didn't stoped there we pushed them forward even more so this time we used our temperature stimulators against those new variants of hyper trees and plants I mean we started to make rapid changes in temperature around them continuously by our temperature stimulators so in this case our temperature stimulators instantly cools the temperature and instantly raises the temperature in every 1 hour so it is even more tough situation than a bad dessert could give. So through this we pushed those trees and plants to tackle even more tough situation then a desert could give. So after we created these special hyper trees and plants we used their seed to seed the whole desert and after that we just watered them continuously through sea water so they just grown and completely changed the deserts to a rainy forest by making a huge change in climate on desert regions so because of that the instable temperature of deserts also came to an end. So once we noticed that the deserts temperature is also stabilised we planet normal plants also in those previous desert region which was been a dessert before. So that's how we put an end to our Global Warming.
Rushy : So I bet those forest are enough to filter the pollution around the world.
Vision : What pollution are you talking about.
Rushy : I mean those fossil fuels we used vehicle and in few power stations could cause lot of air pollution isn't it.
Vision : This is United World so we are not using and we won't use those fossil fuels at any cost. Cause we know that they are the major source of air pollution. So we just put an end to that by completely using hyper solar panels, all time wind turbines and hyper wave electricity generator to full fill our electricity needs and our hyper automobiles with electrified motors and salt water powered engines technologies are also been as the biggest support for us to overcome the global warming so soon. Cause we know that our forests could purify our world well but to make it happen soon we just gave up on fossil fuels so that's why our Forrest just filtered the left out pollution created by our ancestors. And you may wonder how our hyper cars and automobile runs with both water and electric sources, well this were our innovating minds came together to let this happen cause these all not a single persons success cause I already said you that everyone are special in there field are subject so that's why I put the water powered engine creator with a hyper electric car creator while they are been in different parts of this World I just brought them together and they fused there thoughts together and just gave this hyper automobiles.
Rushy : Wait you told about few weird electricity generation technique and gadgets now, but you supposed to explain what are they and how it works.
Vision : Sure I'll do so let's start with our hyper solar panels, well I hope you already know about solar panels in your world.
Rushy : Yeah, but I know that they can't turn 100% sunlight into electricity, actually they could only use around 20% to 40% of sunlight to produce electricity.
Vision : You are so right but its all in your worlds ancient techs, cause they are not equal to us, and if you went to your world and say about how our technology works and how we are living together without money and about how we are living under control of one government while your world is been filled with most of small minded people and separating minded people who sees themselves as the only humans and other humans as some shits. You know how would they react, they will portrait you as an idiot or what ever they used to describe fools. Actually they already treating you like that.
Rushy : Yeah cause even I couldn't believes these all if I didn't saw these stuff's you shown to me. And remember that my worlds technologies which you actually mentioned as ancient tech are the basement of your high tech stuffs.
Vision : Okay, okay calm down so you still love your world peoples while even they described you as an idiot dreamer.
Rushy : Yeah they are my people so I don't care how they react and how they treat me, so stop blaming them and just continue on your explanation about what you were explaining about.
Vision : Great I wish your world people will also see you as you see them. Cause that could easily changed your World into my World but it will happen only while they understand that unity is power a of strong world or society, and only understanding the power of unity will won't change your world cause they got to get together and execute there thoughts together which could bring a peaceful World. So to let this happen they got to break there district boundaries, state boundaries & most importantly Countries borders and boundaries. But before they break all these social and geography boundaries first they got to break the boundaries in there mind which makes them to see everyone as different.
Rushy : I know that, but let me know one thing, why are we supposed to speak about these separation now, especially while we are discussing about your World's technology and innovation why are we supposed to talk about my Worlds separation.
Vision : Actually there is a reason for why I am keep speaking and complaining about your Worlds separation while we are talking about our technologies and innovation.
Rushy : Really, so what it is let me know it now.
Vision : Well if you think our worlds technologies and innovation are impossible do you think it's just because I am not there, do you think it just not possible on your World because there is no one came up with any ideas which could make all these techs and innovation possible in your World. Well actually there are tons and tons of smart and innovating minds are exist in your world.
Rushy : Stop kidding me.
Vision : I am not kidding this time, well I maybe just a set of computer programme. But even though I understand you humans more than anyone could do, but I wonder why you couldn't understand your peoples by yourself while you love them that much and while you couldn't control raising your voice while I am criticizing them.
Rushy : Cause I am not that much active and connected with other peoples.
Vision : What do you just said? say it again as it is.
Rushy : I said I am not active and connected with other peoples?
Vision : So you to!
Rushy : What do you mean by you to!
Vision : I mean you are also seeing your world's people like other peoples.
Rushy : What are you saying,
Vision : Well you said that you are not connected with other peoples.
Rushy : So what is in that.
Vision : You didn't mentioned like "I am not connected with My People" You actually said like "I am not connected with other peoples" so it clearly shows that you are also seeing your people like others in deep down. So could you agree with this are not.
Rushy : Yeah I agree, now I feel shame on my self, damn I thought I saw everyone as equal. I never expecting this from me, if you didn't mentioned it I couldn't recognized how I seeing them deep down in my mind.
Vision : Well okay, Calm down Rushy, because of this mistake it doesn't mean you gave up on your people, Cause you at least took a stand for them while I spoke against them. But many peoples couldn't even do that, many peoples mostly reacts only while they facing a problem by them self, many peoples only react while they get in to trouble, many people only make a stand only while they lose there freedom. So it just mean they mostly won't see there World people as there people, it just because all these tons and tons of separation all around there World.
Rushy : I understood, but how this could be a problem for innovating.
Vision : So you still didn't understood.
Rushy : Yes I think so now stop confusing me and criticising my World and just explain how those separations you mentioned stops our World people from innovating.
Vision : Well our World didn't came to this point just because of me, and I didn't innovated and invented any of these stuffs by myself, cause everything you seeing in this world are a massive results of massive collection of ideas of intelligent and smart innovating minds all around the world from various regions. So I just made one and only thing to let this World people to innovate there World this much.
Rushy : Please say what it is.
Vision : I just put the entire smart innovating minds together by breaking each and every borders and boundaries and separation and mind blocks in there mind, so that's how it worked like our big bang theory.
Rushy : How you could relate this get together to big bang theory.
Vision : Just think what did the big bang actually done to our universe.
Rushy : Don't you really know what does it done, and you are questioning like what it done to this universe, this question is completely meaning less cause that big bang is the one which created this entire magical and beautiful universe.
Vision : Yeah that's how our get together concept innovated and created a wonderful World which you are just seeing right now.
Rushy : Oh Now I understood, So now let me know about those innovative stuffs you mentioned to me.
Vision : Okay so again let's get back to our hyper solar panels, well while I said about solar panels you just said that solar panels couldn't convert 100% of sun light to electricity but you didn't noticed how I actually named our solar panels cause I said they are hyper solar panels so they are more capable than a normal solar panels to exactly mention how capable they are I can say that they could produce electricity my converting more than 90% of sun light. But you couldn't imagine how much power it is well let me explain it even more clearly a 10×10 inches solar panel could actually power a electric car even while in low sunlight level and our next massive renewable electricity producer are our all time wind turbines these are like windmills in your World but usually wind mills only work while air is flowing through in specific direction but our wind mills easily tracks that in which direction they could get lot of air to let there turbine rotate so once they found it out they will just close or locks few open blocks in them which is pointed through high air flow direction so that's how they could been working everytime.
Rushy : In that case how could you stop them while you want to fix any issues on there Turbine.
Vision : I said that they could find and control there turbine rotate direction by themselves so it could be also manually turned off but while we turned it off it will just open all its blocking packs to let the air flow through it so that's how they stop spinning so they spin while they blocks or arrests the flows through there turbines.
Rushy : That's cool,
Vision : Well now let's see about hyper wave electricity generator, this is also almost like our wind turbine mills but the difference between them is our wind mill blocks and arrest air to produce air energy and our wave generators produce electricity by arresting sea water waves which flows through them. And we also have few of fusion reactors on every residential building and tourists visiting building and we also made those fusion reactors as pocket version which could be used as ultimate power bank to power there Electric bike or something equal to that.
Rushy : Wait did you just said that your people cary a mini fusion reactor in there pockets.
Vision : Yep mostly travelers always have them with them.
Rushy : Holy shit, don't you know how dangerous is those stuff
Vision : Well...
Rushy : Wait, I know what are you going to say, "it may be so dangerous in your World because of its ancient tech but this is United World, so our tech won't be so risky or harmful" isn't it so that's what you tried to say to me am I right.
Vision : Wait a minute did you connected any stuffs with my program like I connected that mind chip in you.
Rushy : Nope it's just mind reading.
Vision : I never saw anyone who could read my mind.
Rushy : Well yeah actually I didn't used mind reading or hacking to know what you are going to say cause since I came here you always keep Criticising my World by compare your Worlds tech with our World Tech so that's how I thought and assumed how will you react this time. But I never expected that it will shock you this much.
Vision : Well anyhow you are so right that's how actually I thought to say but it's all true isn't it.
Rushy : Yeah I can't disagree with you when it's comes to innovating and taking care of our World like you.
Vision : Well finally you accepted what did I just said.
Rushy : It's okay. So tell me why it feels too cold while we are in India.
Vision : Cause I already said you that we reversed the Global Warming to Global cooling because through replacing every pollution spreader or creator fuels we just immediately shifted to renewable energy so as we spread awareness of using the renewable fuel and energy we completely came to manage our world in 100% of renewable energy only, So that's why our global warming turned to global cooling.
Rushy : Well I know the effects of global warming cause I lived in my World it is so common there , but I never heard about global cooling effects so could you explain what does it does.
Vision : Sure Rushy, well in cases of global warming usually it directly affects the ozone layer and it is used to melt the ice region like Antarctica and greenland because of its raising temperature of the World, So you just got to assume the reverse effect of these to know the actual effects of global cooling, So in that case in our World the temperature keep decreasing because of its cooling atmosphere. And we also had a hole in our ozone in starting United World days but it healed itself and formed a new layer of ozone on the damaged area of ozone. So now let's come to the sea level increasing because of global warming it also reversed in our worlds because of its global cooling, So because of extreme cold atmosphere our Greenland and Antarctica regions got lot more bigger than it used to be in even before humans civilisation. So that's why our sea level keep Decreasing behalf of increasing. And because of these conditions we usually have only pure air in every parts of our world I mean including Humans colonies and residents. To exactly say how pure is our air, I could say that we have Civilised Sentinels in our Many part of World among our humans.
Rushy : Wait do you just mean those tribe people in Northern Sentinel Island.
Vision : Yep.
Rushy : Oh God this is getting really even more interesting.