Robo Cops, So Zero Crimes

Rushy : Well do you know one thing our people mostly used to mention few people like don't behave like a tribe or are you an animal.

Vision : Well why do they mentioning like that.

Rushy : They will mention few people like that while people commits too bad crime, like murder and hurting other people too badly.

Vision : Well, Do you know one thing I always used to wonder about how worst could animals be than humans.

Rushy : What do you mean by that ? Seems like now Vision is Criticizing whole humans.

Vision : Actually not whole humans but I am sure that I am criticizing about most of humans especially humans of your World.

Rushy : Well you obviously know what I going to ask now.

Vision : Yeah I know that you going ask me for a valid explanation for why I am accusing humans like that, Am I right.

Rusty : Yeah you are right, now present me your explanation for your accusations.

Vision : Sure, well before that let me know which is the deadliest predator in the World according to you.

Rushy : Well in my opinion Lions and Venomous Snakes are the deadliest predators according to me cause they are so aggressive and capable to kill anyone in minutes and sometimes even in seconds.

Vision : Well okay now let me know why they going to kill anyone.

Rushy : Cause they are wild creatures so it is there instinct and usually they kill to get there food or they could even kill anything or anyone if they seems they could be dangerous for them so they used kill even while they want to defend themselves.

Vision : Well now I got a another interesting question to you.

Rushy : What is it ?

Vision : Well, do you really think that those deadliest predictors you mentioned will kill humans for time pass or else just for there taste purpose.

Rushy : You got to be kidding me cause they used to kill humans only while they don't have any other choice to feed themselves so they just kill humans while they are so hungry or else they kill humans while they felt that humans are dangerous to them.

Vision : So do you think those reasons are really fare.

Rushy : Yes it is fare cause they not killing for entertainment purpose or just to taste humans.

Vision : Great but I wonder why you chosen those predators as deadliest predators while I asked you about deadliest predators which you know.

Rushy : Cause they are so harm full and cruel than anyone I could Imagine.

Vision : Well I bet that they not that much harm full then a species which I going to mention now.

Rushy : Really, well let me know what species it is.

Vision : well the most harm full and cruel species in this world even in this whole Universe is Human species.

Rushy : What, why are you saying like that, damn you are so mean you know?

Vision : But I mean so right.

Rushy : Well let me know how you are right actually.

Vision : Okay I'll tell you how I am right, first of all you got to know that being so aggressive and killing to feed themselves only while they have no choice doesn't mean animals are deadliest cause they mostly kill only while they are hungry and they won't kill to build there physical body cause they only kill to be alive and especially they won't kill for taste, cause they only kill to satisfy there stomach not there tongues taste buds. But human species are not like that especially in your World, cause they definitely got a choice when it comes to eat, those choices are veg or non veg which are been most commonly used choices. But most of humans prefer non veg as there choice of intake. Well if you asked them for reason they usually say that they need lot of protein to be fit and most of others say it is also healthy but really so tasty. See what a so fair reason they got. So do you think this reasons are so fair then the reason those predators got. And humans doesn't only kill few animals and other poor creatures lives they consuming to satisfy there taste buds.

Rushy : Wait do you just said that Humans consuming lives of creatures.

Vision : Well then how they could get those tasty flesh to satisfy there tongues taste buds. So that's why humans kill, nope actually they harvests millions & millions of poor animals and other creatures who only born to be buried in humans stomach to satisfy there taste needs, and those poor living beings don't even get to know what mistake they have done to receive the death penalty from humans. But if they could think even more they will definitely realise that they shouldn't been born as such a weak species in a World where a human exist cause they won't kill few of them because they used to harvest millions of them. So humans will be worried only while some other animal species attacked or killed them, so according to them they only have pure soul and every other creatures has only shit like something to be alive.

Rushy : Well I think you still don't know what I actually tried to ask about cause if you known you wont been taking unwanted lectures about other species sad stories.

Vision : I clearly know that you want to ask me about the law enforcement and safety of our World to protect our World's Citizens.

Rushy : Yeah you are right then why you started to speak about unrelated things to these I thought.

Vision : Actually everything I told you right now are related to what do you thought to know.

Rushy : Well let me know how it is related to it.

Vision : Sure, to know that you got to understand that our World is United World and it doesn't suits to Humans only cause it also suits to every harmless living species of this World I mean including Animal also got there rights to live especially to live peacefully. So our law doesn't only protects Humans cause it also protects those animals also. So we banned meat intakes and killing animals but even though they are used for research purpose only cause while a life is lost in a Research purpose it has a purpose of saving the other life of this whole World, so that's why we won't use animals or any other lives behalf of research purpose.

Rushy : Well that's good to know how you treat every lives equally. But is this even applicable for Mosquitos and other parasites.

Vision : You still didn't listened what I said. So remember I said those laws are applicable only for harmless creatures and animals so those harmless creatures only could be protected by me. So that's why I put every harmful creatures to extinction, So that's why they are not exists now among us in this World now.

Rushy : What did you said, did you meat that Mosquitos doesn't exists in this Whole World, Oh My God I have been dreaming about Mosquitos free space for so long on my life but I never expected that I could rome in a World where Mosquitos doesn't even exist. Oh god this World is now really a heaven. Well what else you done to surprise me.

Vision : You still didn't listened to me clearly, I didn't only mentioned about Mosquitos I meant about every Harmful species and parasites so that includes pests also Which means there is no cockroaches , no bed bugs, no biting ants, no blood sucking insects, no crop spoilers I mean those are which been harmful for crops and each and every harmful parasites expect Honey bees, Cause they have lot of role in spreading the forest area and those Honey can't be replaced by any sweets cause it is the only one with tastes and nutritional benefits.

Rushy :Wait do you really know that honey bees are also deadly while they are in lot of amount.

Vision : Yeah I know.

Rushy : Then how you could handle if they decided to attack others.

Vision : I can handle them. cause I am always handling them with or Nano troops.

Rushy : What do you mean?

Vision : Actually our nano technology is in a level of creating a humanoid robots so each and every bees that exist are been always monitored by those nano humanoid troops so if they tried to attack any others they will be put to put to shirt time sleep.

Rushy : Cool but what about Humans what if they used to attack or commits any crimes cause I don't know wether do you know it our not because humans are usually been unpredictable species in this World cause they react as per there thoughts .

And mostly they are been unstable because of there emotional mood swings also and according to me they are been always in a dominating mind so how could you handle them cause they can't easily see everyone as equal so at some point it could be also the way which leads to terrorism. So how could you control the crimes.

Vision : Actually Crimes also one which doesn't exist in our World, because I already said you that's every bees are been watched so just like that every Humans are also been watched and there thoughts also been monitored. I mean while it comes to bees like small creatures I take actions only while they attacked someone but in case of humans I took it to an extreme level of crime free maintenance to maintain ba 0 crime rate cause humans will be put to sleep instantly while they thought to commit a crime cause our neurology is in a level of finding out how humans thoughts could evolve before they react so through this technology our nano troops always monitors humans also but they got mind reader devices in them so with help of that them they find out who going to commit crimes even before they start to react to execute there thought

and immediately puts them to a sleep and informs to the Robo Cops of United World cause they are the one which was made by us to keep maintaining a 0 crime rate, they make that 0 crime situation possible by treating arrested victim in a different way then normal cops do in Your World. Cause we don't have separate punishments for each and every different kinds of crimes, cause according to me and our Robo Cops it doesn't matter what crime it is so we simply used to take it just as a crime so as we treat ever crime in a same way we also used to give same punishment for every crime cause we are not arresting them for the mistakes and crimes they just executed, actually we arrested them just for thinking about to execute a crime. So I know now you may wonder kind of punishment they will get isn't it.

Rushy : Yep.

Vision : Well so before I tell you that just tell me that what will be the most extreme punishment of your World.

Rushy : Obviously it's death penalty, actually there may be more painful punishments exist like white room torture and others but usually our People used to think that death penalty is the most extreme punishment that anyone could have.

Vision : Well my Punishment is also equal to your Worlds death penalty but after receiving my Punishment those arrested victims will be let free to Rome and to stay among the normal people so I mean they could live in this World again as usual even after being punished by me. So try to guess what punishment it would be.

Rushy : I couldn't get it, cause you said that your punishment is equal to our World's death penalty then how they could rome around normally, it's like something unimaginable I couldn't even dream about it.

Vision : Well then I'll give you a clue. It is, I will definitely kill them but they will be free after being killed by me so that's why they rome and be usual like they used to be.

Rushy : You are seriously confusing me now is this like a ghost story cause you said that they will be killed by you but even though they could rome around. Damn what are you saying to me is this like a Zombie stuff cause they Only could rome around after dead.

Vision : Nope.

Rushy : Well enough, that's all I could think for now so you just explain it by yourself.

Vision : Well to know that just let me know what do you think about death I mean what is death practically.

Rushy : To be simple I think that if we couldn't have a same person after sometimes it may be considered as he is dead.

Vision : You are right, so that's how my punishment used to work, cause the person in a body who thought to commit a crime will be no more after my punishment, Well I know you still been confused lot, So I'll explain it to you straight,

I give them a treatment by taking them to special place. It is Dark Island so that's where the every arrested Victims are been dead and reborn as a new one. I mean you got to understand what is death so physically not being existed can't be the only way to be dead. Cause death could be also causes by mentally. So in this case we used to kill the arrested victims mentally by completely erasing there minds memory. So if a person doesn't know who is he it also meant to be that he is dead and born as new one. For example can you tell who is Rushy I mean who are you.

Rushy : You know that Who am I, Then why are you asking me.

Vision : I want to know wether do you know who you are not. So that's why I asked you who you are.

Rushy : Well I am Rushy and my full name is Rushyanthan and I know my name already weird but people gave me another Name by themselves so it is Idiot Dreamer so I am also a Idiot Dreamer who born in Southern part of India for a lovely angry birds couple and I have been raised by them with my young sister who always can't sleep without complaining about me to my parents and I finished my school and college studies but still I don't know what I actually learnt cause I am living a unusual life which is not related to everything I studied so far because I am committed in writing Novels and making YouTube videos but I never thought about these YouTube and Novel writhing stuffs in both of my schools and Colleges.

Vision : So how could you be so sure that you are Rushy who done all those things you mentioned.

Rushy : Cause I remember those. Oh okay, so now I understood you, because if I forgot me mainly how could I be me after that so it's also like I am dead if I just lost my own memories about myself but.

Vision : Well Now you may think that if I could erase there mind why should I erase the whole memory behalf of erasing that crime that's only isn't it.

Rushy : Yep now just answer why you are not doing that while there is an option like that cause while I could see that option even while I am been as a common man how you missed to see that option cause you are been so Smart.

Vision : Well first of all you got to know one thing, a tree will be keep growing until it's root exists.

Rushy : What do you mean by that?

Vision : I mean could you find out how you become as a person who you are at right now, do you just transformed in a single day.

Rushy : Nope it took years for me to become like this.

Vision : So just like that evey crime thoughts are doesn't been existed in a one day it should have many roots in past to push the person to commit a crime, so that's why I completely erasing there mind and giving them a rebirth. So because of my memory erasing treatment they completely forgets who they are and even where they are supposed to be and they will also forget about every relationships and friends they ever had and not only that. Well to be frank they will be just like a new born baby.

Rushy : Well in that case you got to raise them again isn't it.

Vision : Yeah but it's not been a big deal cause as they already been grown up physically and as there Brain just have been rebooted it will work 3 times faster then a normal human brain so they will understand and learn everything very quickly in a very short period of time.

Rushy : Well I got a another doubt, it is you said that they will forget about everything and everyone in there life but what about those who know that person I mean they can't forget the arrested victim so how you handle them.

Vision : Well I said that punishment is equal enough to death penalty so they can't meet that person in there life after he or she was been arrested so each and everyone who knows that person and who connected to him most will forget about that specific person forever so I only remove the memories about the arrested victim in the mind of those who know the victim.

Rushy : Oh god it

Rushy : So what happens to the victim after that cause it seems like he don't have anyone for himself after that.

Vision : Well that's why I said it will be a rebirth to them, So once there memories are been erased and after they been reeducated in our Dark Island our Robo Cops will switch there World.

Rushy : What do you mean by switch there World.

Vision : They will be sent to United Mars to start a New lifestyle.

Rushy : Wait did you just said that they will be sent to Mars to live.

Vision : Yes.

Rushy : That's sounds too cool to be known.