Being a King

Ali Subhan thanked the king and left the Baghdad. He everytime remembered king Salman who was sent him money and

that letter to come after 3 months .

But why king say that? This always lies

in his mind.

2 months ago ,the king's minister want to

seat the crown in kingdom.He has a terrible greed to become king of Bhagdadh in Agrabah. Then he decided to kill the king Salman ,The next saleem(minister)add

poisoned to king's food. The next day the king was terribly upset. Then it seemed to the king

that he was going to die.

Then the king told to soldiers to call

Ali Subhan. Then AliSubhan wondered why the king told me to come there. The king told me to come back in three months,then why

did he say to come now ,Subhan thought "

Then Subhan arrived at the royal palace with ice teleporting power.Yes your majesty, Why do you told me to come .I feel terribly sick or I am going to die ,the king replied. Let me check out, Subhan replied .Saleem was hearing the king and subhan speaking.

Someone has added poison to your

Diet .Subhan tell.

Saleem was frightened to hear this. The king said 'Now you must wear this crown ".

Then the king handover the crown to

Ali Subhan.Then king Subhan went to

speak with people. Being a king I'm proud

of me .All the crowd call him king Ali Subhan!

King Ali Subhan! He was very happy to be king.

Shortly afterwards ! Salman died .

Subhan was terribly upset to king's death.

Saleem couldn't control his joy .

Everyone had a party with their people.Ali

Subhan saw this . He was getting very angry.

The Subhan asked saleem ,"Minister,why are you partying when the king died.

Saleem couldn't open his mouth. what a minister your mouth is shut. I forgive you,

it should not happen again. If this happens again ,I will bury you in the fields and then

deport you.Saleem frightened and has very angry to Subhan bieng the king ,then he going searching

book called Elements race.