` Remember who you are " Cyborg verSion - [ final part ]

A two man was sleeping in roof of path , that place anyone instead of an ant is not coming , because that place is Mortal Kombat , that two person is { 1. Saleem's soul } { 2 .Cyborg version 5.24 ( Zayn ) }

" we want to stop this fight nothing to solve a problem ' Zayn said . " I know have been very scare to fight with your brother , once again , Remember who you are ' Saleem replied .

" We want to speak together and we can solve the problem ' he mumbled in his mind . But Saleem understood what he tell in his mind and Saleem told to Zayn ,` We want to speak together and solve it , I know you'll need this suggestion " .

` How do you understand that ¿ , I think about it but I'm very sad to see my body and I'm happy to get new abilities ( powers ) " Zayn said in a sweet voice .

` I'm your brother I can know everything what you do , I'm telling the last time ` Remember who you are " , you want to kill that evil power in 5 months otherwise , I will not see you and my evil body will see " Saleem told in order voice .

Then Saleem's soul go from Subhan's body and Subhan fell in unconscious when he woke he saw ` A cyborg was sitting in front of him and crying to misbehave and his brother gone from his body " .

Subhan: You understand your mistake , I'm happy but ... where is this place , I dont know how I get in here .

Zayn : This place is Mortal Kombat, Saleem's good soul enter in your body and come fight with me and he goes, he always said ' Remember who you are " .And Saleem tell an information that , ` we want to remove the evil soul in his body in 1 months other wise he always will evil .

Why about my wife , she is ok or not ", Subhan tell in a terrible voice . She is well ok but.....

Rizwan take her body and gone from mercury ", Zayn replied to him . Say the full story I didn't understand ", Subhan said this words to Zayn .

She comes to save you but Rizwan and I attacked her very much , she fell in ground with unconscious and she now in human form we want to help her , I got an Idea pls show your ears ", Zayn tell the full story to Subhan and tell the Idea ` Zayn : I will act like and attack you small he will think I'm in his side but not , we want to catch that f.u.c.k .

Subhan : ok ! wow ! what an idea ! It will success when we will tried this .


{ when will do anything we have a confidence to do it and we will success that mission when we had confidence, Thank you ! }