The Boss arrival

Suddenly an earth quake voice heard in that place , doom ! doom ! . A giant rat arrived in front of them , that is lukas - the goblin. He also had desolator - { giant sword } . And that lukas started attacking them . " boss arrived , attack Saleem ," Rizwan shouted at top of his lungs that sound irritated that goblin and that made him very angry .

Rizwan and Saleem suit up with their power and their weopons they take , fire maize , fire spear . and Rizwan jumped to that giant creature and stabbed that into his neck that beast shouted and take Rizwan with his 2 fingers and throw him . Saleem is very angry now and he take his maize with needles and he turn around with his maize and that maize made large and hit goblin with that weopon.Goblin screamed that goblin made that weopon very damage and that beast take the desolator and stabbed in Saleem's stomach, " floor is full bleeding, why Saleem attack that creature I think that goblin were defeated by Saleem ," Rizwan told to Saleem and he woke up and look .

That blood was from Saleem's body, he understand that and that made him very angry to see that his friend is fell in ground with blood . that made him transformed to { Rank - 1/2 } . His body full becomes red and his weopen spear turn in rank 1/2 , many needles , steel back , very sharp , this new features come into that spear now it is [ NS Spear ] . And he attack and hit and make damage to that goblin , his move is very fast goblin cannot see him but he feels pain .

" what is this ? and how I have pain , I will attack that spirit ," that goblin said in pain . "

Im not a spirit I'm a human I transformed to rank 1/2 and now I'm faster so you cannot and tell how will release Lukas from your body pls tell or I will make you pain , ver much ," Rizwan replied in very fast voice .

" Ok , I will said pls stop attack me , I will tell it ," he started telling . " you want cut my head and that time lukas will come out and I will die fore ever and you will go to 3rd stage in Invisible Realm," that goblin said in brave and he concentrate and catch Rizwan and goblin is going to kill Rizwan .

" You fool , this world is immortal so you cannot kill me forever in this realm ," Rizwan told in a funny voice.

That time a man started attacking that goblin his eyes was red and his body is full of red , but he was faster and most faster that rizwan .

" I think that man was in Rank 2 , rank 2 person can move faster and very faster than rank 1/2 . Who is that person he is very speed , I cannot see that person ," Rizwan mumbled in confused manner .