Hidden cave of Chaos

Suddenly , few sounds were heard in that cave then they stopped walking . then few octopus and shark came to them that time their body is twinkling . " My power is coming back yes ! I got my power ," Rizwan told to Saleem ." Yes that 2 waves over so that time is up that's why we got that power again ," Saleem replied to him in a surprised manner .

That time their magical powers came back to them and they take their maize and spear then they hit that sharks and octopus . octopus's 4 hands were cut off with that spear and shark's memory lost in that power and strength of that maize and shark fell down with full body blood .

Then they continued now they're flying in the river with no move and no use of their body then last they reached that cave . " Door is closed now what we do, we want to enter in that cave ," Saleem told to Rizwan .

" Please look at this brother , Lukas gave a paper to me that paper shows `a symbol of fire hands with maize ," Rizwan replied to Saleem and they take that paper and started reading that paper . " this paper is full of mysterious writing who write this paper ," Saleem asked to Rizwan . " Lukas write this and he made this invisible realm ," Rizwan replied and he told to Saleem that he want touch that Door's symbol with his hands and also maize .

And that time he put his hands to that symbol and a earthquake sound came from that cave and suddenly that cave open full of darkness is in that cave and they entered to that cave .

Suddenly ,

That cave's door closed with a sound and a fear look was could be seen on their faces .But they continued walking and 1 hour they walked and that made them tired and stopped their walking . And they looked the surroundings and a black wall could be seen in front of them and they take a few minutes rest in that wall . Suddenly that wall started shaking and they fell ground but they woke up with a shock .

A giant two eyes open in their sight and eyes were looking to them then a that thing started shouting and meanwhile they use their fire, and they give freedom from that darkness and now place is full of with light but their heart beat skipped for a moment. A giant black chaos dragon was in front them looking towards these two guys .

chaos dragon : " You entered to my palace this is hidden cave of chaos , I'm chaos black dragon you want to kill me to go to the another but I will kill you with my fire " .

That dragon said to them and started fireing them but they're still standing in front of that dragon . because their body was already full of fire and they two had fire power and they told together to that dragon. "our power is full of fire because and our body already fire ," . They together said and they stopped their talking .