Hidden cave of chaos [ Final part ]

Then they cried and shouted to anyone's help , no response but that shouting irritated that army . That chaos boss shooted laser from his eyes to their body . their power is slowly slowly going suddenly their magical power full gone then they had no fire power . Then the army tied tightly the rope and throw them to fire they cried and shouted for life and no one dare to come there to help them .

When that three fighters Subhan , Safeena and Zayn got in 2nd stage that ice is there then Subhan thought something that thing is,

< A great thunder will come and damages the half bhagdadh that thunder will come in 1 months after >

Then Subhan told to Safeena ` how is you you're ok your baby had no problem ," . ` No problem I'm ok ," Safeena replied to Subhan that time a smile could be seen on Subhan's face to hear that no problem .

That time a man came in front of them he had a desolator in his hand . Zayn asked to him " who is you, why should you came here ," . " I'm lukas I made this realm but I couldn't awaken here for years ago I had only chance that get this place for Saleem's and Rizwan's help but they were going to die in that place , I heard that their shouting please help them , please ! , Lukas told to them and stopped his talking .

" We want to fight together to save them now this time we're a team called [ Suyneekas ] .

Su for = "Su"bhan .

yn for = Za"yn" .

ee for = Saf"ee"na .

kas for = Lu"kas" .

Then that new disaster tsunami came and they jumped to that water and swim to deeper part of that river . then they see that cave .

That time Saleem and Rizwan's body is fire and they cannot move any place because army tied them tightly with rope . That time they could feel a cold wind that half fire gone and half body of fire and half body of ice wind and a smile could be seen on their face .

That time four shadows could be seen on cave wall a four person were standing .

Rizwan : who are that person , I think anyone came to help us dont be afraid Saleem they will help us ! .

Rizwan told this words to saleem and saleem said ok and a courage manner could seen on their face .

" who are that , I think anyone enter this cave I'm going to kill them ," A guard told and he go to near them that time that guard spattered to near the army and fell down he became ice .