Champion ship of three Realms

" catch this book and read or I will tell you the full story about the champion ship of three realm's ," Assasin told to Saleem and Saleem says " ok I will not read you want to tell me the full story about champion ship of three realm's, " Saleem replied to Assasin's question . And Assasin start telling about championship of three realm's.

In 200 BCE , a president named Li Yutian make the three realm's .

< ~ Invisible realm ~ >

< ~ Elementary realm ~ >

< ~ Sportarial realm ~ >

And he make dangerous stages in invisible realm , and in sportarial realm four sports tournament are there , those who complete all stages of any realm they will awakened and will be free and they will get in earth after completing all stages on any realms . A person named Xu yan came in sportarial realm before 1000 years, but he didn't able to win but he is now on 3rd stage on sportarial realm . But all realm is immortal so no one will be died in realm after thousand years .

But ....

The president ' Li Yutian ' were killed by the monster in invisible realm .

" who is that monster in invisible realm ," Saleem asked in confused manner .

" chaos killed the president Li Yutian who chaos were created by him .

But ....

there is a twist in this Championship . Immortal is only in 3rd stage 2nd wave , your friends are fighting with chaos , he will kill your friends but your friends had courage , but another twist is there chaos is the guardian of the invisible realm , and now he want to be the king of three realms .

' ok think the story is over now please give the book about chaos ," Saleem said to Assasin and he is searching the book about chaos .

Finally he got the book about chaos , the name of the book is " Guardian of the Realm".

" Amazing name now thanks and I'm going to them but I want few minutes to read this book ," Saleem told and he floated the book in air and started reading .