Fight for Zayn

When they say the giant door they were all surprised . But they have no time to talk and they are ready to push the door and ready to fight . They're taking more focus on their power. They opened the door and ready to get in .

They Saw Li Yutian and his soldiers and Library Assassin are there in that Godown .

" So you find me , ready to die , you fools ," Li Yutian said in a deep smile." You think we will die but we think you and your soldiers will die to hell ," Subhan told to Li Yutian. Subhan's team mates agree this .

" Where is our friend Zayn ," Lukas ask to Li Yutian. " He is in death pain , he will die in 5 minutes , He is an water pool and enjoy in it ," Li Yutian told to every one .

Every one shock to hear that Zayn is in death pain and in water .

Ready for death "', Li Yutian said and he told to his assistants and soldiers to ready to kill them ". Then every soldiers and assistants ready with arrow and sword and started to run to Subhan's team mates. They can't be able to suit up , they have no time to suit up , so they started to fight with barehanded. They started to push and punch and kicks against enemies . Subhan's team mates power is well modified and everyone fly in that punch and kicks . Subhan is running to Death pool where Zayn is in death pain .

Four team mates Safeena,Lukas,Rizwan and Saleem are fight with assistance . they kill many assistants and many were in injuries . But one of the assistant stabbed Safeena in her back with his knife . So Safeena fell down . She is crying with pain because she is pregnant .

Subhan hear this and became confused , who he want to save Zayn or Safeena . That time he remember a powerful man in his mind and call him with his Bluetooth connected earpods and he told to that Power ful man " please come hear Ikbal , I save you so you want to save my wife please jump into invisible realm and face all waves and come to nearby Godown ". Ikbal agreed that he will come and save his wife .

So Subhan run to his friend but Li Yutian came front of him and block him . You can't save Zayn , he will die ," Li Yutian said to Subhan .

Subhan punch Li Yutian but he block with his hand and punch Subhan, he fly and fell down . It was a Power ful punch , then he stand and say " I will save my friend and I will kill you ," . " It's your thinking only , I will kill you and your team mates and never reborn ," Li Yutian said to Subhan.

Then he run near to Subhan and punch him , he again fell . Li Yutian didn't gave a chance to suit up . Then Li Yutian suit up with steel Armor , helm and needle steel gloves in his hand and Armor .

Then Subhan stand and he started to suit up but Li Yutian didn't see he is going kill his team mates. Subhan's Armor with ice , helm with ice and an ice sword in his hand .

Then slash an ice force to Li Yutian's assistants and some of the men become ice statue .

Then Li Yutian take u turn and face Subhan . " What do you think , you will kill me and my friends it is a thinking only not real ," Subhan told to Li Yutian . Then Li Yutian throw steel needles to Subhan , he made an ice shield and defend it with it and needles were broken . That give a time to suit up to his friends and all his friends suit up . But Safeena can't suit up because she is in injury .

Saleem and Rizwan suit up with fire Armor , shield , fire maze and fire spear . Lukas Bring his hand raise up and the Desolator came in his hand .