
Artoria Pendragon (Saber)




King Arthur

King of Knights

Proud Knight-King

Once and Future King

Elise Watoson

Arturia Pendragon



Ayako Kawasumi


Kari Wahlgren

Kate Higgins(2006 anime)

Michelle Ruff(2010 movie; Fate/Apocrypha)





All Around Type-Moon

Capsule Servant

Carnival Phantasm


Fate/Ace Royal

Fate/EXTELLA / Link

Fate/Grand Order / Arcade

Fate/hollow ataraxia


Fate/school life

Fate/stay night

Fate/tiger colosseum / Upper

Fate/unlimited codes




Today's Menu for Emiya Family



Servant, Human, Dragon, King












Britain,[6][8] England[3][4][6]




35 (chronologically)

15 (physically)



Watashi (私?)[3]


Well structured meals, stuffed animals[6]


Badly structured meals, dressing up too much[6]


Gymnastic exercise, secretly good in all kinds of gambling[6]


Gilgamesh,[6][7]Old men who like mischief,[6]Kiritsugu Emiya[7]





Knights of the Round Table



Uther Pendragon

Ector (Foster)



Unnamed wife of Sir Ector[9] (Foster)




Kay (Foster)


Morgan le Fay










Gray (Distant Descendant)


Mordred (Clone)


Servants (Alter) (Lily) (Alter) Card Alternate universe (Lion King) (Lostbelt) (Prototype) Parody (Servants) (MHX) (MHX Alter) (MHXX) (Saber Lion) (Galactica Saber) Parody (Other) Master Artoria Koha-Ace Hana no Miyako



King Arthur


Living Servant (F/sn & F/Z)

Heroic Spirit (F/GO)


Arthurian Legends




Lawful Good[1]





Armor, Sword[1]

Yamaha V-Max (Fate/Zero)


Avalon (F/sn & F/Z)



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Fifth Holy Grail War


Fate/stay night















Magic Resistance









Mana Burst









Invisible Air






Fifth Holy Grail War


Fate/stay night (UBW)















Magic Resistance









Mana Burst






Invisible Air






Fourth Holy Grail War

















Magic Resistance









Mana Burst









Invisible Air






Labyrinth Holy Grail War







Grand Order


Fate/Grand Order















Magic Resistance







Mana Burst


Dragon Reactor Core




Shining Path









Moon Holy Grail War






























Magic Resistance









Mana Burst







Artoria Pendragon (アルトリア・ペンドラゴン, Arutoria Pendoragon?, also romanized as Arturia and Altria), Class Name Saber (セイバー, Seibā?), is one of the main characters of Fate/Zero and one of the three main heroines of Fate/stay night. She is the Saber-class Servant of Kiritsugu Emiya in the Fourth Holy Grail War and Shirou Emiya in the Fifth Holy Grail War.

She is the Servant of Norma Goodfellow (possessed by Manaka Sajyou) in the Labyrinth Holy Grail War of Fate/Labyrinth.

She is one of the Servants of Ritsuka Fujimaru of the Grand Orders conflicts of Fate/Grand Order.



Better known as Arthur Pendragon and King Arthur, who is regarded as a male in history, she is the "Once and Future King" and a legendary hero of Britain known as the King of Knights (騎士王, Kishi-Ō?). She wielded the sword from the stone, Caliburn, but it was eventually destroyed. She later obtained Excalibur and Avalon from the Lady of the Lake.

While Arthur is a hero well known as a model for knights, it is said that he actually existed as "Dux Bellorum", the leader of War, and was a great general who led the twelve kings of Northern England, Gododdin, while preventing foreign invasion from forces such as the Scottish and the Picts. This identity of the real great leader behind the legend of King Arthur has many variations, and it is thought that there may have been two people who fit the description of the king. One is the full Briton Arthur, while the other is the Roman Artorius, and their two separate sets of accomplishments are said to have merged into the legend of King Arthur that is known in the present time.[12]


The king chosen to be the King of Britain was bestowed with a mysterious power, a black primeval cursed energy native to Britain, but its power had waned and Artoria's father Uther Pendragon was said to be the last of its keepers, which is why he came up with his plan to sire a manmade child of a human and a dragon.[13]Merlin once foretold how the white dragon representing the Saxons and the red dragon representing Britain would battle each other, and then afterward Britain would be united by a great king who would defeat the Gauls and Romans.[14] As the incarnation of the red dragon, Artoria was created to oppose the incarnation of the white dragon, Uther's brother Vortigern, who opposed the oncoming Age of Man and wanted to keep Britain a realm dominated by Mystery.[15]

Artoria was born into a time of chaos and war that began with the demise of the Roman Empire. It had been believed to be indestructible, but it was only awaiting its destruction at the hands of invading barbarians. In preparation for the war against the barbarians, Rome deprived her island province of any military forces left there. Once Britannia lost the empire's protection, it could not escape becoming independent, causing it to break into smaller countries soon after. This time of barbarian invasions and self-destructive strife between clans started a long period of war that would later become known as the "Dark Ages". Artoria was born into this period as the heir to the throne, the daughter of the King of Britain, Uther Pendragon, and the blue-eyed Igraine, the wife of Uther's servant, the Duke of Cornwall. The king, believing in Merlin's prophecy, yearned for the birth of his appointed successor, but the child born was a girl—not the one he desired.[16] Uther and Igraine would later marry, making Igraine's other daughter and Artoria's half-sister, Morgan le Fay, now her official sister.[17] At least, that is what the legend says. However the truth is that Morgan was not born until after Igraine and Uther were married, and she is the true blood daughter of Uther as well, making them full sisters.[18]

It is said in the legend that Arthur was left in Merlin's care as the price for his assistance in ensuring the success for Uther's love of Igraine, saying "I will properly guide this child, one bearing a great destiny, and protect him from the crisis of the royal family." The true reality was that Artoria was not a boy, so the king could not make a child that was not male his successor even if she was fated to one day become a king. She was entrusted to the king's vassals and was to be raised as the child of a mere knight. The king fell into despair at the situation, but Merlin was delighted because the sex of the one to become king had never mattered. He was confident that the fact of the girl being separated from the castle until the day of prophecy was proof that she would become king.[16]

Artoria's hometown was on the coast among green hills, where the wind raged and the sea bristled like the manes of a thousand galloping white horses. If one were to gaze at the faraway land from atop a cliff, they would see a long coast shrouded in mist, running as far as the eye can see.[19] There, when Artoria was five years old,[20] Merlin placed her in the care of Sir Ector, a simple and wise old knight, who raised her as his adopted child and successor. Though Ector did not believe in the prophecy, he did feel the same air from the girl as he did his king. He felt that he must raise her as a knight, and he wished for her to grow. He never needed to wish for such a thing, as she trained day after day to become stronger than anyone. She swore to bear her sword for the only reason that "only a king can save a ruined country headed for death" without ever being told such.[16] During this time, she was raised with Sir Kay as her brother, but they still loved each other as siblings after she learned the truth of their relationship. She acted as his squire and received training from him, while also doing other chores such as pulling along his horse. She was better than him in terms of swordsmanship, but she never beat him in a fight due to his arguments declaring himself the winner rather than actual skill.[9]

Once the day of prophecy arrived, knights and lords from around the country gathered to be selected as king. Each expected the selection to be through jousting to select the most superior one to become a king, but the only thing prepared at the place of selection was a naked sword stuck in a stone with a golden inscription on the hilt reading "Whosoe'er pulleth out this sword of this stone is rightwise king born of England." While many knights grabbed the sword trying to follow the command, none were able to pull it out. As they began the expected method of selection by jousting, Artoria, only an apprentice not qualified for jousting, neared the deserted stone of selection and reached out for the sword without hesitation.[16]

Before grabbing it, Merlin appeared before her to tell her to think things over before taking it. He told her she would no longer be human upon taking hold of the sword, but she only responded with a nod because she has been prepared for the fact that "becoming a king means no longer being human" ever since she was born. She knew that a king is someone who kills everyone to protect everyone. She thought about it every night and shuddered until morning came. While not one day passed where she did not fear that fact, she said that it would end this day. The sword was pulled out as if it were only natural to do so, and the area was filled with light. She became something not human in that instant. The king's gender doesn't matter, and no one will care about the king's appearance or even notice it as long as the king acts like a king. Even if anybody did notice the king was female, it would not be an issue if she was a good king. This started the time of the king who would become a legend.[16] She stopped aging at 15 years old, back when she pulled Caliburn from the stone.[3]

Artoria secured her strength and rallied followers for ten years, among them such storied knights as Gawain. Ten years after she pulled Caliburn from the stone she slew the usurper king Vortigern in the fortress city of Londinium with the use of Rhongomyniad and was crowned King of Britain.[21]


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Artoria with Bedivere (right) Gawain (far right) and Lancelot (left).

Artoria led Britain from Camelot, which was built with the help of the fairies in the ruins of Londinium. After becoming a feudal lord like her father, she became a king with many knights under her, including the esteemed Knights of the Round Table. Her growth stopped at that time she pulled the sword because of its magic, so many knights feared it as ominous. Most instead praised their master's immortality as divine. Her battles thereafter were the acts of a god of war. She always led from the front, and no enemies could stand in her way. There was no defeat for a body admired as a dragon in human form. She only knew victory for ten years and twelve battles while she ran through those days as the king. She never turned back and was never disgraced. She was raised as a king and fulfilled her obligations as the king.

Personal affairs

Due to the problem of being able to produce an heir, Merlin used magecraft to turn her into a pseudo-male capable of producing sperm for an unknown duration of time.[22] During this period, she was enchanted by her sister, Morgan le Fay, who took some of Artoria's sperm, developed it within her own ovaries, and gave birth to the homunculus and complete clone of Artoria, Mordred. She was born and raised without Artoria's knowledge, quickly growing up due to her accelerated aging, and she managed to join the Round Table through her own efforts and Morgan's recommendation. She worshiped her king while hiding her identity, and she was ecstatic to learn of her heritage.

Upon claiming her heritage and right to the throne, Artoria completely rejected Mordred, and refused to recognize her as an heir. Mordred believed the reason that she was not accepted was due to the hatred her father bore Morgan, and that no matter how much she worked to excel over others, she would forever be viewed as a tainted existence. The love she had for the king up until that point was so great that her rejection made her hatred burn.

She married Guinevere, but it was only out of obligation to have a wife. The truth was that Lancelot, one of Artoria's closest friends, and Guinevere loved each other, and due to Artoria having concealed her gender, Guinevere had to carry the burden of this her entire life. Guinevere felt guilt for her actions, but felt relief that it was Lancelot who had fallen in love with her. He, who shared the same ideals as the king, would share the burden with her and not cause the country to fall into a dangerous situation. He did so, supporting Guinevere and the King from the dark on his unrighteous path.


Artoria needed to act as the son of the king, as the one to govern the many territories and control the knights had to be male. While some people did grow suspicious of her, only her father, Merlin, and Kay knew the exact truth of her identity. She literally covered herself in steel to seal that truth for all her life, and due to her immortality from the protection of the fairies, no one questioned her small body or face that seemed like that of a girl. She was honored by the knights as a good-looking king, thought of as an invincible warrior whose looks or body size had impact on her standing.

During that time, the people living in fear of savage invasions only wanted a strong king, and the knights would only follow an excellent commander. Having met these criteria, no one questioned her. She was considered fair and selfless as she always stood at the front of the army while defeating her enemies on the battlefield. While many enemies and civilians died, the king's choices were always considered correct, and she served as the king better than anyone else. No one doubted or had any need to doubt as long as the king was right.

Her army reconstructed the lost cavalry, and knowing no losses, they ran through the battlefield while defeating foreign infantries and crashing through numerous ramparts. Many people were discarded for her to join the battles, and all her enemies had to be defeated once she joined. It was common practice for the military to meet its needs by sucking all the resources out of a local village to supply the battle to protect the country. It can be said that no knight killed more people than her, and it is unknown if she ever found such to be a burden.

She strictly kept to the oath that a king is not human and that one cannot protect the people with human emotions. She never narrowed her eyes in grief while sitting on the throne, and she settled every problem while working hard in government affairs. She managed to balance the country without any deviations, and she punished people without a single mistake. Even after, or possibly because of, winning battles in victory, commanding citizens without disorder, and punishing hundreds of criminals, one of her knights murmured "King Arthur does not understand human feelings."

It is possible everyone felt that way, that the more perfect she became as a king, the more they needed to question her as a ruler. They felt that a human without emotion cannot rule over others, leading to several reputable knights leaving Camelot. She simply accepted this to be a natural event that is part of the process of government, isolating the fair king honored by her knights. Having abandoned her emotions from the start, she did not change her mind even if she was abandoned, feared, or betrayed. There was no right or wrong to someone who saw such events as trivial.

Her final battle for her country began in such a way, and the battle at Badon Hill ended in complete victory. The savages sought reconciliation due to her overwhelming results, and her country that was only awaiting destruction earned a brief period of peace. The country finally began to return to the country of which she had dreamed.


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Mordred being slain by Artoria. (How Mordred was Slain by Arthur)

Lancelot's affair with Guinevere was eventually revealed through the plans of traitors who hated Camelot, causing them to stand opposed. Artoria did not see this inescapably unrighteous action as a betrayal, but instead understood Guinevere's sacrifice due to having concealed her gender. She wrote a letter of pardon to Lancelot and Guinevere, and gave them her blessings, saying that their actions "must have good cause".[13] However, Lancelot was afraid and ran, bringing about a tragedy where no one was right and no one was wrong.

Excalibur's scabbard was stolen while she repelled an assault along her country's borders; when she returned inland, she discovered Britain is being torn asunder by civil unrest. Despite her valiant efforts to placate the dissent, she was mortally wounded by the traitorous knight Mordred during the Battle of Camlann. Her dying body was escorted to a holy isle by Sir Bedivere. Artoria ordered a grieving Bedivere to dispose of Excalibur by throwing it back to the Lady of the Lake; in her absence, she reflected on her personal failures, regretting her life as king. Before her last breath, she appealed to the world; in exchange for services as a Heroic Spirit, she asked to be given an opportunity to seek the Holy Grail to save her country.[4]

Artoria's reign as King Arthur lasted for ten years,[13] and twenty years had passed since her drawing Caliburn. Artoria was 35 years old at the time of her death, although physically still appeared 15.



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Rain coat disguise

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Maid costume

Artoria has the appearance of a young girl in her early-mid teens with a slender physique, soft skin, and green eyes. She has "finely textured" blonde hair that seems "as if sprinkled with gold dust." Her face shows some signs of naivety and displays elegance. She is more muscular than someone like Rin, leading her to believe her body is unappealing, but Shirou believes her to be very feminine. She normally wears shining armor with an old styled dress, made from old-fashioned blue cloth, underneath. She is actually older than her appearance would show, as her body did not age from the moment she pulled Caliburn from the stone to the time of her death. Shirou sees her as being a few years younger, and the age of her body is probably a year younger than him.[22] Though she lived as a man most of her life, Shirou and Rin describe her as beautiful instantly upon seeing her. Despite her armor being unrefined and unaesthetic, Shirou describes Artoria as being beautiful enough to make the steel clanking of her armor seem like the chiming of a bell.

Due to her inability to dematerialize, she needs to wear modern clothing in order to travel in public. Though she can wear her own dress when not in battle, she needs modern clothing to keep from standing out. With the ability to control the materialization of her armor, she can be ready for battle instantly and return to normal without damaging the clothing. During the Fourth Holy Grail War, Irisviel decides to match Artoria's clothing with her own appearance by dressing her as a man.[23] During the Fifth Holy Grail War, Rin Tohsaka prepares clothes for Artoria, a blue, knee-length skirt (with tights) and white shirt (with a blue string tie), and brown boots originally a birthday present to Rin from Kirei Kotomine.[24]

She is commonly known as Blue Saber (青セイバー, Aoi Seibā?).

Saber Alter - Blackened version of Saber.

Zero Saber (ZEROセイバー, ZERO Seibā?) - Differentiated from normal in both appearance and manner, Artoria in the Fourth Holy Grail War in her suit is often treated as a separate version. Irisviel, making dressing up Artoria more of a hobby than required, takes Artoria's measurements for a tailor shop at the Frankfurt airport, and has a dark blue dress shirt and necktie with a French continental dark suit prepared for her. Artoria likes its ability to allow her to move freely, and has no troubles posing as a man due to her time as king. While it would normally seem strange to dress a young woman under 155 cm in such a fashion, it is not so regarding Artoria. The idea lacks the "perverted beauty" of having a beautiful woman dressed as a man, but instead suits the air of Artoria's cold and hard face that does not give off a feminine complexion. It can be called a given that her disguised in such a way gives the impression of being a beautiful young man, and along with her thin stature, her glamorous and fair-skinned face can pass as the manly, charming air of a pure young man.

Saber Lily - Alternate version of Saber.

Master Artoria - Master version of Saber.

Mysterious Heroine X - Saber's "hidden" identity during Back Alley Satsuki.

King Saber (キングセイバー, Kingu Seibā?) - Saber with the cloak and crown she wore as a king. This appearance is treated as an alternate version in Capsule Servant.

Galactica Saber - Alternate Capsule Servant version of Saber.

Summer Memories (夏の思い出, Natsu no Omoide?).

Resort Vacances (リゾート・ヴァカンス, Rizōto Vakansu?).

Due to the different variations of Artoria and characters that look similar, she is often called Blue Saber (青セイバー, Ao Seibā?), Saber Alter is called Black Saber, and Saber Lily is called White Saber. Similar characters include Red Saber, Saber of Red, Sakura Saber, Gray, and Saber Lion. Though there is no direct connection to Red Saber, Nero Germanicus, King Arthur's model was said to be the fusion of two individuals including the Roman general Artorius, so it can be said there is some sort of relation between them.[12]Jeanne d'Arc is also often considered similar to Artoria, Gray is a distant descendent of King Arthur and Mordred is a clone who shares her appearance.

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Saber's April Fools' Day in Fate/Grand Order, illustrated by Riyo.


Saber Stage 2 in Fate/Grand Order, illustrated by Takashi Takeuchi.


Saber Stage 4 in Fate/Grand Order, illustrated by Takashi Takeuchi.


Saber Stage 3 in Fate/Grand Order, illustrated by Takashi Takeuchi.

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Archer Stage 1 in Fate/Grand Order, illustrated by Takashi Takeuchi.

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Archer Stage 3 in Fate/Grand Order, illustrated by Takashi Takeuchi.


Archer Stage 1 in Fate/Grand Order, illustrated by Takashi Takeuchi.

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The Beginning of a Journey (旅の始まり, Tabi no Hajimari?) in Fate/Grand Order, illustrated by Takashi Takeuchi.


Present for My Master (プレゼント・フォ・マイマスター, Purezento fo Mai Masutā?) in Fate/Grand Order, illustrated by Sakura Yuki.

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Law of the Jungle (ジャングルの掟, Janguru no Okite?) in Fate/Grand Order, illustrated by Riyo.


Saber Stage 1 in Fate/Grand Order, illustrated by Takashi Takeuchi.


Saber Stage 3 in Fate/Grand Order, illustrated by Takashi Takeuchi.


Saber Stage 1 in Fate/Grand Order, illustrated by Takashi Takeuchi.


Saber Stage 2 in Fate/Grand Order, illustrated by Takashi Takeuchi.


Archer's April Fools' Day in Fate/Grand Order, illustrated by Riyo.

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Archer Stage 2 in Fate/Grand Order, illustrated by Takashi Takeuchi.

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Archer Stage 4 in Fate/Grand Order, illustrated by Takashi Takeuchi.

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Zero Saber in Fate/Grand Order, illustrated by Takashi Takeuchi.

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Heroic Spirit Portrait (英霊肖像, Eiyū Shōzō?) in Fate/Grand Order, illustrated by Takeuchi Takashi, huke, Nakahara, Shimokoshi. Hirokazu Koyama, Mineji Sakamoto & PFALZ.

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Happy x3 Order (ハッピー×3・オーダー, Happī x3 Ōdā?) in Fate/Grand Order, illustrated by Nakahara.



Artoria is a strong-willed young woman who usually speaks truthfully but will lie if necessary. She is courageous, determined, and set on winning the Holy Grail. She constantly insists that she is a knight and king above all, and that her gender is of little importance to her and her role. She is resolute in following her own morals, regardless of the more viable, yet underhand, tactics being available. Artoria prefers direct, fair confrontations based upon codes of chivalry. Not even her hunger for the Holy Grail can make her abandon her code of honor. This leads to regular conflicts with Kiritsugu over strategy within the Fourth Holy Grail War. While obtaining the Grail is of the utmost importance, rejecting her chivalry is something she will never do, even if it should put her at a disadvantage. If such came to pass, she would require her Master to use a Command Spell as recompense for treading upon her heart. A Master tends to do well with Artoria when they respect her rules, such as Irisviel being closer to her than her true Master, Kiritsugu.

She believes loyalty and respect should be shared between Master and Servant. Thus when a Servant kills their Master, Artoria is enraged to the point she may kill as punishment. If a Servant dies protecting their Master, she protects their sacrifice from ridicule, believing they died honorably. She also expects Heroic Spirit to be treated with respect, displaying utter rage and disgust when Zouken Matou turns Medea's corpse into a puppet or when Shinji electrocutes Rider as punishment for losing in battle to Artoria herself. If a situation looks dire, Artoria will not hesitant to sacrifice herself to ensure her Master and companions can ecape.

A firm believer in justice, Artoria cannot stand when evil goes unpunished. She therefore strongly rejected Kiritsugu's decision to let the other Masters kill Gilles de Rais, as she wanted to stop Gilles as soon as possible before more innocent victims were made. Seeing humans reduced to demons who commit countless atrocities when their lives are threatened was something she witnessed all the time in her life. But precisely because of that, humans need to prove they can still live on with dignity no matter the difficulties that surround them. A knight is the one who can testify to that. Illuminating the battlefield by inspiring awe with his justice, a knight lets those reduced to demons to regain their honor and pride, and become proper humans once more. It is therefore the duty of a knight to put aside their feelings to focus on the greater good.

One of Artoria's greatest struggles throughout the Fourth and Fifth Holy Grail Wars is her identity as both a "human" and a "king". Because of her status as a knight and a Servant, she dislikes being treated as a woman, or even as a human. She tries to keep the notion that she is only a Servant, a tool for her Master, first and foremost in her mind. Normally quiet and reserved, she raises her voice in defense of this non-human identity. This focus is so extreme that she has no obvious reaction to Shirou accidentally seeing her naked, possibly ignoring or not understanding his flustered response. She slowly becomes aware of herself though as her bonds with Shirou and Rin develop, later displaying her true embarrassment when Shirou again accidentally sees her naked. Despite being granted knowledge of the modern world upon being summoned, Artoria is a 'fish-out-of-water' in many social situations due to her strong disconnect from her humanity in her past and lack of interaction with others her age and social status. She was unaware of the innuendo of the phrase 'between my legs' and didn't understand why Irisviel was giggling afterwards. She also doesn't even understand what a date is, as the Grail doesn't give data on minor modern social structure and phrasing, until Rin explains it to her.

Due to always conducting herself as an untouchable king, she is unfamiliar with affection or flirting from others. She is notably sexually inexperienced as a woman, but she is nevertheless knowledgeable about a man's sexual experiences. Once Artoria becomes more self-aware of herself as a girl, she becomes very self-conscious of her body. She remarks it as "unsightly", and tries to stay out the center of attention. She is also more aware of others' physical appearance, envying the voluptuous Rider. Initially, she and Shirou view these experiences as being contradictory to her identity as king, causing strife between them, and internally for Artoria. Through careful self-exploration and support from others, Artoria realizes she can be happy as a woman while still being a king. She also accepts the failures of her past, deciding to stop punishing herself for it. This accumulates in Artoria accepting Shirou's love, and her declaration to herself and Gilgamesh that she will always be "a king before a woman". In Realta Nua, Artoria journeys to Avalon and lives as this person she wishes to be. In Fate/hollow ataraxia, Artoria acts to refine that womanhood and femininity among her peers, and Sakura and Taiga help her with this when they go shopping together. She can react violently when others point out her underdeveloped physique as a woman. Such was the case in Fate/hollow ataraxia when she relentlessly chased Lancer with the intent of beating him after he said she should develop more before wearing a two-piece swimsuit.

Artoria is loyal, independent, and reserved. She appears cold, but is usually suppressing her emotions to focus on her goals. She is bewildered by Shirou's "protective" tendencies, and believes his over-valuing of her humanity jeopardizes her chances of winning the Holy Grail War. However, Artoria is secretly deeply insecure, having no real sense of self-worth. As she was born and raised to be a king in service of her country, she has no sense of self-worth past that, and can only feel fulfilled by serving other people. Because of this, she will regularly berate herself as worthless if she ever fails in her duties. Shirou realizes from his dreams of her past that, even though she is a supremely skilled warrior, she would be happier if she didn't have to fight at all.

As king, Artoria put the needs of her people before her own and considers herself a martyr to her ideals. While primarily an idealist, she took a more pragmatic approach when ruling and protecting her people. She understood it was impossible to save everyone, so she would sacrifice a few to save the many. Throughout her rule, though, she was plagued by self-doubt about being a worthy king, and eventually came to hate herself for not giving her people utopia like she promised and the atrocious actions she took to ensure Britain's protection and future. She feels deep guilt over the eventual destruction of her kingdom, holding herself solely responsible and calling herself an inadequate ruler. When shown her death before pulling Caliburn, Artoria accepted she would die alone, ostracized by everyone for taking many lives. Even though she accepted that, she was horrified to know her kingdom would be destroyed alongside her in the bloody Battle of Camlann Hill. She understood, as Merlin told her, that Britain would fall, but she wanted to believe its end could be more peaceful, like a slumber. As a result of these factors, her wish for much of the Fourth and Fifth Holy Grail Wars is to undo her rule so that someone more suitable can take her place in order to give Britain a peaceful end. Iskandar and Shirou both chastise her for this, saying that to undo her rule would be an insult to all those who died in her name, or that she is selfish for wanting to redo the past merely because she didn't like the result. Also, because of her past, Artoria blames herself whenever her past enemies reappear.

For the most part, Artoria is a serious person who fully devotes herself to whatever task she's given. This can especially true when it comes to competition, since she's a sore loser, though truthfully her soreness is directed at her own weakness. Obstinate at her worst she can spend hours on a single task until she's satisfied, such as forcing Shirou and Rin to let her keep playing baseball because she was losing way past scheduled. Her poor sportsmanship is nothing compared to her fanatic devotion to her kingly duty though. Others find her devotion disturbing, seeing that she is denying herself of everything for the sake of her duty. She so stubbornly adheres to her duty that she ignores, rejects, and/or actively fights against other's opinions to validate herself. This is most obvious in her fights with Shirou about her past. This tendency to fight others that she disagrees with is compounded by how she is unable to ignore what others say or do. She cares greatly about others' opinions, and their disagreement hurts her greatly; her brother, Kay, compares her heart to a reed in that respect. If someone makes a transgression against her, Artoria is extremely ready to fight, even physically, anyone for that perceived insult. This most often includes Shirou in both serious and comical situations. Shirou implying that Artoria is a human, and not a Servant, is immediately cornered verbally by Artoria. At another time, Shirou is knocked unconscious for teasing her for playing with her lion plushy in Fate/hollow ataraxia.

Underneath her serious exterior that she feels forced to hold, Artoria shows herself to be a kind-hearted and gentle person who wishes to protect those she cares about. She is perceptive when it comes to the others' feelings and their troubles, almost dangerously so when combined with her low self-worth and habit to overthink. This is best demonstrated in a positive way when she purposely forfeited a competition of best little sister to Illya when she saw her frustration at losing by pretending to be overwhelmed by Illya's "sister force", even convincing Sakura (another competitor) to join her. Her ability to perceive others' troubles also made her reckless in her pursuit to save others during her training with Caliburn, for which she was scolded many times by Kay. Artoria greatly enjoys seeing the happiness of others, even though she doesn't wish any happiness for herself. This trait is a cause of great concern to those who care about her, thinking she should obtain her own happiness. Artoria herself believes she doesn't deserve happiness due to her self-perceived failure as king. She rarely smiles for herself but smiles for others upon seeing their happiness and safety. During her reign, she never laughed once, with the last time being during her training with Caliburn. She is still very capable of laughing, such as when she giggled at Shirou's joke about Rin wanting to use the Grail to rule the world. Her kind heart can also extend to her enemies, such not seeing the Saxons as evil despite being her enemies. Rather, she understood they sought Britain for a land to call home, believing their aspiration to be inherently good. During her younger days, Artoria loved to take care of horses, which surprised Kay when she used them in battle, despite her love for them. But, to her, a horse dying in battle is a different sin than a soldier dying, as a soldier knows why they're on the battlefield, while a horse does not. This kind-hearted facet of Artoria is seen as her true self for it is a person free from unhealthy, inhuman expectations - Shirou sees it as an Artoria who no longer needs to fight. When Artoria does not feel as though she needs to be inhumanly strong, she is less argumentative and confrontational, for these are traits she developed to make up for her inability to meet her impossible goals.



Though she once felt more linked to dragons due to her unique birth, she came to enjoy lions after taking care of a lion cub for a month at some point in her life. She claims that it is not that she "likes" them, but rather the happiness she experienced as he became attached to her brought forth a bond with them. The lion cub in her past was very energetic, often biting or scratching, but she wished to be able to stay with him until the end. She has had feelings for lions since then and remembers these fond memories while holding stuffed lions. Shirou, seeing the memory of her rubbing her cheek against the lion, comments on it being a special time where she truly looks like a girl her age.

She is shown to have a voracious appetite, finishing large servings of rice within one minute. Although she can normally eat anything, Shirou's food education is what awoke her gourmet spirit.[25] She originally did not appreciate modern food, as she doesn't actually need to eat as a Servant, and because she had believed that all food was simple. She had very bad experiences with the food in her time, due to being limited to meals like large quantities of potatoes, vinegar, bread, and ale, or even at times simply eating vegetables alone in times of need.[26] She did not concern herself with food much in her life and allowed her cooks to do as they wished. She felt those dishes were unrefined, although she was not displeased by them. She shudders at the thought of eating the food of her era once introduced to Shirou's cooking. She thought it had been made to suit the tastes of the knights, because they acknowledged it as tasting good, but they simply were unable to say it was bad to the King's face.[27]Gawain was an exception, and enjoyed the meals, not noticing the others' distaste for it.


Shirou Emiya

Although frustrated by Shirou's reckless behavior, Saber trusts and cares for him a great deal. She is bewildered by Shirou's treatment of her, who treats her more as an actual human being than a Servant despite her insistence otherwise. They both share several traits with each other, such as sharing practically the same guilt over their respective pasts. Their similarities aren't unnoticed by others either; Rider believed in Heaven's Feel that Shirou was able to summon Saber because they're alike. Saber is willing to sacrifice her own life in order to protect Shirou, such as using Excalibur despite knowing she would disappear. She enjoys the meals that Shirou cooks for her, preferring his cooking to others. Saber also comes to enjoy her clothes due to Shirou saying they look good on her, which remains true in Fate/hollow Ataraxia when she wears more feminine clothing due to others saying it would please Shirou. However, Saber expresses concern for Shirou's dream to save everyone due to her own unfortunate experiences in life.

Her determination to win the Holy Grail is strengthened when she sees Shirou's past, believing that she can change both their pasts to save Shirou from the same mistake she made. Shirou strongly disagrees with Saber's wish to change her past though, believing the past cannot be undone and that she should be proud of her accomplishments. As a result of those words and being called selfish, Saber angrily rejected Shirou, claiming she doesn't need him. In truth however, she was deeply hurt by what Shirou said as she believed he would be able understand what she's going through due to their similarities. Shirou's approval is very important to her self-confidence in all things. In Fate, Saber develops feelings for Shirou, though she hides them to focus on her duty. Her feelings become more apparent as time goes on, but Saber believes she isn't permitted to love or be loved due to perceiving herself as a sinner and a failure as a king. Thus, she is astonished by Shirou's confession, but rejects him to keep to her duty despite her own feelings. Eventually though, she accepts Shirou's feelings and confesses her love for him before she vanishes. Even in her final moments Saber still wants to see Shirou, asking Bedivere if it was possible to experience the same dream again.

In Last Episode, her love proves to be unwavering as she waits centuries to reunite with Shirou, even crying tears of joy when she welcomes him to Avalon. It is thanks to Shirou that Saber is finally able to accept her past and obtain peace within herself. In Unlimited Blade Works, her loyalty to Shirou proves to be unfaltering as she strives to protect him even after her new contract with Rin, even calling him her Master. She primarly serves as an observer to Shirou and Rin's relationship during the normal course of the route. Ultimately deciding to pass as when her contract is fulfilled in True End. However if Shirou pays her enough attention during story, she eventually develops some feelings for him here as well, which leads to Good End, where she decides to stay with him and Rin at the end, expressing hope that one day Shirou could give her answer about whether her path was correct or not. It's implied that all three continue living together as mutual lovers in Emiya household. In Fate/hollow ataraxia, Saber is a bit more proactive in pursuing Shirou romantically, such as wearing more feminine clothing in order to garner his attention.

Rin Tohsaka

Rin is one of Saber's closest friends within the modern age. They were able to quickly form a rapport with each other, despite Saber trying to kill Rin in their first encounter, as they're enemies under the rules of the Holy Grail War. Saber and Rin are able to agree with each other on how to best course of action during the war, such as in Unlimited Blade Works when they agree not to attack Ryuudou Temple after they and Shirou failed to eliminate Caster and her Master, Souichirou Kuzuki.

However, they don't always agree with each other, as when during Fate, Saber wanted to attack the Master at the temple while Rin agreed with Shirou to not attack, believing it may be a trap. They share similar concern for Shirou's selflessness, believing it to be abnormal. Saber trusts Rin to teach Shirou the basics of Magecraft, and to protect him when she isn't around. She admires that Rin is able to stay beautiful and elegant, even in battle. During Fate however, Rin becomes a source of jealously for Saber, as she believes Shirou is more physically attracted to Rin than her due to being self-conscious about her own body.

Ironically Rin is jealous of Saber's beauty, believing she lost as a woman when she first saw her. She also displays jealously in Unlimited Blade Works, accusing Shirou and Saber of flirting with each other in the good ending. Also during Fate, Saber becomes a target of Rin's teasing like Shirou, poking fun at Shirou and Saber's feelings for each other. In Heaven's Feel though, Saber treats Rin with hostility since Shirou didn't partner with her beforehand. They never get a chance to become friends during the route, as Saber is defeated and corrupted by the Shadow, becoming Shirou and Rin's enemy for the remainder of the route.

Sakura Matou

Sakura is one of Saber's friends in the modern age. Their interaction are limited in the Fate and Unlimited Blade Works routes, but they're able to get along. In Heaven's Feel, they're able to interact more as friends; Saber is also able to enjoy Sakura's cooking in this route. However, Sakura brings out Saber's guilty consciousness when Sakura reprimands her for failing to prevent Shirou's recklessness. Saber would later voice her concern for Sakura to Shirou, as she realized Sakura has a guilty consciousness like her that places blame on herself. In Fate/hollow ataraxia, they've come closer as friends, with Saber helping Sakura bake.

Illyasviel von Einzbern


Saber interacting with Ilya.

She is very cold and merciless to Illya during most of Fate/stay night despite her being Irisviel's daughter. This is due to the fact that she never asked Irisviel about the name of her daughter, and when Saber sees Ilya during the war, she completely disregards the possibility that it could be the same child. She believes that Ilya is too young to be the girl she saw getting a piggy-back ride ten years before, and she believes that she would have become more mature like her mother by the time of the Fifth Holy Grail War. She reasons that Ilya is a new homunculus completely unrelated to Irisviel with similarities in her appearance due to the Einzbern homunculi looking alike after their creation.[28] Given a chance to casually interact with her, while she doesn't trust Ilya at first, she is eventually able to act nicely around her. She is able to freely have fun around her without any worries.


As he is an opposing Servant, Saber is cautious towards Archer despite their Masters' alliance, especially with Archer's intent to kill Shirou. She dislikes Archer's cynicism that seems to insult others and their ideals, such as with Shirou. Despite her personal dislike of him, she respects his bond with Rin, and his pure fighting technique that is like a clear stream. In Unlimited Blade Works, Saber would come to realize that Archer is an alternate future version of Shirou, causing her previous hostility to disappear. She is reminded of her own past when Archer recount his, shocked that his life was somewhat similar to her own. She considers his intention to kill Shirou to undo his existence as a Counter Guardian to be useless since Guardians are separate from time. In the end though, Archer accepting Shirou's ideals helps Saber reconsider her life and forge her own path.

Kirei Kotomine

While they never interacted during the Fourth Holy Grail War, Saber was warned by Irisviel that Kirei was the most dangerous opponent to Kiritsugu. During the fifth war, Saber still hold her dislike of Kirei, refusing to enter the church. During Fate, she shows a clear intent to kill him that terrifies even Shirou when he visits the Emiya Residence during one of the route's bad ends. Her dislike for Kirei turns into hatred in this route, as he killed Lancer's original Master, Bazett Fraga McRemitz, tried to kill Shirou, and that his wish caused the fire ten years ago. During her final battle with Gilgamesh, Saber compares Kirei to a corpse, hinting that she may have deduced why he still lives despite being killed by Kiritsugu in the previous war. In Heaven's Feel, Saber has Shirou ask Kirei for more details regarding the fourth war despite her dislike for him. Though she quickly tries to check Shirou for wounds after he leaves the church, believing Kirei may have harmed him.


Due to his arrogant tyrannical nature, Saber feels great animosity towards Gilgamesh. As well, his numerous marriage proposals to her only add to her disdain for him, as she says she has no interest in such things especially with him. Although she does concede that he is a superior Heroic Spirit that can withstand the curse of the Grail, she comes to the conclusion that he had already gone insane from the same curse. When Gilgamesh tells Saber that her inability to rule over everything caused her country to destroy her, she accepts that fact but counters that his tyranny caused him to destroy his own country.

Knights of the Round Table

Finds it somewhat difficult to deal with Tristan, whom she never knows if he's awake or asleep.[3]


Saber greatly respects Merlin as both her teacher and advisor, even if she is exasperated by his mischief and womanizing. She believes him raising her into the ideal king will allow her to make Britain into utopia, though Merlin recognized she would eventually despair and regret. He also realized he and Uther were mistaken in raising her as the ideal king upon recognizing she became king for the people's sake. He is one of the few in her lifetime to know she doesn't smile for herself, but for others' happiness. He was taken aback when she wholeheartedly expressed her gratitude for him. However, he also realized she doesn't yet understand what is to love as a human.


It is unknown what Saber's exact thoughts are concerning her "son", Mordred, only that she rejected Mordred as her heir. During the Battle of Camlann Hill, she would personally slay Mordred, who led the rebellion that destroyed her kingdom. In Fate/Grand Order, during the first summer event, Saber criticizes Mordred for wearing heavy armor to intimidate instead of wearing armor fitting of her small frame. She also take jabs at Mordred's reputation and demeanor, comparing her to a thug. Saber is willing to unleash her Noble Phantasm on her for even small offensives, such as scratching her drawbridge with Prydwen. She also angered by Mordred's theft of Prydwen, and wondering between using Excalibur and Rhongomyniad as punishment.


Saber first met Lancelot when he aided her during one of her battles as King Arthur. They were able to quickly become friends, and invited him to become a Knight of the Round Table. She saw Lancelot as the ideal knight, believing in the righteousness of his actions. Even when Lancelot and Guinevere's adultery was discovered, Saber gave her blessings to them despite their so-called betrayal. Upon discovering Berserker to be Lancelot, Saber is guilt ridden to point of losing her will to fight. She cannot help to think that her eternal partnership with him to be just naive fantasy upon seeing his maddened state. When Saber deals a fatal wound to him, she couldn't help but cry, disgusted by her desire for the Holy Grail. Traumatized by the act of killing her friend, she confessed to Lancelot that she wanted the Grail to undo her past to save him and her country. When Lancelot rebukes himself as a disloyal knight, Saber wanted to say he was a loyal knight but was unable to find the right words before he disappeared. Lancelot's confession that he wanted to be punished for his disloyalty would send Saber into a state of self-reproach, as she regrets her kingship even more.


While Saber can ally herself with him, she cannot agree with Iskandar's kingship that is lead by his own greed. However, his rebuking of her kingship bear down on Saber's already guilty conscience as she questions her own kingship. Ultimately, Iskandar's words and the truth about Lancelot cause Saber to fall into despair when she returns to Camlann, pledging to win the Grail to undo her rule. Ironically enough, Saber trusts him more than her own Master. She knows he would never scheme, instead challenging her directly and choosing an appropriate location for their battle. Nonetheless, she feels the need to defeat him to try to undo the knots in her heart since the Grail discussion

Diarmuid Ua Duibhne

Due to their shared belief in chivalry, Saber and Diarmuid very quickly reach a rapport to become friendly rivals. In accordance with said chivalry, they agree to have a honorable duel later despite their respective Masters's dishonorable methods. To ensure this duel will occur they'll team up against other Servants. Saber's respect for Diarmuid as a fellow knight is to the point that she considers the cursed wound he inflicted on her left arm to be a source of honor. Because of this she doesn't him to destroy his spear to heal it, even though she knows Exacalibur is the only way to destroy Caster's monstrous form. When duel finally happens, Saber simulates her formerly injured hand to match Diarmuid's loss of one of his spears out of respect. However, she and everyone are bitterly rebuked by him for dishonoring him to obtain the Holy Grail when he is forced by Command Spell to commit suicide thanks to Kiritsugu's scheming. This incident allows Saber to realize that Kiritsugu is truly without honor

Irisviel von Einzbern

Although Irisviel was assigned as her proxy Master, Saber is able to quickly become friends with her. They're able to become close enough for Saber to willingly tell Irisviel about her past. She enjoys the time she spends with her, though she is unnevered by Irisivel's reckless driving. She is able to believe in Irisivel's words defending Kiritsugu because she trusts her. When Irisivel is kidnapped, Saber mentally exhausts herself trying to find and rescue her. In the climax of the war, Saber rebukes herself for failing to keep her promise to protect Irisviel upon seeing the Lesser Grail.

Kiritsugu Emiya

Due to their differing ideologies and methods, Saber does not get along with Kiritsugu. She is disgusted by his strategies that use her only as a tool, such as using her to lure Caster while she wishes to find and kill him before anymore children are killed. Saber is even more disgusted by Kiritsugu when his trickery causes Lancer's forced suicide during her duel with him, Sola-Ui's death, and her having to perform mercy killing on Kaynenth. The incident causes her to finally question if his goal truly is peace. But, she also pities Kiritsugu as a man who bitterly lamented humanity's cycle of conflict, and lost faith in justice. She warns him that using evil to stop evil will only leave evil, thus continuing the cycle of conflict. However, despite disagreeing with his methods, Saber also realizes Kiritsugu's wish is pure and selfless, believing he's worthy of the Holy Grail more than the others whose wishes may be selfish. Throughout the remainder of the 4th war, Saber is confused by Kiritsugu's true nature, conflicted by his image of a loving father and ruthless killer. By the end of the 4th war, she feels utterly betrayed when Kiritsugu forces her to destroy the Holy Grail without telling her why. So, when Saber meets his adopted son, Shirou, in the 5th war, she is hesitant to talk about Kiritsugu. Despite this Saber warned Shirou that Kiritsugu considered Kirei Kotomine to be a dangerous adversary. She does eventually tell Shirou about Kiritsugu's nature in the previous war, though she was hesitant due to Shirou's pleasant memories of Kiritsugu. Saber eventually comes to forgive his betrayal when she learns of the Grail's corruption. She also feels grateful towards him when she learned that he implanted Avalon in Shirou ten years ago to save the latter's life.



Saber is summoned by Kiritsugu Emiya to participate in the Fourth Holy Grail War on behalf of Jubstacheit von Einzbern and the Einzbern family. Kiritsugu was recruited by Jubstacheit and given Avalon, excavated from Cornwall, to summon the legendary King Arthur. While surprised that she is a young woman, it doesn't change anything about his plans. He partners Saber with his wife and vessel for the Lesser Grail, Irisviel von Einzbern, to act as Saber's Master in the open while he acts from behind to win with his own methods. Saber is unaware of Avalon, and it is given to Irisviel without her knowledge.

Saber and Irisviel arrive together in Fuyuki by plane from the Einzbern Castle in northern Europe because Saber cannot dematerialize due to her unique status. Kiritsugu travels separately from them and meets up with his protege, Maiya Hisau. Following the challenge of another Servant, they quickly encounter their first opponent that night. Saber engages Lancer, and despite a mostly even fight, she is left with a wound from Gae Buidhe to her left hand that prevents her from utilizing her full strength and Excalibur. Their fight is interrupted by the Rider, who declares the supremacy of his kingship and an invitation to join his army, but Saber claims her own kingship as a reason to never bow before another lord.

The arrival of Archer, who claims that his own rule far exceeds their own, and Berserker, who takes an interest in Saber after battling Archer, confuses the situation even more. After Lancer is forced to battle alongside Berserker to kill Saber through a Command Spell, Rider interrupts that fight so that she and Lancer may properly finish their duel at a later time. All of the Servants then retreat for the night without any further battle. Saber and Irisviel encounter the deranged Caster on their way to Fuyuki's Einzbern Castle, and he mistakes her for Jeanne d'Arc due to a slight resemblance in their appearances. While she manages to drive him off, she in unable to convince him of his mistake and he promises to save her soul from the curse of God.

After Kiritsugu attempts to kill Lancer's Master, Kayneth Archibald El-Melloi, to remove the handicap caused by the wound left from Lancer, both he and Caster plan separate attacks on the Einzbern Castle. Saber, while discussing strategies with Kiritsugu and Irisviel, starts to become disgusted with Kiritsugu's attitude toward the Holy Grail War, such as his action of attacking Kayneth when she already has a planned duel with Lancer and avoiding Caster so another Servant can kill him instead. Caster shows up soon after, and he taunts Saber by slaughtering a number of children.

Saber quickly goes to meet Caster in battle, and she finds that she cannot overcome his Noble Phantasm, Prelati's Spellbook, without the use of her hand. While she slaughters a multitude of his monsters, she is unable to close the gap on him at all. She is eventually met by Lancer, Kayneth having sent him to deal with Saber while he deals with Kiritsugu, and he decides to help her out of the honor of their promised duel. Acting as her "left hand", they eventually manage to drive Caster back using Invisible Air to create a slip stream for Lancer to make a direct charge through the horde. After Caster flees, Lancer senses that Kayneth in danger after his loss to Kiritsugu, and Saber lets him leave due to their chivalry.

After the battle, Saber saves Irisviel by inadvertently providing Avalon with energy after she had received a fatal wound from Kirei Kotomine. Kiritsugu goes out on his own after everything settles down, leaving Irisviel and Saber alone in the castle. Their peace is quickly interrupted once again by the arrival of Rider on Gordius Wheel, who, rather than fighting, proposes a "battle without bloodshed", one of words between kings, to see who is suitable of obtaining the Holy Grail. Battling with wine, they, and Archer who Rider invited while on his way to the castle, discuss their methods of ruling and kingship.

In the King's meeting, Saber expressed that she wanted the Holy Grail to change the history of her country's destruction.[29]

On the final day of the Holy Grail war, Saber encountered Berserker and fought against him. She realize that Berserker knows Saber's identity from their previous lives after catching Excalibur despite its invisibility. Saber demanded Berserker to reveal himself, Berserker answered by drawing Arondight and canceling his black fog. Saber was devastated as she learns Berserker's identity was her trusted friend Sir Lancelot.

Rider's words haunt Saber as Berserker attacks Saber, causing her to believe that Lancelot's hatred towards her has driven him into madness. As Kariya ran out of magical energy, Berserker stopped his attack and Saber used this opportunity to stab him. Saber apologizes as she desires the Holy grail to change the past including Lancelot part. Berserker regained his sanity as his contract with Kariya ended, he wanted Saber to punish him because he was unable to forgive himself for falling in love with the Queen. As he fades away, Saber wanted to say that he was a loyal knight but could not find the right words. He felt that Saber was the greatest amongst king for those who served her. After Berserker's defeat, she is determined to win the Holy Grail so she can save her people and Lancelot.

Saber found the Holy Grail but she also meets Gilgamesh who was waiting for her. He proposes that she becomes his wife and easily incapacitates her. Saber refuses as the Holy Grail is just in front of her.

Kiritsugu arrives at this time and Saber asks him for the power of the command seal in order to defeat Gilgamesh and claim the Holy Grail. Much to her despair, Kiritsugu uses his last two command seals for her to destroy the Grail. Excalibur is used to destroy the vessel of the Holy Grail, but its contents spill out onto the earth, razing the land permanently and killing almost everyone caught in its mud. With the Grail gone and unable to maintain her form, Saber is sent back to the battlefield of Camlann, as she remembers the words of Lancelot and Rider. She was the sixth and final servant to perish in the fourth Holy Grail War.

Her only wish is to redo her life so that she would never become king.

Fate/stay night

Saber is summoned in the Fifth Holy Grail War as the Servant of Shirou Emiya after he has been pursued home by Lancer, who has come to kill Shirou again after being revived by Rin Tohsaka's pendant. He had been having dreams of Excalibur in the days leading up to the start of the Holy Grail War after receiving his Command Spells due to the Grail having decided that Saber would be summoned. Avalon, reacting with Shirou's mana flow, caused the image of a "sword" to manifest in his subconscious.[30] While attempting to escape from Lancer, he stumbles into his shed which contains the traces of the magic circle established by Irisviel during the previous war. With both the catalyst, Avalon inside Shirou, and the circle, the summoning is complete.

After Saber quickly commences with the formalities of finalizing their contract, she engages Lancer. She manages to keep the upper hand with Invisible Air until he utilizes Gae Bolg. She avoids his unavoidable attack allowing her to survive with a large wound and figure out his identity. He withdraws afterward due to orders from his Master, and Saber heals herself to the best of her ability with the lance's curse affecting the wound. Upon sensing more enemies, Rin and Archer, she quickly goes to engage them. At this point, the game splits into three routes, depending on previously cleared routes.



Saber using Caliburn with Shirou.


Saber kills Gilgamesh

Saber welcomes Shirou.jpg

"Yes——Welcome back, Shirou"

Saber holds Shirou.jpg

"You were my sheath, Shirou."

Saber destroys Grail.jpeg

Saber destroys the Holy Grail


Saber's peaceful final sleep.

In the Fate scenario, she is the main heroine, servant protagonist and the love interest for Shirou. With their contract, they share visions of their past. Saber learns through them that Shirou is the adoptive son of Kiritsugu and his personality changed from the time she fought for him. It is eventually revealed that in the end of the Fourth Grail War, Saber only managed to destroy the physical form of the Grail. Saber still had the view that Kiritsugu was a cold and selfish person regardless of anything and her perception of him only worsened after he forced her to destroy the Grail without bothering to explain beforehand. However, her opinion changes after realizing that after the fire Kiritsugu saved Shirou and taught him his philosophies and ideals.

Shirou convinces Saber that she should accept her life for what it is rather than wishing to change her life. Saber realizes that changing her fate is a cowardly wish unlike Shirou, who was brave to keep going after being on the verge of death. She decides to accept her past and move on and with the help of Shirou, she fights to destroy the Grail. She used Excalibur to destroy the Holy Grail and its contents. After the destruction of the Holy Grail, Saber professes her love for Shirou and they bid farewell to each other. Saber vanishes to her original time, she finally accepts her past without the wish to change it thus breaking the contract with the world. She weakly smiles and tells Sir Bedivere:

"I think I will sleep much longer this time..."

After her death, she goes to Avalon rather than being removed from the cycle of transmigration to be placed on the Throne of Heroes like other Heroic Spirits. The bonus "Last Episode" shows Shirou reuniting with Saber in Avalon.

In this route, Saber defeated Rider by utilizing her Noble Phantasm against Rider's. She also defeated Berserker in their second duel with the assistance of Shirou. She also reunites with Gilgamesh, the Archer from the previous War, and ultimately defeats him near the end of the War by utilizing Avalon, which she finds out in this route was inside Shirou all along.

Unlimited Blade Works


Saber staying as Rin's familiar.

In Unlimited Blade Works route, she is stopped from attacking Archer when Shirou uses a Command Spell to stop her. As a result of Archer not being injured, her fight with Berserker is more advantageous than in the other routes. However, before she can fight him further, Saber is saved by Shirou from Archer's Caladbolg. The next morning after explaining the rules of the Holy Grail War to Shirou, Saber decides to investigate his school for any potential dangers, where she encounters Kuzuki. Saber later goes to Ryuudou Temple at night to save Shirou, but she is unable to enter temple due to Assassin. She then takes Shirou, who has been seriously injured by Archer, home while Assassin defends them from Archer after he decided to let them go. Saber is later summoned by Shirou's Command Spell to his school to aid him and Rin against Shinji and Rider. However, She unexpectedly encounters Caster instead of Rider, and ends up arguing with Archer that Rider died with honor by protecting her Master.

Saber later confronts Kuzuki and Caster when Shirou and Rin decide to ambush him to ascertain him as a Master. However, while Caster's spells are useless against her, she is surprisingly overhelmed by Kuzuki, who ends up defeating her. She later tags along on Shirou and Rin's date, where she participates in the activities during it. However, they come home to Taiga being held hostage by Caster, who Saber tries to cut down but is stopped by Shirou's Command Spell. Seizing the opportunity, Caster stabs Saber with Rule Breaker, stealing her contract with Shirou. She is then commanded by Caster to kill Shirou and Rin, but she resists the command and tells them to run. Saber is then held captive in Caster's new base, the Church, where she resists Caster's constant torture.

After Archer killed Caster and Kuzuki Souichirou, Archer claims he planned all this so he can be free to kill Shirou. This prompts Rin to form a contract with Saber to protect Shirou from Archer, who ends capturing Rin. Confronting Archer at Einzbern Castle, Saber witnesses the fight between Shirou and Archer while she allows Lancer to save Rin. Afterwards, Saber decides to destroy the Holy Grail with Shirou and Rin after Gilgamesh explained the Grail's corrupted nature. However, she ends up unexpectedly fighting a fading Assassin instead of Gilgamesh, as Rin had intially planned. She is able defeat him, and arrives just in time to save Shirou from Gilgamesh. Deciding to let Shirou fight Gilgamesh, Saber goes off to save Rin from the Grail. Saber then destroys the deformed Grail with Excalibur after Rin rescues Shinji.

In the True Ending, with the destruction of the Holy Grail, Saber disappears, content knowing that Rin will watch over Shirou. However, in the Good Ending Saber becomes Rin's familiar after destroying the Grail, deciding to live alongside her and Shirou in the Emiya Household. She entrusts Shirou with providing her an answer someday about whether her path was wrong or not.

Heaven's Feel

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Alter Saber in Fate/Stay Night Heaven's Feel (anime film)

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Alter Saber meets her other self

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Saber Alter finished off by Shirou

In the Heaven's Feel route, the first three days are the same as the Fate route, but the damage Saber receives from Berserker does not weigh heavily on Shirou's mind. After Saber gives her the explanation of the basics of the Holy Grail War, the topic of Illya and the Einzberns is brought up. Saber contemplates on explaining due to Shirou's confusion over Illya's hostility, instead telling Shirou to seek out the answers from Kotomine Kirei even though she wishes to have little contact with the priest. This line of conversation leads to the revelation of her connection to Kiritsugu in the previous war and her reason for disliking Kirei as a former enemy Master. Despite her dislike, she firmly believes Kirei is someone who will answer any questions clearly asked of him. As they head to the church, she suggests that Shirou not reveal the same Servant was summoned twice. After he comes back out after learning the answers, Shirou finds Saber's worried reaction funny, and also causes him to wish to reaffirm their contract as allies.

In the movie adaptation, Shirou isn't carried back home following the encounter with Berserker, instead he's lied on a park bench while he heals. Saber doesn't explain the basics of the war, only convincing Shirou not to endanger his life again. Shirou and Saber's visitation to the church occurs after their encounter with Rider, which follows their encounter with Berserker. There Shirou learns from Saber of her connection to Kiritsugu in the previous war, and Kiritsugu's role in said war from Kirei. After he comes back out learning the answers, Shirou and Saber properly introduce themselves, and affirm their contract as allies.

Shirou and Saber decide to patrol together at night, and then give a false explanation to Taiga and Sakura about why Saber is staying at the Emiya Residence. They begin their patrols that night, and Saber senses that someone is being drained by a Servant. They come upon Rider and Shinji Matou preying upon a woman for energy. Saber quickly engages and dispatches Rider easily, but Zouken Matou appears before they can deal with Shinji. Shirou is eventually appeased with Zouken taking charge of Shinji, although Saber is reluctant to let Shirou near him due to him being inhuman. Although she wishes to continue fighting, she stays her hand to help save the woman's life, and they bring her to the church for healing. As they discuss the situation, Shirou makes a clear resolution to end the war, and Saber says that she will never betray his trust.

In the movie adaptation, the encounter with Rider occurs after Shirou and Saber's encounter with Berserker while they're heading home. The woman that Rider is feeding on is Ayako Mitsuzuri. Saber doesn't say anything following Rider's defeat when Shinji is torturing Rider. She doesn't say anything about Zouken, only keeping Shirou away from him. After Shinji and Zouken leave, Shirou becomes curious about Illya's hostility, to which Saber responds that Kirei could provide the answers. Shirou decides to do just that as he carries the unconscious Ayako with him.

The next morning, Saber and Shirou argue about where she should sleep and him continuing to go to school normally despite the potential danger without her being able to be by his side due to being unable to enter spiritual form. After Shirou returns home, he finds Saber with Taiga, and the discussion of their sleeping arrangements leads to a misunderstanding. They continue their patrols that night, planning to check Ryuudou Temple due to information about a Master and Servant being there from Rin Tohsaka. Saber agrees with a direct attack, but they find little upon arriving at the mountain other than Saber briefly seeing the katana of the recently killed Assassin before it fades away. As they make their way into the temple, they find Caster standing over the body of Souichirou Kuzuki. Before Saber can charge, Shirou warns her of the ominous feeling he gets from Rule Breaker, but she attacks in anger after believing Caster to have killed her own Master. Caster then regains her composure and attacks Saber, only to be easily cut down as Saber negates her spells. They decide to contact Kotomine to heal the residents of the temple and return home for the night.

In the movie adaptation, Shirou and Saber do not investigate Ryuudou Temple until the movie's climax. As such Saber doesn't see Assassin's disappearing katana nor does she kill Caster as punishment for killing her own Master. The killing of both Kuzuki and Caster is instead done by True Assassin.

Shirou is left sick the next day due to Rider, as Sakura's Servant, using Breaker Gorgon on him and taking his energy.[31]

Fate/hollow ataraxia

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Saber in Fate/hollow ataraxia

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Saber standing guard at the Central Building

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Saber after touring Shirou's school

In Fate/hollow ataraxia, Saber continues to protect Shirou, though it seems their relationship has turned more towards Saber having major control over the relationship with Shirou. She spends most of her time at Shirou's house or wandering Fuyuki, but Rider berates her for it by calling her a freeloader. Saber participates in various activities with the others in the numerous loops; Helping and spending time with Shirou, playing soccer with children, and having a contest between herself, Illya, and Sakura over who's the best little sister.

Avenger is the main source of the endless loops, the loops are based on the Third Holy Grail War so he used the participants of the 5th grail war to recreate the scenes. There are two Sabers, as in the Third Grail War there were two different versions of the same Heroic Spirit, so he uses both Saber and Saber Alter as their templates.

In the beginning, Saber greets Shirou when he enters the house after he woke up. Although she admires his work ethic, Saber shows due concern for Shirou's health for sleeping in the shed. After coercing Shirou to sleep in his room from now on, Saber goes with him to have breakfast with the others. After breakfast Saber discusses the restarted Heaven's Feel with the others, then afterwards decides with Shirou to patrol Fuyuki for any potential threats to their now peaceful lives.

In one loop, Saber is patrolling Fuyuki with Shirou at night, and as they cross the bridge into Shinto, she reminiscenes about the first time she crossed the bridge to Shinto with Shirou and Rin. After expressing her displeasure at the poor disguise Shirou gave her at the time, The pair are suddenly fired upon by Archer. Saber deflects the first shot at Shirou's warning, which shocks he as she should've sensed it first. Deflecting a couple more shots, Saber reluctantly lets Shirou use his Command Spell to boost her abilities so she can quickly get to and kill Archer before he kills Shirou. After exchanging a few words with Archer before he dies then Shirou, Saber goes home with Shirou.

In another loop, Saber takes a tour of the school, which Taiga helped set up, with Shirou as her guide. Upon entering the school grounds she is almost immediately noticed by the boys in the track team, but Kaede, Kane, and Yukika arrive to drive off the boys. After conversing with the trio, Saber has lunch at the archery range with Shirou, Sakura, and Ayako, who asks for Saber's help with Cultural Festival. Continuing the tour, Shirou and Saber run into Kuzuki, who thanks her for helping Caster with her dress-making business. Afterwards, the two arrive at the student council room, where Saber and Issei talk at length as he shares stories about Shirou's school days. At the end of the tour, the pair arrive at his Shirou's homeroom, which Saber examines contently. After being asked by Shirou about why she wanted to visit his school, Saber expresses that she wished to see what sort of life Shirou lead at school. She becomes overjoyed when Shirou suggests that she transfer to his school, which he affirms as something that both Rin and Taiga would help with. Walking home, Saber tells Shirou that she is proud that he is ending the restarted war, for he sees the value of what is gone. Continuing saying that she'll protect him until the end, Saber tells Shirou not to be sad and that no matter the end, it will not be farewell for them as they'll arrive at the future they desire.

In another loop, Saber goes to the church with Shirou, where they encounter Bazett and Avenger. Though disturbed by Avenger's very existence, Saber fights him defensively to get a feel for his wild fighting style. She then breaks his blades with ease and deals what should be a fatal blow. However, Saber then feels the pain of Avenger's wound due to his use of Verg Avesta, but she able to resist it. Wishing to end the fight, Saber, with Shirou's permission, uses Excalibur against Bazett and Avenger. Unfortunately though, Bazett's Fragarach reverts Excalibur and kills Saber.

In another loop, Saber decides to stay home instead of going to Ryuudou Temple with Shirou and the others to prepare for the cultural festival due to believing she would be unhelpful, despite Shirou's insistence otherwise. Eventually though she does come to the temple, much to Shirou's delight, along with Rin, Archer, and Lancer. Saber then participates in the play rehearsal for the festival, afterwards she celebrates with everyone before leaving with the other Servants.

In the final loop of Fate/hollow ataraxia, Saber aids Shirou/Avenger in reaching the Grail by fending off the mysterious monsters (which were in fact leftover parts of Avenger wishing to continue the loop) with the other Heroic Spirits. She stands as the last defense against the shades, having enveloped the entire Central Building in Invisible Air to bar any entry except through the front door, which she now guards. Saber warns the monsters of their impending demise, then, after recalling visting Shirou's school, she obliterates them all with Excalibur.

In her Eclipse scenario Golden bathtub Saber arrives into the bathroom completely naked, while Shirou is bathing. She join in the bath and express her intention to repay everything nice that Shirou did for her until now. After little temptation they have passionate sex.

Fate/unlimited codes

Saber has three different incarnations in Fate/unlimited codes including Saber Alter and Saber Lily. Her normal form has the title Proud Knight-King (誇り高き騎士王, Hokori Takaki Kishi-Ō?).


Saber is summoned.


Shirou's opening


Saber says her farewell to Shirou.


Gilgamesh's ending

Saber's story follows the basic path of Fate/stay night Fate route. Saber is summoned by Shirou, and she explains the nature of the Holy Grail War. He, having nothing to wish for, finds it meaningless, and he only wishes to stop the other Masters. Saber is confused, but offers not objections to his goal. She briefly explains her own goal of selecting a new king to replace her, not caring about her own fate afterward. Shirou cannot believe such a wish is correct, but she rebukes him by saying only the Holy Grail can decide upon the worthiness of the wish.

She eventually encounters Berserker, and Ilya, having knowledge of Saber's wish, says that it is not bad to cling to impossible wishes, but questions if her wish is actually just. Saber simply believes that the result of the War will decided if it is just. Ilya calls her goals purely selfish in nature, citing that the justness she had protected all that time made the world as it is in its current state. Telling Saber that there is nothing in her past to be ashamed of as Shirou has said many times, that she lived it the best way possible, Saber cuts her off and challenges them to battle. Ilya is simply sorry for Shirou for having a Servant that does not understand the Holy Grail War.

Saber emerges victorious, she contemplates Ilya and Shirou's words, wondering about if that which she seeks is truly just. She later encounters Gilgamesh, claiming that he will give her the Holy Grail and her miracle by becoming his queen. She no longer needs the Holy Grail, and her wish now has nothing to do with it. Rejecting his offer, she has only come to defeat him, citing that Shirou risked everything to teach her that she did the best with her life. He also taught her to destroy the Holy Grail, as people do not require magic to make their dreams come true. Gilgamesh pledges to cleanse her of such simple views, and the two engage in battle. After destroying the Holy Grail, she will no longer be a Heroic Spirit. Believing there was no such reason to have done so in the first place, she ruminates on not seeing the simple fact that she stood by her country while her countrymen did not stand by her. She begins to fade without the blessing of the Grail, finally returning to the hill. She tell Shirou that she is grateful and that she cares for him deeply. Though her country was far from a utopia and that she could not save everyone, he told her to be proud of her accomplishments. She decides to move on from the hill with those words in her heart, bidding him farewell and hoping that his dreams will come true.

Her role is very similar to Fate route in Shirou's story, Saber and Shirou discuss about their situation together. Shirou understands that he became Saber's Master, he explains to her that he has no use with the Holy Grail and his only wish was to keep innocent people from getting caught up in the war. Saber finds his plan honorable and follows his orders. In Shirou's ending, Saber destroyed the Holy Grail and fades away.

In Gilgamesh's ending, Saber is slowly corrupted by the Holy Grail blackened mud when Gilgamesh forces her to submit to him.

ExpandFate/unlimited codes - Saber command list

Fate/tiger Colosseum series


Saber's ending


Kiritsugu's Ending


Caren's Ending


Saber Lion's Ending


Irisviel's Ending


Gilgamesh's Ending


Assassin's Ending

Fate/Grand Order


Saber appears in the event under the name Uesugi Artoria. She appears just after the Chaldea group defeated Takeda Darius and Sanada Medusa, the former of whom is her rival. After Okita tells her that Takeda was just killed, Uesugi is disappointed that she wasted a journey from Kasugayama; planning take and gorge herself on Kai's food. She then decides to attack the group for their rations, but she is defeated by them. After her defeat, Uesugi complains that the only reason she lost was because she only had three bowls of rice this morning. Before disappearing, she asks if her shadow is getting thinner.
