Mysterious Heroine XX

This Servant is a Limited Servant Limited.png . They are only available during special summoning campaigns. When no such campaigns are active, this Servant cannot be summoned.

This article is for Class-Foreigner-Gold.png Mysterious Heroine XX. For 5★ Class-Assassin-Gold.png , see Mysterious Heroine X. For 5★ Class-Berserker-Gold.png , see Mysterious Heroine X (Alter).

Servant Dialogue Strengthen


★ ★ ★ ★

Mysterious Heroine XX

Japanese Name: 謎のヒロインXX

AKA: MHXX, Mysterious Heroine X (Foreigner)

ID: 222 Cost: 12

ATK: 1,625/9,751 HP: 1,800/11,250

Lv.100 Grail ATK: 11,806 Lv.100 Grail HP: 13,640

Lv.120 Grail ATK: 13,862 Lv.120 Grail HP: 16,031

Voice Actor: Kawasumi Ayako Illustrator: BUNBUN

Attribute: Star Growth Curve: Reverse S

Critabsup.png Star Absorption: 147 Stargainup.png Star Generation: 15%

Npchargeup.png NP Charge ATK: 0.64% NPGainUpDmg.png NP Charge DEF: 3%

Instapowerup.png Death Rate: 10% Alignments: Lawful・Good

Gender: Female

Traits: Arthur, Brynhildr's Beloved, Dragon, Existence Outside the Domain, Female, Humanoid, King, Riding, Saberface, Servant


Hits: Quickicon.png 4 | Artsicon.png 3 | Bustericon.png 4 | Extraicon.png 4

Active Skills Passive Skills Append Skills Noble Phantasm Ascension

Skill Upgrade Bond Level Biography Trivia Images

Active Skills

Available from the start


Piloting EX

Invincible.png Grants self Invincibility for 1 turn.

Increases own attack for 1 turn.

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Attackup.png Attack + 30% 32% 34% 36% 38% 40% 42% 44% 46% 50%

Cooldown 7 6 5

Unlocks after 1st Ascension


Detective's Instinct E

Gain critical stars.

Reduces own critical star absorption for 1 turn.

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

GainStars.png Stars + 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20

Starabsoprtdown.png Absorption - 50% 55% 60% 65% 70% 75% 80% 85% 90% 100%

Cooldown 6 5 4

Unlocks after 3rd Ascension


Justice from the Ends of the World A

Invinciblepierce.png Ignores Invincibility for 1 turn.

Charges own NP gauge.

Increases own damage against Threat to Humanity enemies for 1 turn.

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

NpCharge.png NP + 20% 21% 22% 23% 24% 25% 26% 27% 28% 30%

Powerup.png Threat to Humanity Damage + 30% 32% 34% 36% 38% 40% 42% 44% 46% 50%

Cooldown 7 6 5

Passive Skills

1 ExistOutsideDomain.png Existence Outside the Domain D

Stargainturn.png Gains 2 critical stars every turn.

Resistanceup.png Increases own debuff resistance by 4%.


CritGen.png Cosmo Reactor B

Stargainup.png Increases own critical star generation rate by 8%.

3 Independent action.png Independent Action A

Critdmgup.png Increases own critical damage by 10%.

4 Riding.png Riding A

Quickupstatus.png Increases own Quick performance by 10%.

Append Skills

Unlocks by consuming Servant Coins

Damageup.png Extra Attack Finesse Improvement

Increases own Extra Attack performance.

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Powerup.png Npchargeup.png Stargainup.png Extra Attack + 30% 32% 34% 36% 38% 40% 42% 44% 46% 50%

Unlocks by consuming Servant Coins

Startnp.png Mana Loading

Starts battle with NP gauge.

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

NpCharge.png NP + 10% 11% 12% 13% 14% 15% 16% 17% 18% 20%

Unlocks by consuming Servant Coins

Atk up.png Anti-Moon Cancer Attack Damage Aptitude

Increases own attack against Class-MoonCancer-Gold.png Moon Cancer enemies.

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Attackup.png vs. Moon Cancer Attack + 20% 21% 22% 23% 24% 25% 26% 27% 28% 30%

Noble Phantasm

Etherspace,Twin-Myniad Disaster Yet/ LawfulDouble X Dynamic

Sapphire Galaxy Id Est Cosmos


Base Damage: x1.0 Rank Noble Phantasm Type

EX Anti-Unit

Hits Per Hit Percentage

4 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%

Effect Deals damage to one enemy. PreUpgradeIconTitle.png

Powerup.png Deals 150% extra damage to Saber Class Servant enemies. PreUpgradeIconTitle.png

NP Level 1 2 3 4 5

Powerup.png Damage + 900% 1200% 1350% 1425% 1500%

Overcharge Effect Increases own attack for 1 turn. (Activates first)

Charge 100% 200% 300% 400% 500%

Attackup.png Attack + 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

Upgrades after Strengthen 1

Etherspace,Twin-Myniad Disaster Yet/ LawfulDouble X Dynamic

Sapphire Galaxy Id Est Cosmos


Base Damage: x1.0 Rank Noble Phantasm Type

EX Anti-Unit

Hits Per Hit Percentage

4 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%

Effect Deals damage to one enemy. UpgradeIconText.png

Powerup.png Deals 200% extra damage to Saber Class Servant enemies. UpgradeIconText.png

NP Level 1 2 3 4 5

Powerup.png Damage + 1200% 1500% 1650% 1725% 1800%

Overcharge Effect Increases own attack for 1 turn. (Activates first)

Charge 100% 200% 300% 400% 500%

Attackup.png Attack + 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

謎のヒロインXX 蒼輝銀河即ちコスモス

謎のヒロインXX 蒼輝銀河即ちコスモス


n° Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 QP

1st Dragon fang.png 8 Infinity gear.png 8 QPicon.png 50,000

2nd Blacktallow.png 8 Medal of Great Knight.png 8 QPicon.png 150,000

3rd Bloodtear.png 8 Giant's Ring.png 8 QPicon.png 500,000

4th Dragons reverse scale.png 8 Primordial Lanugo.png 8 QPicon.png 1,500,000

Skill Reinforcement

n° Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 QP

1st Heros proof.png 8 QPicon.png 100,000

2nd Dragon fang.png 8 QPicon.png 200,000

3rd Infinity gear.png 10 QPicon.png 600,000

4th Medal of Great Knight.png 10 QPicon.png 800,000

5th Aurora Steel.png 10 QPicon.png 2,000,000

6th Giant's Ring.png 12 QPicon.png 2,500,000

7th Primordial Lanugo.png 12 QPicon.png 5,000,000

8th Dragons reverse scale.png 12 QPicon.png 6,000,000

9th Crystallized lore.png 1 QPicon.png 10,000,000

n° Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 QP

1st Octuplet twin crystals.png 8 QPicon.png 100,000

2nd Chains of The Fool.png 8 QPicon.png 200,000

3rd Talon of chaos.png 10 QPicon.png 600,000

4th Blacktallow.png 10 QPicon.png 800,000

5th Magical Cerebrospinal Fluid icon.png 10 QPicon.png 2,000,000

6th Stimulus Gunpowder.png Stimulus Gunpowder.png Stimulus Gunpowder.png QPicon.png 2,500,000

7th DawnlightReactorCoreIcon.png 12 QPicon.png 5,000,000

8th Comet Shard.png 12 QPicon.png 6,000,000

9th Crystallized lore.png 1 QPicon.png 10,000,000


Strength: B

Stats4.png Endurance: B


Agility: B

Stats4.png Mana: E


Luck: D

Stats2.png NP: EX


Bond Level

Bond Level 1 BoundLevel1.png 2 BoundLevel2.png 3 BoundLevel3.png 4 BoundLevel4.png 5 BoundLevel5.png 6 BoundLevel6.png 7 BoundLevel7.png 8 BoundLevel8.png 9 BoundLevel9.png 10 BoundLevel10.png

Bond Required 3,000 6,125 6,125 6,125 6,125 262,500 290,000 300,500 309,500 315,500

Total Bond 3,000 9,125 15,250 21,375 27,500 290,000 580,000 880,500 1,190,000 1,505,500

Bond 10 Reward


Memories of the Earth

When equipped on Mysterious Heroine XX,

Increases party's damage against Class-Saber-Gold.png Saber enemies by 20%

while she is on the field.


Chaldean Visionary Flames [?] 11 BoundLevel1.png 12 BoundLevel2.png 13 BoundLevel3.png 14 BoundLevel4.png 15 BoundLevel5.png

1,090,000 1,230,000 1,360,000 1,500,000 1,640,000

2,595,500 3,825,500 5,185,500 6,685,500 8,325,500


Unlock Description Translation🛈

Default サーヴァント・フェスティバルを破壊する為に







NA Localization: A single shooting star that arrived to destroy the Servant Festival.

She is the voice of Space Law, and a merciless Machine Servant tasked with obliterating all of Earth's humans and Foreigners.

And when her unexpected identity is finally revealed, rumor is that the shock may overwhelm everyone!

Fan Translation: A single meteor that came to destroy the Servant Festival.

A delegate of the laws of the universe, she eradicates Earth's mankind and the Foreigners who shares the same attributes as herself.

A peerlessly ruthless Machine Servant.

It has been said that, when her unexpected true face is revealed, anyone will avert their gaze due to extreme astonishment―――?

Bond 1 身長/体重:154cm・48kg



属性:秩序・善   性別:女性



NA Localization: Height/Weight: 154cm, 48kg

Origin: The Cosmo Guardian Trilogy

Region: The Servant Universe

Alignment: Lawful-Good

Gender: Female

Height and weight changes every time she suits up or purges her armor.

"My weight is just high because of my work stress. I'll get back to my original 42kg real quick!"

Fan Translation: Height/Weight: 154cm・48kg

Source: Cosmo Guardian Trilogy

Region: Servant Universe

Alignment: Lawful・Good

Gender: Female

*her measurements change when she Enplanes.

"The weight has just increased a little due to the stress of daily hard work, but I will return to my previous 42kg in no time!"

Bond 2 『蒼輝銀河即ちコスモス』

ランク:EX 種別:対人宝具 






NA Localization: 『Etherspace, Yet Lawful』

Rank: EX

NP Type: Anti-Personnel

Range: 9 - 99

The Servant Universe Is the Cosmos.

Depending on her mood, she will shout either "Twinmyniad Disaster" or "Double X Dynamic," but this Noble Phantasm's True Name is "Etherspace, Yet Lawful." The True Name represents and mirrors the Rhongomyniad that protects the laws of space. The Rhongomyniad LR's safety limiters are removed, and it devastates Sabers by increasing its output. It'll blow its target up, planet and all.

She rejects the notion of a right to remain silent or a right to an attorney, because she is the voice of judgment. This is a useful Noble Phantasm that is not only a Special Attack against Foreigners, but also against Sabers.

Fan Translation: Etherspace, Yet Lawful

Rank: EX

Type: Anti-Unit

Range: 9~99

Regulation of the Aether​ Cosmos.

Although she shouts many things in accordance with her mood at the time - such as "Twinmyniad Disaster" or "Double X Dynamic" - its True Name is "Etherspace, Yet Lawful".

By means of opposing mirrors, this True Name denotes the rules of the universe that Rhongomynyad protects. A dynamic Saber Slash performed after releasing the safe-mode of Rhongomynyad-LR and increasing its output. It explodes the opponent along with the planet itself.

The final ruling measure, which does not adhere to things such as the right to remain silent or the right to call a lawyer. A convenient Noble Phantasm that is endowed with special effectiveness not only against Foreigners, but also against the Sabers.

Bond 3 『無銘星雲剣』

ランク:EX 種別:対軍宝具









NA Localization: 『Nameless Nebula Sword, Secretmyniad』

Rank: EX

NP Type: Anti-Army

Range: 9 - 99

A galaxy nebula slicer that uses Rhongomyniad LR, a weapon said to be space's balancing scales. Swinging the spear around radiates light like a swirling nebula, which mows down all around it, friend or foe. This doesn't really get used in FGO.

Justice of World's End: A

Power from the boundary, the most advanced and furthermost area of space. It tears away at nothingness, and is the true principle behind expanding space. It offers all but unlimited power, able even to repel even higher beings from outside the universe in order to restore balance to the universe.

XX...doesn't really understand how it works.

Fan Translation: Nameless Nebula Sword

Rank: EX

Type: Anti-Army

Range: 9~99

Mumei-Seiunken. Himitsu-Mynyad.

A Galaxy Nebula Slash that employs Rhongomynyad-LR, which is said to be the balance of the universe.

By swinging the spear round-and-round, its beam of light will swirl like a nebula and mow down everything in the surroundings. It makes no distinction between friends and foes.

Fundamentally not employed in FGO.

Justice from the Ends of the World: A

A power from the "boundary" that is both the far beyond and the forefront of the universe. Also, a power to rip apart "nothingness" and the very truth that expands the universe.

A powah that "keeps the balance of the universe" and drives away even the superior existences from a different universe, but XX herself does not quite understand it.

Bond 4 ○乗着:EX











NA Localization: Suit Up: EX

The protection of the sacred spear armor Aahvalon. The armor constantly exists around XX in the form of spiritrons. With a speed of negative one second (where it can turn back time by one second to activate even if XX is taken by surprise) it protects and arms XX. She calls this little stunt "Suiting Up."

...Don't kid yourself, missy. This is actually an astonishing skill that XX acquired because she habitually overslept and was late for everything, even after joining the Galactic Police. It could actually be called a quick change skill. In fact, there's no real need for it, and it functions as armor in its spiritron state just fine. Arming oneself significantly increases their attack.

Police Instincts: E

Divine revelation used to find culprits. The low rank suggests it's really not so great for solving crimes, though. Various hints to solving crime seem to stem from otherworldly inspiration completely devoid of logic. XX never really notices these hints though. In some cases, this demerit becomes advantageous, actually making this a brilliant skill.

Fan Translation: Riding: EX

A divine protection from the Holy Spear Armor Avalon. The armor constantly exists around XX as spirit particles.

She call the quick work of materializing・arming this at a speed of minus one second (even when suffering a surprise attack, she goes back in time one second before it happens and equips this) "Enplane".

Right out.

A fearsome skill acquired by XX, who is recurrently late for work due oversleep despite becoming a Cosmic Sheriff. Surely, this is just a skill for changing clothes.

As a matter of fact, its functions as an armor are displayed even in a spirit particles-state, so there is really no need to materialize it.

Once armed, her offensive abilities increase dramatically.

Detective's Instinct: E

A divine revelation for the sake of pinning down a criminal.

At this rank, it is better not to use it to solve crimes.

By means of a higher dimensional insight that ignores reason, hints for the sake of solving a crime are spread across the surroundings - but XX herself does not notice those hints no matter what.

This is actually quite an excellent skill that can turn demerits into merits.

Bond 5 謎のヒロインXは,一言でいうとコメディドラマの主人公である.









     ―CG第1部 ストーリーより抜粋―

NA Localization: To sum up Mysterious Heroine X in a sentence would probably be simplest by saying that she is the protagonist of a TV comedy. By inheriting Altria's serious demeanor, X focuses on doing everything as quickly and simply as possible. Contrary to her polite and energetic mannerisms, she is extremely competitive (since she's not really aware of this, she is unbelievably dense). She challenged herself to achieve various things, and was absolutely relentless, not giving up until she succeeded. This was a bit problematic, but since she possesses such a virtuous nature, she ended up working to benefit others, so it all worked out okay.


With the Servant Universe full and boiling over with an excess of Extra Classes, the balance between heroes and villains collapsed. The moment the scales of space tilted toward the villains, XX vowed to change her principles... And then the show headed into a new season. As an unemployed X didn't know what to do, she was hired by a secret society, the Galactic Police. In their HQ's center. she stumbles onto the oldest artifact in space, the Rhongomyniad. Her talents are acknowledged, and she becomes active as a Galaxian.

-Story Excerpt from CG Episode I-

Fan Translation: To put it simply, Mysterious Heroine X is the protagonist of a comedy-drama.

Since she is basically Miss Artoria without her serious components, X behaves in the shortest・fastest・simplest manner regarding anything.

Contrary to her energetic, polite conduct, she has a hopeless personality that hates to lose (due being unaware of this herself, her inability to read the mood is staggering), challenges pretty much everything and does not give up until she wins.

Still, since she "ultimately ends up working for the sake of those around her" due being good person by nature, things functioned well at the end of the day.


The Servant Universe came to a standstill and the proportion of heroes and villains crumbled due the excessive issue of Extra Classes. When the balance of the universe tilted towards the villains, X renewed her convictions.

In more specific terms, the program embarked on a new season.

Worried about being unemployment, X got herself a job on the secret society・Galaxy Police and coincidentally caught Rhongomynyad, the oldest artefact in the universe that was lying dormant at its centre. Having her talents recognized, she began to play an active role as a space sentinel (Galaxian).

- extract from the 1st part of CG's story -

Requires Bond Level 5

Extra コスモ刑事になったXは「これはいい機会ですね」と名前・戸籍をXXと改名.












NA Localization: When X became a member of the Galactic Police, she saw this as a good opportunity and changed her name and registration to XX. As she gained a new identity, she was able to abandon all her past debts, and she established Special Investigation Division O that cracked down on Foreigners, the invaders from outside space. And so was born XX, huntress of the wicked.

Her whole Saber-hunter thing has kind of faded, and now she's a Foreigner-hunter. Still, her desire to eradicate all Sabers hasn't gone away, so she still has her Saber special attacks.

Motivation, Behavior Towards Master:

Partner on Earth. A reliable wallet.

Since X has zero skills and awareness when it comes to romance, Master is more of a friend to her. Eventually, though, she realizes they are someone special.

"What's this sensation I'm feeling in my chest...don't tell me there's a wicked Saber on this planet!?"

Her erroneous thinking leads her to miss her opportunity. She's pretty much the same X, but she's aware that she's an officer, so tries to act more mature. Since she's a few versions later (read: older) than X, she looks like an office worker worn out by the daily grind.

Fan Translation: Upon becoming a Cosmic Sheriff, X thought "this is a good opportunity" and changed her name・family register​ to XX.

By becoming a new person, she defaulted all debts incurred so far and established the Division 0 of Special Investigations, which cracks down on invaders from outer space - the Foreigners.

The birth of the Evil Deity Hunter, XX.

Her instinct as a Saber Hunter became dim, while her instinct as a Foreigner Hunter came to prominence.

That being said, it is not like she quit her Saber elimination movement, so the special effectiveness against Sabers remains the same as always.

○Motivations・Attitude towards the Master

Her partner on Earth. A reliable wallet.

Since X has pretty much zero romance skill, she just treats him as a friend. Still, she will eventually notice that he is her precious someone and then let her chances slip up due some misunderstanding.

"What is this feeling in my chest... could it be that a Saber evil deity came to this planet!?"

Fundamentally, she is the same as X. But due the self-awareness as a sheriff increasing her consciousness, she behaves more like an older sister than X.

Since she belongs to a series from a few years later than X, she is like an office lady who became tired of daily life.

April Fool アルトリアサーヴァント


Artoria-Type Servant

Mysterious Heroine X, but all grown up and working as an office lady. And a space cop. Her mission is to eradicate Foreigners, but she's not letting the Artoria thing go either.


Mysterious Heroine XX was available for summoning during the:

Servant Summer Festival! 2018 Servant Summer Festival! 2018 Rerun Fate/Grand Order ~5th Anniversary~ Lucky Bag Summoning Campaign

Imaginary Scramble Pre-Release Summoning Campaign


Mysterious Heroine XX is the first 4★ Foreigner.

Mysterious Heroine XX's Noble Phantasm is also known as Twin-Myniad Disaster and Double X Dynamic.

Saber Class Servant is defined as a Trait. Therefore, as for the extra damage of her Noble Phantasm, "Servants whose original class is Saber but has been changed to a different class" are also effective. However, "Servants whose original class is not a Saber but has been changed to a Saber class" are NOT effective.

She shares the exact HP values at both minimum and maximum with Martha (Ruler).

She is the first Foreigner not associated with a Lovecraftian horror, and the only female one to not be.

The music playing during her Noble Phantasm is based on the Knights of the Round Table's battle theme in Camelot.


S222 Stage1.webp

Stage 1

S222 Stage3.webp

Stage 3


April Fool

S222 Stage2.webp

Stage 2

S222 Stage4.webp

Stage 4


Stage 1


Stage 3

S222 status servant 1.png

Portrait (Stage 1)

S222 status servant 3.png

Portrait (Stage 3)


Stage 2


Stage 4

S222 status servant 2.png

Portrait (Stage 2)

MHX Foreigner Sprite1.png

Stage 1

S222 card servant 1.png

Command Card (Stage 1)

S222 card servant 3.png

Command Card (Stage 3)

MHX Foreigner Sprite2.png

Stage 2

MHX Foreigner Sprite3.png

Stage 3

S222 card servant 2.png

Command Card (Stage 2)


NP Logo

MHXX 1.png

Stage 1

MHXX 3.png

Stage 3

MHXX 2.png

Stage 2


Memories of the Earth (Max Bond CE)


Nebula Sweet (Valentine CE)


Heroic Spirit Festive Wear: Mysterious Heroine XX


April Fool


Illustration by BUNBUN

Figure 222.png

FGO MyCraft April Fools


Stage 2 (Fate/Grand Order Arcade)


Illustration by BUNBUN