Quest Completed!

'I'll have to investigate more thoroughly into this later,' Cyrus crumbled up the journal and put it into one of his pockets.

Right now, his biggest priority was completing the chain of quests and accumulating enough Gilders for him and Chu to depart for Cape Immergroen.

Therefore, he greeted one of the calmer members of the mob and inquired, "Excuse me, do you know where the village doctor lives?"

The man fell into thought, but he soon replied, "She lives in that house over there."

He was pointing at a wooden house near the central windmill.

Cyrus thanked him and made his way to the residence of the doctor.

*Knock* *Knock*

Soon enough, a woman opened the door.

She was wearing gloves and makeshift goggles, while a liquid whirred aggressively inside a beaker that she held in her hand.

"Hmm?" The woman seemed to be busy.

"Good afternoon, doctor, I've been sent over by the farmers to the west, who require urgent medical attention."

"Oh, it's for a patient, can you describe their symptoms and a possible cause? If so, I can prepare a remedy beforehand," The doctor invited him in.

Cyrus bowed lightly and made his way inside.

The interior was comfy and pleasant-smelling.

In one corner of this floor, a cabinet and a counter housed many herbs and glassware.

Meanwhile, she asked him to sit on a couch and brought a notebook.

"By the way, they've brought an advance paym-

"We can discuss payment later, I'm a doctor, not a merchant guild," She waved her hands and asked him to describe his sightings back in the cottage.

"I think the cause of their malady is an insect called a Glycophilic Parasitic Beetle."

The doctor slowly nodded and interrogated him.

"It would make sense for them to be exposed to this crop-loving parasite, but it has been registered as extinct decades ago, what makes you believe that this is the cause for their ill-health?"

Cyrus rubbed his head in cluelessness.

He couldn't exactly tell her that a system interface provided him this information.

Ultimately, he resorted to describing their symptoms, "As you've said, this parasite loves crops, and as farmers, the cause for such symptoms as sluggishness, anemia, sparse hair growth and aging couldn't be anything other than this beetle."

"Hmm, you sound confident in your conclusion."

Then, she stood up and made her way to the kitchen that was on this floor.

Strangely, she opened a cabinet and took out....butter?

"Certain kinds of fat are toxic to the parasitic beetle, I'll take it with me in case your hypothesis was spot-on."

The doctor put on a long cloak over her casual attire and put a few items in a backpack.

"I presume you've got a connection to the farmers, do you want to come?" She looked at him with a poker face.

'I still need to complete the quest.'

"Uh...yes," Cyrus frantically stood up and followed her.

They walked amidst the lively crowd and pushed their way through.

The doctor sighed, and remarked, "Rioting over a new emperor the entire length of the continent away? People's priorities sure are messed up nowadays..."

Cyrus didn't want to accidentally say something offensive, so he hummed in approval, and they silently left Berglion.

Soon enough, the cottage appeared in the reaches of their vision.

They accelerated their pace, and when they were at the front porch, the doctor knocked a few times.

The same elderly man from earlier opened the door.

She stared at him up and down and then turned to Cyrus.

"It seems that you were right."

"However, how did you detect the extremely minuscule beetles?"

Cyrus put his hand in his pockets and pretended that the magnifying glass was there all along, instead of his Inventory.

Then, he showed her the tool.

The doctor nodded, and then, she unexpectedly closed the door.

"A doctor's treatments are secret."

Cyrus frowned, but he stepped back and sat down on the stairs of the front porch.

A few moments later, pained screams came out of the cottage.

He worriedly looked back, but he gulped and left the doctor to do her job.

A few minutes later, the screams stopped, and the door brusquely opened.

In her hands, there was a jar full of...a massive amount of the parasitic beetles.

"Once the beetles infect them, they become a part of their body, so removing them feels like amputating a limb to the patients."

Cyrus snuck a glance behind her.

The patients were all unconscious and laying down on straw beds.

"Oh, before I forget, they told me to give you this."

She held out a small pouch that produced a metallic clanking sound, and in her other hand, there was a sharp-looking sickle.

(Quest Rewards Acquired)

(243 Experience Points, 64 Gilders, Mundane Sickle)

(Quest Chain Updated)

Cyrus was rather overwhelmed with all of the noticed flooding his screen.

He first examined the sickle.

(Farming Sickle)

Rank: Mundane

Level: 3

Durability: 78/100

Requirements: None

Effects: +4 Attack

Description: A sharp iron sickle for farming.

Cyrus was impressed by this sickle.

It was a much better weapon than the starting sword, so he would use it as his main weapon now.

Then, he checked out the final part of the quest chain.

As he read through the information, he nodded and knew where he needed to go.

To complete this quest, he needed to inform the bartender of the information he now had.

The farmers would immediately recover their health without the beetles, and the doctor ordered them to rub their bodies with butter before farming to eliminate the parasites.

Cyrus proudly navigated back towards Berglion and entered the bar where he received the quest in the first place.

It was rather empty, and as the bartender saw him, his gaze brightened up.


"The farmers were infected by a certain parasite, but the doctor cured them, and they will soon be able to return the supply of wheat to a normal level."

"Thank god...."

Then, the bartender went inside a room prohibited from customers and came back with a small pouch.

"Thank you for your help, traveler, I wish you safety on all of your future trips."

"No problem," Cyrus smiled and turned around, leaving the bar.

(Level Up!)

The EXP he acquired from the quest allowed him to level up, and he also earned 102 Gilders from this endeavor, pushing his net worth to a small sum of 164 Gilders.

(Your party member Chu Wang is online.)

'Oh?' Cyrus thought that this was prime timing.

He left Berglion through the southern exit and coincidentally found Chu coming on her way towards the village.

"Hey, Cyrus."

Cyrus greeted her back and recounted his adventures in the village.

He also had another piece of good news.

"Remember how you defeated the bear, allowing me to gain two levels?"


"I've earned enough of the local currency to book a trip by carriage to Cape Immergroen, for the two of us."

Half of her face did not show any emotion due to the decay caused by her powers, but on the other half, her gaze somewhat softened up.

She wasn't used to someone going out of their way to help her out, so this was a new experience.
