teen again...

Zara was playing in front of the house with some girls her age when she saw Robin rush out of the house and pass right by her, but he was so focused that he didn't even notice her presence

When she saw him with knotted eyebrows and looking serious, she decided not to cut his line of thoughts and went back to playing...

As for Robin, he was indeed confused, so many things were going on in his head that he no longer knew what to focus on

As he was walking he heard someone calling him "Robin!"

Robin stopped and looked in the direction of the voice and found Billy waving at him with a smile, so he changed course and moved towards Billy at the same pace.

Robin's serious look wiped the smile off Billy's face and asked, "Something's wrong?"

"Billy, it's good that I found you here... Tell me, did you start making the furnaces?" Robin asked