you sons have what?

Two weeks later - Jura City

"Father!" A joyful shout resounded inside Robin's palace, as Caesar sped up and fell into hugged him hard. 

It had been a little less than three years since they last met.

"Haha, welcome back, you little rascal, oh? You let your beard grow? it looks good on you.." Robin couldn't find anything to say in a situation like this, so he changed the subject.

  Caesar grabbed his beard after letting his father go, " Do you really think that? At first, I decided to let it grow up because it was the best way to hide the remaining childhood features on my face, and then I just left it because I didn't have time to trim it... oh, I see that you too have reached puberty as well, congratulations to you hahaha"

It's been 6 years already since their bodies were reshaped, now their new bodies are eighteen years old

Both of them gained taller and more handsome than their previous bodies, though Caesar was a little taller...