Divine Tattoos

More than half an hour had passed since the young giant's last sentence, and no one had opened his mouth after that.

Robin was busy flipping the wood in front of him and took a bite of meat every now and then, thinking about what those heavens chosen are, and what to do with this giant next to him

This was no ordinary giant! he was a top-level saint!!

That's more or less the strength needed to be a Duke in his home... 

'What I'm doing..' thought Robin as he still kept himself busy with the campfire in front of him

As for the Demon, he didn't get his face off the young giant, but he was also busy himself!

Every now and then he would take a bit from a corpse under his feet... it was the mid-level saint.

And looking at the view behind him, it shows clearly that this wasn't his first feast today...

His body wounds from his fight against the head of the caravan have almost disappeared after eating the peacekeepers!